Can You Force Someone Into Rehab? | AspenRidge

Can You Force Someone Into Rehab?

Can You Force Someone Into Rehab? | Aspenridge

Can You Force Someone Into Rehab? This is a question that many people ask when dealing with a loved one who is struggling with addiction. It can be a difficult and emotional decision to make. Still, sometimes it may be necessary to intervene to help someone get the help they need.

At AspenRidge, a leading alcohol rehab center in Denver, we understand addiction’s complexity and the challenges families face when trying to help their loved ones.

This article will explore the options for those struggling with addiction and the legality of forcing someone into rehab. We hope to provide you with the information you need to decide on the best course of action for your loved one.


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It breaks our hearts to see a loved one struggling with substance abuse; we want to do anything to get them help. Unfortunately, although it might be easy to get some people struggling with substance abuse to get treatment, it is not always the scenario. For some individuals, discussing the situation and its dire effects on themselves and their families is insufficient.

Forcing someone into addiction rehab is not easy, and it is a practice that opens up questions. In 2019, less than 20% of the 21.6 million individuals who needed treatment for substance abuse received any treatment. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the percentage of individuals who received treatment in a controlled facility is 12.2%.

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction or alcoholism is when an individual has no control over alcohol consumption. It causes changes to the brain of the individual and leads to a reduced quality of life. Alcoholism is an uncontrollable desire to drink, leading to severe health issues like liver cirrhosis and other extreme health conditions.

Can You Force Someone Into Rehab?

Alcohol Dependence

Alcoholism leads to an individual developing alcohol dependence. Alcohol dependence occurs when the individual feels like they cannot survive without taking alcohol. These individuals tend to develop tolerance, needing to drink more each time to get their desired effect. They prioritize drinking over other obligations such as school and work. Over time, this may result in severe health conditions.

Symptoms of Alcoholism

Individuals with alcoholism often exhibit some symptoms. These individuals often need several drinks before they can appear intoxicated. Some of the signs of alcoholism in these individuals are:

Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol rehab is the first step to an alcohol-free life. It is a treatment process for individuals experiencing alcoholism. The rehab may include a combination of psychotherapy and medical treatment. It helps the individual improve their quality of life and independence from the substance. Alcohol rehab helps to restore the optimal health and functioning of the person.

What are the Signs that Someone Needs Rehab?

Individuals experiencing substance use disorder tend to exhibit some signs. Once you see the following symptoms in someone or yourself, looking for a drug treatment center is best.

  • When alcohol becomes your priority over other vital obligations, affecting your work and school, it is a sign that you need rehab.
  • One significant sign of alcoholism that shows that someone needs rehab is when they develop tolerance. Tolerance occurs when the individual needs to drink more each time to get the same effect.
  • When your health is suffering from heavy drinking, it is a sign that you need rehab.

How Do I Convince Someone to go to rehab?

Most individuals living with alcohol abuse do not know they have a problem with drinking. However, these individuals cannot stop the intake of alcohol independently, hence the need for rehab. If your loved one is experiencing an alcohol use disorder, it is vital to know that addiction is not a disease. Still, there are risks of developing medical conditions due to alcohol intake. Alcoholism can take over the individual’s priority, judgment, and ability to make rational decisions because it affects their mental health.

Although convincing someone to go to rehab might be difficult, it is achievable. You can approach the topic strategically and show compassion. Get educated about the disorder before you come to them about rehab. Then, you can plan an intervention with the family support to explain the adverse effects of the substance in their lives and avoid negative attitudes.

What Do I Do If Someone Refuses to go to rehab?

An individual experiencing alcoholism might go to rehab and continue to live in denial, however, do not give up. SAMHSA states that out of 19 million individuals, only 236,000 agreed that they needed treatment. The decision not to receive treatment may be heartbreaking to their friends and families.

However, refusing treatment does not mean that those who feel it is vital must give up. Instead, you can approach the topic differently and begin an intervention. An intervention involves planning, giving consequences, and providing various enabling treatment options. It is a method that helps impact the lives of individuals with alcoholism.

Show some specific examples of the impact of their destructive behaviors on their family and friends. Also, offer them a prearranged treatment plan that has guidelines and goals. After that, spell out the consequences if they refuse to go to rehab.

What Is Court Ordered Rehab?

What is Court-Ordered Rehab?

Court-ordered rehab is served to criminal offenders with a history of alcohol or other substance abuse. Here, the individual is to abstain from substance abuse and receive court-supervised treatment at a rehab.

It is a common law practice for offenders who act under the substance’s influence. The judge mandates the individual’s participation in rehab as a court ruling,

How Does Court-Ordered Rehab Work?

When the court orders an individual to go to rehab, the court supervises the treatment. These individuals are to be in treatment for a period which could be 30 to 90 days. During treatment, they must report to a probation officer and a judge. They will also submit to random tests, which is compulsory to avoid further legal troubles.

Can I Legally Force My Loved One Into Rehab?

Yes! You can legally force your loved one into rehab. We tend to do anything to get our loved ones struggling with substance abuse into recovery for effective treatment. There are some States with involuntary commitment laws that serve as a tool to battle addiction.

FAQ – Alcohol Rehab Denver

Is there A Way to Involuntarily Commit Someone to Rehab?

Yes, you can involuntarily commit someone to rehab. Although it is a complex and challenging process, as many would hope, it is still possible. In addition, there are involuntary commitment laws in some States that can enable you to commit someone to rehab through coercion.

What Are the Consequences of Refusing Rehab?

The individual will experience more intense effects, reducing their quality of life. It will lead to side effects such as a weak immune system and memory loss. Refusing rehab can ruin your relationship with family and friends.

Can An Employer Mandate Rehab For An Employee?

Yes! Your employer can mandate rehab for an employee. Your employer can suggest that you get healing if it affects your work quality. They can fire you if you are not fit for the job.

How Effective is Rehab When Someone is Forced to Go?

Forced rehab should be a last resort when other ways have proved abortive. According to a study, forced treatment is more effective than other substance use disorder treatments.

Denver Alcohol Rehab At Aspenridge

Denver Alcohol Rehab at AspenRidge

We want to get help for our loved ones living with alcohol use disorder; however, some may refuse service. Although it might not be easy, helping your loved ones into rehab for treatment is possible. In addition, there are States with involuntary commitment laws that help to protect these individuals from these behaviors.

The Joint Commission also certifies our center and our licensed counselors are trained in substance misuse and addiction. We offer the following programs:

We can help guide you through the different stages of alcohol rehab and the next steps. It’s also critical to understand that treatment is different for everyone; therefore, a tailored treatment approach is important. Contact us today for more information about Denver alcohol rehabilitation at 855-281-5588.

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