Why an Alcoholic Cannot Love | Alcohol-Rehab | AspenRidge

Why an Alcoholic Cannot Love

Why An Alcoholic Cannot Love | Alcohol Rehab | Aspenridge

Alcoholism is a chronic disease that affects not only the individual but also their loved ones. It is common for alcoholics to struggle with maintaining healthy relationships, including romantic ones. Many experts argue that an alcoholic cannot truly love in the traditional sense of the word.

At AspenRidge, an alcohol rehab center based in Denver, we understand addiction’s impact on relationships. This article will explore why an alcoholic cannot love and how addiction can affect romantic relationships. We will also discuss the importance of seeking help for alcoholism, not just for the individual but for the people they love.

Alcoholism is a chronic disease that requires professional help to overcome. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, an estimated 14.5 million adults in the United States ages 18 and older had alcohol use disorder (AUD) in 2019. AUD is a medical condition characterized by a problematic pattern of alcohol use that leads to significant impairment or distress. Individuals struggling with alcoholism often find it challenging to maintain healthy relationships, including romantic ones.

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcoholism, knowing that you are not alone is important. Seeking professional help is the first step towards recovery and building healthier relationships. At AspenRidge, we offer comprehensive addiction treatment programs designed to address the unique needs of each individual.


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How Alcoholism Affects Relationships

Alcoholism can profoundly impact relationships, and it’s essential to understand how it affects individuals and their loved ones. In this section, we’ll discuss the various ways in which alcoholism can affect relationships.

Communication Issues

One of the most common problems in relationships impacted by alcoholism is communication issues. Alcoholism can affect an individual’s communication ability, leading to misunderstandings and arguments. Alcoholics may struggle to express emotions and become defensive or aggressive when confronted.

Trust Issues

Trust is fundamental to any healthy relationship, but alcoholism can erode trust quickly. Alcoholics may lie or keep secrets about their drinking, leading to mistrust between partners. As a result, partners may become suspicious and need to check up on the alcoholic, which can cause further strain on the relationship.

Intimacy Issues

Alcoholism can also impact intimacy in relationships. Alcoholics may become less interested in sex, or their performance may be affected by alcohol use. Moreover, partners may become frustrated with the lack of intimacy in the relationship, which can lead to resentment and further strain.


Codependency is a common problem in relationships impacted by addiction. The partner of an alcoholic may feel responsible for their loved one’s well-being and may enable their behavior by covering up for them, making excuses, or ignoring their problems. Codependency can be damaging to both parties, as it can lead to a toxic and unhealthy dynamic.


Alcoholism can sometimes lead to violence in relationships. Alcoholics may become aggressive or abusive towards their partners, which can have severe consequences. Violence in a relationship is never acceptable and should be taken seriously.

In conclusion, alcoholism can devastate relationships, affecting communication, trust, intimacy, and more. Suppose you or a loved one is struggling with alcoholism. In that case, seeking professional help and addressing the underlying issues is essential to prevent further damage to your relationships.

Why An Alcoholic Cannot Love

Understanding the Impact of Addiction on Relationships

Alcoholism can significantly impact an individual’s ability to form and maintain healthy relationships. It can lead to a range of relationship issues, such as communication problems, lack of trust, and emotional distance. These challenges can make it difficult for an alcoholic to express love in the traditional sense. Here’s what you need to know about why an alcoholic may struggle to love:

  • Addiction Can Be All-Consuming

When someone is struggling with alcoholism, their addiction can become all-consuming. It may be difficult for them to focus on anything else, including their relationships. Alcohol becomes the priority, and the person may prioritize drinking over spending time with loved ones, going to work, or engaging in other important activities. This can leave their partner feeling neglected and unimportant.

  • Trust Is Essential for Love

Trust is essential to any healthy relationship, but alcoholism can erode trust quickly. For example, an alcoholic may lie about drinking, hide alcohol, or become defensive when confronted about their behavior. These actions can make it challenging for their partner to trust them, making it difficult for the relationship to thrive.

  • Emotional Intimacy Can Be Challenging

Alcoholism can make it difficult for an individual to connect emotionally with others. Alcohol numbs emotions, leading to a lack of emotional intimacy in a relationship. For example, an alcoholic may struggle to express empathy, be unable to share their feelings with their partner, or become emotionally unavailable. These challenges can make it challenging for the partner to feel loved and emotionally fulfilled.

  • Recovery Can Improve Relationships

While alcoholism can impact an individual’s ability to love, it’s important to remember that recovery is possible. Seeking professional help for alcoholism can help individuals address the underlying issues driving their addiction, learn coping skills to manage triggers and cravings, and improve their overall mental health. Through recovery, individuals can regain control of their lives and work towards building healthier relationships with their loved ones.

In conclusion, while it’s true that alcoholism can make it difficult for an individual to love in the traditional sense, it’s important to remember that recovery is possible. Furthermore, by seeking professional help for addiction, individuals can learn the tools and strategies needed to manage their addiction, improve their mental health, and build healthier relationships with their loved ones.

How Alcoholism Affects Relationships

Seeking Help for Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a severe disease that can profoundly affect all aspects of life, including relationships. Seeking professional help for alcoholism is essential for those struggling with addiction, and it can also positively impact their loved ones.

At AspenRidge, we offer comprehensive addiction treatment programs that can help individuals overcome alcoholism and rebuild healthy relationships.

Here are some key points to consider when seeking help for alcoholism:

Recognizing the Problem

  • It can be challenging to admit that you or a loved one has a problem with alcohol.
  • Seeking help is the first step toward recovery and rebuilding relationships.

Types of Treatment

Benefits of Treatment

  • Alcoholism treatment can improve not only the individual’s physical health but also their mental and emotional well-being.
  • By overcoming addiction, individuals can rebuild trust, improve communication, and establish healthier relationships with their loved ones.

Support for Loved Ones

FAQ  – Why an Alcoholic Cannot Love

Can an alcoholic have a healthy relationship?

Yes, an alcoholic can have a healthy relationship. Still, the individual must seek professional help and actively work on their recovery. Alcoholism can negatively impact communication, trust, and intimacy in a relationship. Still, with the proper support, individuals can learn how to manage their addiction and build healthy relationships.

Do alcoholics have trouble with intimacy?

Yes, alcoholics can have trouble with intimacy in relationships. Alcoholism can cause individuals to become emotionally distant, have difficulty communicating, and struggle with trust. It can also cause them to prioritize alcohol over their relationships, leading to neglect and strain on the relationship.

What is it like being in a relationship with an alcoholic?

Being in a relationship with an alcoholic can be challenging and emotionally draining. It can cause individuals to feel neglected, insecure, and hurt. Alcoholism can negatively impact communication, trust, and intimacy in a relationship, leading to tension and strain. However, with the proper support and treatment, it is possible to rebuild a healthy relationship.

Why you can’t date an alcoholic?

Dating an alcoholic can be challenging because it can negatively impact the relationship and the individual’s emotional well-being. Alcoholism can lead to emotional distance, communication problems, and trust issues, and it can cause individuals to prioritize alcohol over the relationship. Additionally, individuals not in recovery may struggle with managing their addiction, leading to potential relapse and emotional turmoil for themselves and their partners. However, it is important to remember that individuals with alcoholism can seek help and work towards recovery, leading to healthier relationships in the future.

Seeking Help For Alcoholism

AspenRidge Recovery Centers

It is clear that alcoholism can significantly impact relationships, including the ability to love in the traditional sense of the word. However, it is important to remember that addiction is a disease, and it is possible to overcome it with the proper treatment and support.

At AspenRidge, recovery is not just about overcoming addiction but also about rebuilding relationships and restoring a connection with loved ones. Our comprehensive addiction treatment programs are designed to address the unique needs of each individual. We provide various services, including detoxification, individual and group therapy, and aftercare support to help individuals and their families heal.

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcoholism, we encourage you to seek professional help. Recovery is possible and can lead to a healthier, more fulfilling life, both for the individual and their relationships. Contact AspenRidge today to learn more about our addiction treatment programs and how we can help you or your loved one on the path to recovery.

The Joint Commission also certifies our center, and our licensed counselors are trained, specifically, in substance misuse and addiction. We offer the following programs:

We can help guide you through the different stages of alcohol rehab and next steps. It’s also critical to understand that treatment is different for everyone and, therefore, a tailored treatment approach is important. Contact us today for more information about Colorado alcohol rehabilitation at 855-281-5588.

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