How Does Online Substance Abuse Counseling Work? | AspenRidge

How Does Online Substance Abuse Counseling Work?

colorado online drug treatment

online addiction treatment ColoradoOur country is facing an overwhelming growth in drug and alcohol addiction. While the most recent statistic shows that more than 23 million people in the U.S. are living with addiction, only roughly 10% of people with addiction actually seek and receive help. This means that over 20 million people who need treatment for addiction aren’t getting it.

For Coloradans, statewide statistics depict a narrative of the true struggles caused from addiction and poor mental health. In fact, more than 255,000 Coloradans misuse prescription drugs, and deaths involving the use of opioids nearly quadrupled between 2000 and 2011.  In 2015 alone, there were 904 drug-induced deaths and 847 alcohol-induced deaths across the state. What’s more, Colorado ranks 43rd in the country for mental health and has the ninth highest suicide rates nationwide.

For the thousands of Coloradan families that face this reality, help can feel inaccessible. There are many reasons that individuals may not feel that treatment is an available option including: pressures from a career, family obligation, social anxiety, or simply barriers of location proximity to a treatment center. AspenRidge Recovery is working to bridge these gaps. With that, we’ve introduced our online substance abuse counseling.

Like traditional counseling for substance abuse, online substance abuse counseling delivers the same support and strategies. Here’s the difference: instead of face-to-face individual or group therapy, professional counselors offer therapy that is accessible, convenient, more cost-effective, and totally private. Through online substance abuse counseling, Colorado residents can find and receive help from virtually anywhere.

Why Online Substance Abuse Counseling is Important

Online counseling adds an air of anonymity for clients seeking recovery from addictive substances as well as to treat underlying mental health problems. Addiction, in addition to being an ongoing struggle, can cause feelings of despair and guilt for many. Due to ongoing internal struggles, individuals may not feel worthy of treatment options and may forego seeking help if it means that they must face the addiction publicly. Studies have shown, individuals are more prepared to seek help when they can do so in the security of their homes.

Some reasons that clients seek alternative options for addiction treatment and mental health counseling include:

  • Clients enrolled in an online substance abuse counseling program found it easier to stay in their treatment long-term when it is delivered online.
  • Clients like the fact that counseling can fit their work schedules and family commitments. It is discrete and secure. Anyone with a tablet, laptop, computer, or smartphone and a Wi-Fi connection can access online counseling.
  • Patients also appreciate the fact that they don’t have to drive anywhere. This is a big money and time saver.
  • Those who travel for business, submit work through telecommuting, or travel for pleasure can continue their treatment from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection.

How Does Online Substance Abuse Counseling Work?

drug treatment from anywhereUpon contacting the facility that offers online counseling, you will be asked to answer a few questions about yourself and the challenges you’ve been facing.

If you decide your best treatment option is online substance abuse counseling, you will create a private username and password. This gives you access to a secure, private link to your online counselor.

Based on your specific needs, you will be matched with a qualified licensed, experienced counselor. If either you or your counselor decides the counseling is not a good match, either of you can request a switch.

Once the framework is set up, you will begin the counseling process. Counseling can be delivered in any mode which is agreeable to you and your counselor. This might include text, phone, or video conferencing.

You and your counselor can set up a schedule. This can be changed any time things seem not to be working. You and your counselor may decide that you can feel free to contact your counselor any time 24/7.

How long you and your counselor continue online counseling varies with each individual. Some patients feel that they get the most use out of counseling for a few weeks. Others receive online counseling for an extended period. You and your therapist will decide.

Is Online Substance Abuse Counseling Successful?

Numerous studies have shown that online counseling is as effective as in-person therapy for many medical conditions including substance abuse. Called a tele-mental health program, US Veteran Affairs notes that online counseling has been successful at treating over a hundred thousand patients between 2006 and 2010.

Veterans with PTSD and substance abuse dual diagnosis have rated the online substance abuse counseling program no less effective than face-to-face therapy.

In a University of Zurich study reported in The Journal of Affective Disorders, 2013,   subjects rated their online interactions with a counselor  “as good as if not better than” face-to-face therapy.

In a Canadian study, patients were divided into two groups. One group received face-to-face counseling. The other group received counseling via video. The two groups had statistically the same clinical outcome. The study was reported in The American Psychiatric Association 2007 publication.

Why Choose AspenRidge for Online Substance Abuse Counseling?

online drug programs in coloradoAspenRidge Recovery is a Colorado-based rehab and treatment center. We specialize in treating mental health, complex trauma, in conjunction with substance addiction. We offer a wide variety of treatment options including:

We are now the first addiction treatment center in Colorado to offer our same evidence-based programs through an online setting. Our proven methodology helps individuals recover from substance misuse, abuse, and treats a variety of addictions. In addition, we offer the same supportive services to help address mental health. By offering these programs from a digital or online medium, we can help more Coloradans access proper treatment. In fact, accessibility to treatment is one of the most important elements in helping clients to recover and maintain a sober lifestyle long term. AspenRidge is showcasing 20 percent higher attendance rates than our in-person program. With the help of technology, we’re successfully able to provide the same curriculum that our in-person clients receive. Further, our approach is tailored to every individual and through our online outreach, we can properly support individuals and families near and far, statewide.

This intensive outpatient program has already helped hundreds of Colorado residents become substance-free. 

AspenRidge: Making Treatment Possible for Coloradans

With our new intensive outpatient online counseling program for adults with substance abuse issues, AspenRidge Virtual Care eliminates barriers to accessing our quality mental health and substance above recovery treatment options.

AspenRidge’s AspenRidge Virtual Care program is the facility’s attempt to reach every adult who needs counseling for substance abuse—regardless of where they are located. Now our effective treatment is available to Colorado’s three million residents. Effectively, AspenRidge Virtual Care gives 3 million more Coloradans access to treatment. AspenRidge is committed to delivering substance abuse counseling services to every resident in need of treatment regardless of where they live in Colorado.

AspenRidge believes that clients and their families entrusted to their care should have the best, most appropriate care to meet their substance abuse needs.

Treatment via tele-health is expected to meet the needs of ten to thirty percent of their patients eventually.

The AspenRidge AspenRidge Virtual Care substance abuse online counseling telehealth program will provide clients with the same treatment services as the intensive in-person outpatient (5-Day IOP) presently provides. However, the online counseling program will be provided from anywhere the client is through secure, private, HIPAA-compliant video therapy.

Both group and individual online counseling sessions are led by AspenRidge’s dually-trained, licensed therapists. The program is available to anyone who has access to a computer, tablet or smartphone with an Internet connection.

AspenRidge Virtual Care services include:

  • A 12-week program of individual, group, and family counseling
  • 10 or more hours of weekly online therapy
  • Dual diagnosis treatment for those with substance issues and emotional/mental counseling needs
  • Support services and case management coordination services
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy strategies
  • Relapse prevention counseling
  • Addiction and recovery skill building and education
  • Accountability measures including random urinalysis with DNA testing

Colorado remote addiction treatmentPresently eighty percent of the graduates of AspenRidge treatment programs have reported being substance-free for a year after treatment. Studies of the effectiveness of online counseling would indicate similar results will occur.

Online counseling might be ideal for you if you want to improve the quality of life in your family and at work. If you have decided that your substance abuse is interfering with your career, your family life, and/or your personal happiness then our online counselors can help you learn how to deal with your addiction, problems related to your addiction including:

  • stress
  • depression
  • eating disorders
  • sleeping problems
  • trauma
  • anger
  • family conflicts
  • grief
  • self-esteem issues
  • and more

While our online counseling may be ideal for many, it is not recommended in all cases. The counselor assigned to you will discuss all program options. Working together with you and your family the best treatment option will be selected.

There is always the option to switch to online substance abuse counseling when you and your therapist feel you are ready for this treatment mode. Because AspenRidge has so many flexible programs for those with substance abuse, you are sure to find one that meets your immediate treatment needs.

How Can I Get Started with Online Substance Abuse Counseling?

Our counselors are experienced in treating substance abuse issues. They are experienced, licensed who work with behavioral and mental issues associated with substance abuse.

If you have decided you need help kicking your substance abuse, give us a call any time when you need to talk (855) 306-3110. We are open 24/7. Our staff will assign you a counselor who will discuss your various treatment options. Give us a call at (855) 281-5588 or click here to verify your insurance coverage.

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