Aftercare Rehab Program | Addiction Recovery Alumni | AspenRidge


One of the most important aspects of recovery involves developing a safe and reliable recovery support network. It’s common for people struggling with addiction to isolate and withdraw from their friends and family.

AspenRidge’s addiction treatment programs are designed to change that and provide community, connection, and purpose with a network of like-minded people. You don’t have to wait until you graduate.

All facets of AspenRidge’s  Addiction Recovery Alumni Program are available as soon as you walk in because we believe it is never too early to start building your community. You will learn from peers who faced the same obstacles you have, and your experiences will help them stay clean and sober as well. And it’s fun!

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We Offer Lifelong Support

Monthly Events

Recovery is hard work, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! We host monthly fellowships events like paintballing, book clubs, and hikes, service opportunities like feeding the hungry, and quarterly therapeutic, spiritual, and educational workshops like Grief Recovery and Back to Basics!

Monthly Outdoor Activities

Our Alumni have the option to participate in hikes, kayaking trips, campouts, and ski and snowboarding adventures.

Alumni Sports

In addition to our monthly outdoor events, we also host basketball, volleyball, and kickball events with other recovery centers in Colorado, as well as have our own TSRA Sober Softball Team every Spring!

Call and Text Support

Call and text support with Alumni Coordinator whenever you need it!

Weekly Support Groups

Alumni, clients, and recovery community members alike gather for a topic-based, peer-led discussion group once a week to lean on one another for peer-to-peer support sharing experience, strength, and hope.

Follow-Up Support

One-on-one staff to alumni support in the months following treatment.

Private Social Media Pages

We run private support groups for alumni to digitally and instantly share triumphs and ask their community for support in setbacks.

Holiday Celebrations

At AspenRidge, we host potluck dinners and provide access to our team of professionals, so our alumni never feel alone on any holiday.

AspenRidge Addiction Recovery Alumni give back to the greater community and find a sense of purpose by helping those just starting their recovery journey.

Our After Care Rehab program is a key part of the recovery process. Our goal is to help each individual in early recovery learn how to live a healthy, productive life. We provide support, camaraderie, and sober fun with like-minded people because community is essential to recovery. Belonging to a community of people in recovery makes it easier to maintain your sobriety.

Statistics show that alumni program after addiction treatment significantly increases the chances of holding onto sobriety. Volunteering, learning, and socializing with fellow alumni and current clients is a crucial part of life after treatment.

Get Help Today at AspenRidge Recovery

At AspenRidge Recovery, we offer a continuum of care focused on transitioning clients through different levels, which provides better and sustainable long-term recovery. Our therapists work with people and families to determine the best level of care. Call us now at (855) 281-5588 to get started.

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