Benefits of Quitting Alcohol | Alcohol Addiction Recovery | AspenRidge

Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

Benefits Of Quitting Alcohol | Alcohol Addiction Recovery | Aspenridge

The benefits of quitting alcohol are numerous and can significantly impact an individual’s overall well-being. From improved physical health to increased productivity, quitting alcohol can positively impact various aspects of life. By quitting alcohol, one can reduce the risk of serious health conditions such as liver disease and cancer and improve relationships, financial stability, and mental health. Symptoms of anxiety and depression can also be reduced. If you’re considering quitting alcohol, it’s important to understand the benefits that can be gained and seek support if needed. With the right mindset and resources, anyone can make the decision to quit alcohol and experience the benefits of quitting alcohol.

More than half of Americans (almost 140 million people) who responded to a recent study said they had used alcohol in the previous month. In addition, more than eighty-five percent of adults have admitted to having drunk alcohol at least once in their lives.  About 66 million people globally admitted to excessive drinking within the past month. Sixteen million individuals fessed up to excessive or binge drinking on five or more occasions each month. Further, 14.5 million people will get an alcohol use disorder (AUD) diagnosis this year.

The physical and emotional well-being of a person who has given up substance abuse will improve due to sobriety. Abstaining from alcohol might undo some of the negative effects drinking has on an individual’s health. To successfully kick the habit, the individual needs to make a number of decisions.

The AspenRidge Recovery Center can help. Our well-designed and planned treatment options help people recover quickly. Contact us 24/7 directly at 855-281-5588.

Benefits Of Quitting Alcohol

What are The Health Benefits of Quitting Alcohol?

Scientific studies reveal that when an alcoholic stops drinking, the body begins to repair some damage to the brain, liver, cardiovascular system, and digestive tract. In the aftermath of the short-term, often severe discomfort of alcohol withdrawal symptoms, steady improvements in both physical and mental health become evident.

Here are a few benefits:

  • Better skin
  • Improved mental health
  • Improved Nutrition
  • Reduced Cancer Risk
  • Lower Potential for Heart Disease
  • Improved Long-Term Memory
  • Improved Reasoning

Can Quitting Alcohol Help with Weight Loss?

Learning to live a better lifestyle, including a good diet and exercise, is a crucial element of alcohol rehabilitation. While it’s true that everyone is different, many people who succeed at long-term sobriety also succeed at regaining a healthy weight.

How can I Overcome my Addiction to Alcohol?

Some people with this disorder can kick the habit on their own or with a 12-step program and support group, while others need medical intervention. For others, alcohol withdrawal must be managed under medical care. The amount of alcohol consumed, the length of time you’ve had an addiction, the security of your living environment, and any other health conditions you may have all play a role in determining the best course of action.

Seeing your family doctor (GP) is the usual initial step. Your doctor is best positioned to examine your health, identify any comorbid conditions, determine your drinking habits, and refer you to appropriate therapy if necessary. They might be able to give medicine to ease your withdrawal symptoms.

What are The Best Methods for Quitting Alcohol?

Programs that help people with alcohol use disorder recover from their addiction:

  • In-patient treatment entails staying in a treatment center overnight and engaging in rigorous therapy sessions during the day. The typical length of time spent in residential care is between 30 and 90 days.
  • People with a secure living situation outside of a hospital but need constant medical supervision may benefit from partial hospitalization. These programs often require patients to spend four to six hours a day, three to five days a week in the hospital.
  • The primary goal of intensive outpatient programs (5-Day IOP) is to decrease the likelihood of recurrence, and they are designed to be flexible enough to accommodate patients’ work and school schedules.

Individual, group, and family therapy can help in resolving the issues that led to your alcohol abuse, mending broken bonds with loved ones, developing more effective means of dealing with stress, and avoiding relapse.

What Are The Best Methods For Quitting Alcohol?

What can I Expect During Alcohol Detox?

When you suddenly quit or significantly reduce your alcohol use after binge drinking for several weeks, months, or even years, you may experience mental and physical difficulties. Alcohol withdrawal describes this state. The severity of the symptoms varies.

If you just drink sometimes, you probably won’t experience withdrawal when you cut back. A history of alcohol withdrawal increases the likelihood that a person would experience withdrawal symptoms again if they try to cease drinking.

Alcohol Withdrawal and Its Causes

Medical professionals commonly refer to alcohol’s depressing influence on the body. It alters neuronal signaling and slows cognitive processing.

As time goes on, your brain gets used to the constant presence of alcohol. Your nervous system and brain are constantly coordinating their efforts to keep you alert.

If you’ve been drinking heavily and abruptly stop, your brain will remain in this heightened condition for a while. Withdrawal symptoms are the result of this.

How do I know if I have a problem with alcohol?

The severity of alcohol use disorder is determined by the severity of the individual’s symptoms. Some of the possible symptoms are:

  • Inability to control the quantity of alcohol you consume
  • Desire to reduce down the amount you consume or making fruitless attempts to accomplish this
  • Devoting a great deal of time to obtaining, using, or recuperating from intoxicating substances
  • Feeling a strong urge to consume alcohol
  • Consistently abusing alcohol and failing to meet key commitments at work, school, or home
  • Choosing to consume alcohol even if you know it’s producing physical, social, job or relationship problems

What are the long-term effects of alcohol abuse on the body?

Extreme alcohol use increases the danger of developing several health problems, including but not limited to the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
  • Alcoholic hepatitis
  • Cancer
  • Cirrhosis
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Digestive issues
  • Fibrosis
  • Hearing loss
  • High blood pressure

How can I Support a Loved One Who is Trying to Quit Alcohol?

While it’s crucial to be upfront about your worries, you should never use coercion to get someone to quit drinking. It’s frustrating to see a loved one struggle with alcoholism, but there’s little you can do to convince them to cut down. It’s entirely up to them to decide. However, you may direct them toward resources that can help them overcome their difficulties, such as a hotline, medical professional, therapist, treatment program, or support group.

How Can I Support A Loved One Who Is Trying To Quit Alcohol?

What are some Strategies for Staying Sober?

The road to overcoming addiction requires some very decisive measures that the individual may need help taking. Some include:

Outpatient Treatment

The road to recovery is a lengthy one. However, not all people who stay clean for a month are truly recovered. Engaging in a long-term outpatient therapy program can help you stay steadfast in your resolution while also fostering personal growth and development. Mindfulness meditation is only one form of developmentally supportive practice that is taught in some outpatient therapy programs.

Get Out Of Potentially Triggering Situations

When someone has Substance Use Disorder, their body attempts to counteract the effects of the substance in order to keep them safe from harm. Your body will enter this condition prematurely if it believes you are about to take the medicine orally, as it does when it expects a poisonous dosage. Environmental indicators such as a former usage space, former drug partners, or drug paraphernalia (such as a crack pipe, syringe, or wine glass) can all trigger this reaction.

Keeping Active and Eating Right

If you neglect your physical needs, you may feel horrible about yourself and be tempted to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol. Exercise has been linked to preventing relapse by lowering drug cravings, and improved nutrition has been linked to better treatment success.

Feeling better all over is a side effect of adopting a healthy lifestyle, including eating well and exercising often. You’ll have less cravings once you start feeling better.

Rehab for Alcohol Use Disorder at AspenRidge Recovery Center

Addiction treatment strategies should be customised to each patient to be most successful. Most people with alcohol consumption disorder become significantly better after receiving treatment. One third of those who seek treatment for alcoholism report no symptoms a year later, while many others report much reduced drinking and fewer alcohol-related illnesses.

AspenRidge Recovery is Colorado’s leading alcohol addiction recovery center helping thousands to overcome excessive drinking and alcohol use disorder. Our various programs aim to treat AUD using different approaches, including dual diagnosis therapy, substance misuse help, cognitive therapy, holistic approaches, group therapy, and more.

A variety of therapy options are available at AspenRidge to facilitate a speedy and complete recovery. For more information about our services, please call 855-281-5588.