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Is smoking heroin less dangerous?

How To Organize An Intervention

It can be extremely challenging and painful trying to have a relationship with someone struggling with addiction or substance abuse, especially if you have made numerous attempts to help them. An intervention may feel like the last resort, and…
close up of man taking notes while woman asks what is dual diagnosis treatment colorado

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

What is dual diagnosis treatment? A dual diagnosis is necessary if you or someone you love struggles with addiction that’s complicated by a secondary mental health disorder. For example, depression or anxiety are often present in clients who…
Forcing Someone To Go To Addiction Rehab

What States Can You Force Someone Into Rehab?

Is there anything more devastating than not being able to help a loved one? Behind every American suffering through the hurt of substance abuse stand numerous family members and friends suffering along with them, mining the depths of their hearts…
Difference Between Sobriety And Recovery

Recovery vs. Sobriety 

In the world of addiction, there are two terms used to discuss the self-work one must do: recovery vs. sobriety. On one hand,  sobriety speaks to the abstinence of the act of using substances. Generally, this is the first goal of substance…
Addiction Dependence And Tolerance Terms
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Difference Between Addiction Dependence and Tolerance

It's a common misconception that terms associated with harmful behavior concerning substance abuse are interchangeable. The difference between addiction, dependence, and tolerance reveals the spectrum of addiction. Out of 8.1 million drug users,…
Process Of Getting Sober

What Happens When You Get Sober?

For those battling the disease of addiction, getting sober may seem to be the ultimate goal. Lots of great things happen when you get sober. But starting on the road to recovery unveils a new perspective in the journey of healing. Sure, the…
woman deciding between water or a beer wondering, am I an alcoholic

Am I an Alcoholic?

If you’re wondering, “Am I an alcoholic?” It's likely that drinking has negatively affected your life in some way. You’re not alone. Alcohol abuse and addiction are some of the most common issues impacting millions of Americans. Issues…
Alcohol Issues
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When Alcohol Becomes A Problem

Alcohol can be fun. It can liven up celebrations or casual dinners. It's often treated as an exciting feature of parties and large events. The culture surrounding alcohol is fueled by energy, liveliness, and a generally positive atmosphere,…
Is smoking heroin less dangerous?

Understanding Alcohol Addiction

A common misconception is alcohol addiction is simple to overcome. For those who don’t suffer from the disease, understanding alcohol addiction is not so easy. Many believe it to be a cop-out or a character flaw. However, the realities of…
Is smoking heroin less dangerous?

What Is A Heroin High Like?

Heroin use is one leading cause of overdose deaths in the U.S. each year. The American supply of heroin is manufactured by criminal drug cartels and smuggled into the country primarily through the Southern border with Mexico. It’s rarely pure,…