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Quitting Alcohol Cold Turkey

Is it time to quit drinking? If drinking has become problematic, it might be worth the effort to consider decreasing or discontinuing alcohol use. Unfortunately, stopping or changing alcohol use patterns is not an easy undertaking. Drinking habits are difficult and, in some cases, dangerous to change without outside help. Physical, emotional, and behavioral side […]


Deadly Drug Interactions

Drugs don’t just impact your physical body and health; they can also affect your mental state, finances, relationships, social life, and even your criminal record. The effects of drugs often vary for each individual and reactions may depend on the drug itself, the amount used, the person consuming, as well as environmental factors. In extreme […]


When Do Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms Start

Alcohol is arguably the easiest substance to obtain, and unfortunately, one of the most addictive. One in five adults in Colorado report drinking excessively, and statistics indicate that as many as five deaths occur per day from alcohol misuse. Many Coloradans will face alcohol addiction due to environmental, genetic, and societal factors. Those suffering from […]

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PTSD and Alcohol Abuse

As the nation faces a healthcare pandemic and struggles to gain footing on a mounting addiction epidemic, heightened stress and anxiety levels have become the new norm. Still, there are plenty of misconceptions and myths surrounding dual diagnosis for mental health and substance misuse. That’s why now is a critical time to better understand PTSD […]


What is a Co-Occurring Disorder?

Mental illness and substance abuse often go hand-in-hand for many individuals. Sadly, facing coexisting disorders like addiction and mental illness can make both disorders considerably worse. Overcoming each is possible and it’s important to understand how co-occurring disorders work and how they can be effectively treated. What is a co-occurring disorder, though? We’re answering that […]

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Recreational Drug Use Vs Addiction

They are classified as a chemical substances that people will take for enjoyment rather than for medical purposes as they are intended. Many tend to refer to the use of drugs that are not intended of medical reasons as recreational drug use. Amphetamines, marijuana, alcohol, and cocaine are just some examples of recreational drugs that […]


How To Help Someone Stop Drinking Without Them Knowing

Alcohol and drug dependency can be isolating for the 19.7 millions of Americans intimately familiar with the struggle. The selfish nature of the disease convinces individuals that because it’s a personal battle, it should be handled alone. This can fuel guilt, shame, and even desperation for relief that provides little incentive for individuals to actually […]


Bloating Alcohol Stomach Withdrawal

The thing about consuming alcohol is that it can seem like an innocent endeavor. Most Americans love to consume beer, wine, and spirits on a regular basis. As alcohol becomes an everyday custom, it grows increasingly more difficult to stop. Moreover, without pause in alcohol consumption, it can be impossible to truly know the effects […]