Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Denver | AspenRidge

Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Denver

If you or a loved one is addicted to prescription drugs, it’s possible you have many questions regarding recovery. Learn more about our Denver, Colorado, prescription drug addiction treatment program here.

What defines prescription drug abuse? Is this a significant problem in the state of Colorado? What are some common drugs that people abuse? Is there a Colorado prescription drug addiction treatment program that can help?

At AspenRidge, our compassionate and experienced staff of experts can answer your questions and guide you to the resources you need.

AspenRidge Recovery has the information and prescription drug treatment programs necessary to help.

Call us now at (855) 281-5588.

What is Prescription Drug Abuse?

According to the United States government, you are abusing prescription drugs if you take medication in any way the doctor did not prescribe them.

In other words, if you are using someone else’s prescription, you’re abusing prescription drugs. Moreover, if you’re taking more of the medication, or taking it more often than the doctor said to, you’re misusing prescription drugs.

The cause of prescription drug abuse on a larger scale dates back to the late 1900s. At this point, pharmaceutical companies assured doctors and physicians that opioid prescriptions did not pose a risk of addiction to the public.

The companies were right, to a certain extent. As long as people used the medications for short periods as the doctors prescribed, there was little risk of addiction. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.

Some people feel like they need to take more medication for the pain to go away. Some people liked the way the drugs made them feel. Either way, for many of these medications, it was and is still easy to get addicted to them.

Therefore, there is an ever-increasing need for a Colorado prescription drug addiction treatment center.

Is Prescription Drug Abuse a Problem in the State of Colorado?

The short answer to this question is, “Yes.”

In 2017, prescription pain killers had the highest rate of death from drug overdoses. This rate was 16.7 per 100,000 people. That number translates to 357 deaths.

Moreover, the year before, 4% of Colorado teens misused prescription pain relievers, translating to 16,000 people ages 12-17. That year, 210,000 adults misused pain relievers.

However, according to the same report, only 22,000 adults and 2,000 teens sought treatment.

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Commonly Abused Drugs

The three classifications of prescription drugs that people often get addicted to are opioids, central nervous system depressants, and stimulants.


Opioid drugs are the drugs doctors prescribe to treat pain. They include:

  • Fentanyl
  • Morphine
  • Hydrocodone
  • Oxycodone
  • Oxycontin

The risk of opioid medications is significant. If people begin misusing these medications, and they get too tolerant, or they can’t access it anymore, this can lead to heroin abuse.

colorado prescription drug addiction program
opiod use

CNS Depressants

The second classification is central nervous system depressants or CNS depressants. Doctors often prescribe these medications to people struggling with anxiety and sleep disorders. These medications include:

  • Valium
  • Klonopin
  • Xanax
  • Luminal
  • Lunesta


Finally, the third classification of prescription drugs are stimulants. Doctors usually use stimulants to treat ADHD or other hyperactive disorders. This classification includes medications such as:

  • Ritalin
  • Vyvanse
  • Dexedrine
  • Adderall
  • Concerta

If you or a loved one struggles with an addiction to any prescription medication, it is imperative that you find a Colorado prescription drug addiction treatment program to help you.

adderall addiction

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Start fresh and move forward with confidence with our Colorado prescription drug addiction treatment programs.

Choose AspenRidge for a Colorado Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Program

If you’re looking for a Colorado prescription drug addiction treatment center, we can help. At AspenRidge, we offer two excellent treatment facilities in Lakewood and Fort Collins and an online Intensive Outpatient Program that you can attend from the comfort of home. We offer a variety of treatment options in Colorado, including:

help with prescription drug addiction

Stop letting your prescription drug addiction rule your life. Take back control today by getting treatment.

To learn more about our Colorado prescription drug addiction treatment programs, contact AspenRidge today.

Visit AspenRidge Recovery Centers Today

When your prescription drug addiction becomes overwhelming and detrimental to your life, contact AspenRidge Recovery Centers.

With our Colorado prescription drug addiction treatment programs in Fort Collins and Lakewood, you can start fresh and move forward with confidence.

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