Drinking Wine Weight Gain | How Many Calories In A Bottle of Wine

Drinking Wine Every Night Weight Gain

Taking the edge off is a colloquialism that many of us love to use at least once; some of us at least once per day. Let’s face it: a glass of wine (or two or three) helps to balance life’s chaos with time-effective relaxation. Or does it? It seems innocent enough, yes. However, studies conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are showing that alcohol is one of the nation’s leading causes of preventable death, so how does wine factor into those trends? Should we question our loyalty to a sparkling glass of Riesling, or a heavy dose of Cabernet Sauvignon? Perhaps, we should weigh in our bodily changes. Drinking wine every night weight gain is, after all, a very real thing. What does it mean for our health and wellbeing?

It’s important to note that there may be more at play than a superficial need to lose weight. The cycles that occur in our body when alcohol becomes a daily habit can be detrimental not only to our physical state, but also to our long-term mental health and wellness. According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways, and can affect the way the brain looks and works.

If you’re drinking wine every night weigh gain is becoming problematic, seeking help make a difference. AspenRidge offers continued support for individuals who are battling with alcohol abuse and who are experiencing the effects of cyclical alcohol use. Contact us today directly at 855-281-5588

how many calories in a bottle of wine

What Is Problematic Drinking?

In today’s world, alcohol use is common. We witness it among peers and friends. We also partake in event celebrations and as a way to enjoy a quiet evening at home. However, alcohol is one of the most addictive and deadly substances available. According to American Addiction Centers, alcohol ranked third as the most addictive substance just behind cocaine and heroin. However, unlike cocaine and heroin, alcohol is easily obtainable and legal. As a result, it’s become one of the most pervasive problems in the nation, impacting as many as 21 million Americans from all walks of life, including adolescents.

Problematic drinking is defined in terms of how many negative consequences occur due to the use of alcohol. The number of alcohol-related consequences can vary drastically. The Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition utilizes a tiered format for indicating mild, moderate, and severe alcohol use. Below are the criteria created by the American Psychological Association to address problematic drinking severity.

  • Mild: 2-3 negative consequences or symptoms present
  • Moderate: 4-5 negative consequences or symptoms present
  • Severe: 6 or more negative consequences or symptoms present

In outlining problematic drinking, individuals may be more equipped to understand where they sit on the spectrum of alcohol use disorder. They can also begin to understand how drinking wine every night weight gain is a common occurrence. It’s important to get help sooner and address issues of repeat alcohol use before it gets out of hand and results in dependency.

How is Alcohol Abuse Defined?

The DSM-5 was recently updated in 2015 and is now operating on dimensional diagnostic criteria. By using dimensional criteria as opposed to categorical criteria, psychologists feel they are better able to understand all aspects of all mental health disorders more effectively. When examining a symptom or consequence of alcohol use for problematic behavior, it is helpful to use the DSM-5 list of symptoms for reference.

  •     Alcohol is often used in excess.
  •     Persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to control alcohol use.
  •     Abnormal time in obtaining, using, or recovering from alcohol.
  •     Cravings and urges to use alcohol.
  •     Failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home.
  •     Continued alcohol use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems.
  •     Decreased engagement in social, occupational, or recreational activities.
  •     Alcohol use despite physical hazards.
  •     Persistent physical or psychological problems.
  •     Tolerance.
  •     Withdrawal.

In utilizing the above criteria, individuals may begin to understand that alcohol use–regardless if being used as an innocent pastime–can be effecting how our body and mind functions. With continued use, patterns may emerge and dependency on alcohol may become an issue. Experiencing weight gain due to daily drinking may actually serve as a sign that alcohol use has become problematic.

Is Drinking Wine Every Day Considered to be Problematic?

Wine drinking throughout the United States often appears to carry less social stigma than do other alcoholic beverages such as beer, liquor, and whiskey. One reason this may be is due to the connoisseur lifestyle that accompanies wine tasting. The artistic fascination and the relaxing aspects of wine can be highly appealing to many.

There is some research available that suggests a glass of wine a day does have positive health effects, although other studies suggest this may be rooted in myth. Other studies actually show that regular wine use can increase the potential for substance-use disorders. Health professionals will suggest that wine drinking, like any other alcoholic beverage, should be kept to moderate amounts. One common health effect that does occur with regular wine use is significant weight gain which can have physical and mental health consequences. Drinking wine every night weight gain can be a real concern among wine enthusiasts.

How Much Weight Will I Gain If I Drink Wine Every Day?

Knowing how much weight an individual will gain from drinking wine on a daily basis can be difficult to tell. Many factors play a role in the amount of weight an individual may potentially gain. Common factors that may cause weight gain include:

  •     Metabolism
  •     Exercise
  •     Gender
  •     Diet
  •     Stress
  •     Other health problems

Drinking Wine Every Night Weight Gain

How Many Calories Are in a Glass of Wine?

It takes approximately 3,500 calories to gain 1 pound of fat. This is a large number of calories, yes. However, calories do have an additive effect that can grow exponentially over time. This means that calories do not reset after a 24-hour period. Daily use of wine can add an additional 100 to 300 calories per glass of wine.

If an individual has one glass of wine a day that may account for 700-2,100 extra calories per week. In a month’s time, this number may jump to 8,400 additional calories leading to potentially gaining 2.5 pounds per month. These are approximations and other factors should be considered when discussing weight gain. Drinking wine every night weight gain is a common occurrence with those battling with alcohol dependency.

How Many Calories In A Bottle of Wine?

If you’re wondering, can wine make you gain weight? The simple answer is yes. If you’re drinking large quantities of any alcohol, the result is almost always added weight. Health experts consider wine calories “empty calories.” Empty calories come from foods and drinks that contain little to no significant nutrients. It’s common for these beverages and foods to have a high sugar, fat, or alcohol content. But how many calories in a bottle of wine? 

There are, of course, different types of wine to consider. Red and white wine are fairly similar containing between 120-125 calories for every 5-ounce glass. If we want to break it down by wine type, here’s a quick rundown of some of the world’s most popular wines:

  • Rose: 125
  • Chardonnay: 123
  • Cabernet Sauvignon: 122
  • Pinot Noir: 121
  • Sauvignon Blanc: 119
  • Prosecco: 98

How many calories are in a 750mL bottle of wine? On average, an entire bottle of wine can contain somewhere between 600-625 calories, or about 5 servings of wine per bottle. Aside from just straightforward empty calories, there are other reasons consuming wine may lead to weight gain. For example, alcohol consumption can leave you feeling sluggish and bloated, potentially causing you to skip workouts. Too much wine can also lead to overeating due to lowered inhibitions. These choices to skip workouts and overindulge can lead to weight gain.

What Other Problems May Occur from Weight Gain?

Height and weight are important numbers for understanding overall health. Many physicians utilize an individual’s height and weight to determine future health risks. One scale often used throughout health care is the Body Mass Index or BMI. The BMI utilizes a formula to determine safe and healthy body fat percentages. Although there are concerns regarding accuracy of the BMI, it is a good tool to examine general health risks due to weight.

Common health concerns that may occur due to weight gain include:

  •     Heart disease
  •     Diabetes
  •     High cholesterol
  •     High blood pressure
  •     Decreased self-esteem
  •     Cancer
  •     Muscular system problems

If I Exercise Regularly And Have a Healthy, Can I Drink Wine Every Day?

Adding regular exercise and having a healthy diet does lower the risk for weight gain and other health concerns related to alcohol use. However, weight gain is not the only problem that may occur from regular wine use. Regular use of wine does increase the likelihood of developing alcoholism or other addictions. Using any type of alcohol daily increases the physical need for the alcohol and increases tolerance and the potential for emotional dependence on alcohol. This is quite risky, especially if there is a family history of alcoholism.

Examples of emotional dependence on alcohol include:

  •     Inability to function effectively while sober
  •     Elevated depression while sober
  •     Fidgetiness or panic attacks

It’s important to understand that alcohol dependency occurs on a spectrum and not everyone exhibits the same symptoms. There are many who drink wine daily and feel okay to function in everyday society. However, the ability to function in day-to-day events doesn’t necessarily mean that wine is health or that alcohol abuse is not present. Understanding the long-term damage from alcohol, despite its intended use, is important for every family.

Wine Drinking Alcoholism

How Can AspenRidge Help?

AspenRidge provides recovery options for Coloradans suffering from alcohol abuse and alcohol use disorder. We provide a continuum of care that addresses substance abuse as well as family issues that arise from alcohol. Our experienced and certified staff takes a phase-oriented approach to long-term recovery with thorough assessments to determine the best level of care for you and your particular situation.

We understand that alcohol abuse symptoms are not always present in each individual. However, if you’re drinking wine every night and experiencing weight gain and other problematic symptoms, it’s important to seek help sooner than later. We offer inclusive support for residents throughout the state of Colorado. Our programs include:

Please contact AspenRidge Recovery Centers at 855-281-5588 to schedule an assessment.

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