What is The Rehabilitation Process?
Rehabilitation is a term that can be quite overwhelming for many people. It's understandable that one might not fully comprehend its depth and significance. It's important to recognize that rehabilitation encompasses a broad spectrum of care,…
What is the Success Rate of People Who Go to Rehab?
In recent years, the question "What is the success rate of people who go to rehab?" has garnered significant attention Did you know that rehab success rates for those who enter detox before treatment are as high as 68%? It's understandable to…
Alcohol & Progesterone Levels
For many, alcohol is considered a large part of socializing and a way of relaxing. But, when do we recognize that a quiet drink on the weekend has turned into a more frequent occurrence? Can alcohol affect the way your body feels and functions?…
Is it OK to Ask Your Partner to Stop Drinking?
When it comes to relationships, navigating sensitive topics can be challenging. One such topic that often arises is alcohol consumption. If you find yourself wondering whether it's acceptable to ask your partner to stop drinking, you're not…
Why an Alcoholic Cannot Love
Alcoholism is a chronic disease that affects not only the individual but also their loved ones. It is common for alcoholics to struggle with maintaining healthy relationships, including romantic ones. Many experts argue that an alcoholic cannot…
When Does Casual Drinking Become Alcoholism?
Alcoholism is a chronic and progressive disorder affecting millions worldwide, leading to physical and mental health issues, relationship problems, and financial instability. Knowing when casual drinking becomes alcoholism can be challenging,…
Physical Signs of Alcoholism
Alcoholism is a chronic and progressive disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. The physical signs of alcoholism can be subtle or obvious, depending on the severity of the addiction. For individuals struggling with alcoholism, recognizing…
How Much Alcohol Is Too Much In One Night?
Alcohol is more than a substance used on special occasions. Alongside parties and weekends out, it's sometimes used to relax and self-medicate. American culture is tethered to alcohol and the depths to which we experience everyday…
Couples Rehab
Addiction can take a heavy toll on individuals. Still, it can also strain relationships and lead to a disconnection between partners. Couple's Rehab aims to address both the individual and the couple's needs, creating a safe and supportive environment…
Scary Facts About Alcohol Abuse
The mere mention of drinking alcohol can often elicit thoughts of adventure, happiness, fun, and even relaxation. Despite its well-known side effects and health scares, alcohol is still a widely acceptable pastime for most Americans. Whether…