Drug Rehab Centers in Colorado | AspenRidge Recovery

Drug Rehab Centers in Colorado

Drug Rehab Centers In Colorado | Aspenridge Recovery

Drug addiction is a serious issue that affects millions of individuals and families across the United States. Colorado is no exception, with a significant portion of its population struggling with substance abuse. Fortunately, numerous drug rehab centers in Colorado offer hope and healing to those seeking to break free from addiction.

Drug rehab centers in Colorado provide a range of programs and services to help individuals overcome their substance abuse disorders. These facilities offer a safe, supportive, and structured environment for people to detox, receive therapy, and develop new coping skills.

The goal of drug rehab centers in Colorado aims to provide individuals with the tools and resources they need to achieve long-term recovery and lead healthy, fulfilling lives. Whether someone is struggling with alcohol addiction, opioid addiction, or another type of substance abuse, there is help available in Colorado.


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next step toward recovery.

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When a loved one is struggling with substance use disorder, it might not be easy to know how to help. A major step is to find a treatment center to help the individual stop their use of alcohol and drugs. In the case of a dual diagnosis, ensure the center offers a dual-diagnosis treatment option. However, choosing a drug rehab center that offers aftercare to their clients is advisable.

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse occurs when an individual uses a drug, alcohol, or any substance excessively. These individuals have a repetitive pattern of using a drug that causes distress or harm to the body. Generally, drugs have various chemicals that often change how the body and mind work hence the need to use them correctly and not abuse them. The abuse of alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning in the individual.

The abuse of these substances often interferes with the relationship of the individuals with other people. Some of the substances which are often associated with substance abuse are:

  • Cocaine
  • Marijuana
  • Alcohol
  • Heroine
  • Nicotine

Symptoms of Drug Addiction

The symptoms of drug addiction can vary depending on the type of drug being used, the frequency and amount of use, and the individual’s physical and psychological makeup. However, some common symptoms of drug addiction include the following:

  • Cravings or intense urges to use the drug
  • Difficulty controlling drug use, despite harmful consequences
  • Spending a significant amount of time obtaining, using, or recovering from drug use
  • Continuing to use drugs despite knowing they are causing problems in relationships, work, school, or other areas of life
  • Developing a tolerance, which means needing more of the drug to achieve the desired effect
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when attempting to stop or reduce drug use, such as nausea, vomiting, sweating, tremors, anxiety, depression, or insomnia
  • Neglecting responsibilities or activities that were once important or enjoyable
  • Using drugs in risky situations, such as driving under the influence or having unprotected sex
  • Physical changes, such as weight loss, deteriorating hygiene, or bloodshot eyes
  • Social isolation or changes in social groups
  • Financial problems due to spending money on drugs

Drug Rehab Centers In Colorado

Drug Rehab Treatments

Drug rehabilitation involves employing medical or therapeutic methods to effectively treat an individual experiencing substance use disorder. An individual living with substance use disorder requires addiction treatments at recovery centers. At drug rehabs, various treatment options enable the individual to choose how to recover.

Inpatient Rehabilitation

Inpatient rehabilitation is a 24/7 live-in treatment program, also called residential treatment. In this form of treatment, the diagnosed individual stays in the facility during the program duration, which can last for 30 to 90 days. The facility provides the individual with professionals and structured, supervised care to aid recovery to monitor any signs of alcohol-related diseases.

During the inpatient programs, these individuals will engage in activities that will improve their mental health because addiction affects the mind and body. Detox is a major step that helps in the healing of the body and brain from substance abuse (2). It involves ridding the body of the substance or built-up chemicals accumulated due to the use of the substance.

The detox process is an uncomfortable experience, and it requires the presence of medical care to help with the discomfort. Throughout the process, the medical staff will constantly monitor the individual to ensure stability before focusing on rehab activities or programs. The detox stage often lasts for a week, and it can also last for ten days.

The AspenRidge Recovery Center can help. Our well-designed and planned treatment options help people recover quickly. Contact us 24/7 directly at 855-281-5588.

Outpatient Rehabilitation

Addiction to drugs and alcohol is a serious but manageable problem as long as you seek help. Another type of treatment available at recovery centers like AspenRidge Recovery is outpatient rehabilitation. Outpatient rehab is a drug and alcohol addiction treatment that does not require the individual to live within the addiction center.

This therapy-based treatment allows the individual to reside at home and continue their life outside the treatment. Most individuals with mild addiction often get treated with outpatient rehab. It is also effective for clients that have completed their inpatient treatment and need extra support.

Outpatient rehab is not advisable for individuals that have a severe alcohol addiction. There is a risk of severe withdrawal symptoms and complications which will require the presence of a professional and supervised setting. Also, outpatient rehab is unsuitable for people with no support system, mental health conditions, and a history of relapse.

Some of the various types of outpatient rehab are:

  • Day Intensive Outpatient Program (5-Day IOP): Here, the people experiencing substance use disorder attend some therapy sessions. These sessions often last for hours daily or five to seven days weekly. The outpatient program provides a high level of care and medication-assisted treatment.
  • Intensive Outpatient Program (5-Day IOP): This treatment plan is suitable for individuals who want to recover and still have some free time. It often requires multiple sessions every week.

Some of the benefits of outpatient rehab are:

  • Maintaining employment
  • It helps to build a good support system
  • It provides the individual with psychiatric care
  • There is an improvement in the quality of the individual’s life

Outpatient Rehabilitation

Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT)

MAT is an effective treatment involving medications alongside behavioral and counseling therapies to help people overcome their addictions. It involves using medication to help reduce an individual’s cravings for a specific substance. This treatment helps educate the individual on relapse prevention and living a sober life.

What is the Best Form of Treatment for Addiction?

Therapy is the best form of treatment for addiction. It helps the individual to remember some unhealthy behavioral patterns that lead to the use of the substance. Therapy can also help the individual to develop some coping skills.

What is the First Stage of Treatment for Addiction?

When treating addiction, the first stage the individual has to go through is detoxification. Detoxification is removing or clearing a toxic substance from an individual’s body. It can be a medicinal or psychological process.

What is the Success Rate of Drug Treatment?

According to the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse, a study shows a success rate ranging from 50% to 400% for inpatient drug treatment.

Drug Rehab At Aspenridge Recovery Center

Drug Rehab at AspenRidge Recovery Center

It is not advisable to go through alcohol addiction recovery without professional help. AspenRidge Recovery Center has facilities and activities that will enable your smooth recovery. You can choose a treatment program because Colorado has inpatient and outpatient treatments.

However, there is support out there.

At AspenRidge Recovery’s Colorado, individuals can get the help they need to heal. Some of the therapeutic services we provide include:

  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Addiction and Mental Health
  • Trauma Therapy
  • Neurofeedback Therapy
  • Community-based recovery programs (12-step/All Pathways approach)
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
  • Life skills

We can help you begin your journey.

Although it might seem like a difficult phase, at AspenRidge Recovery Center, we provide you with the care and support you need during and after your recovery. You can contact us at 855-281-5588. to learn more about our treatment programs.

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