Mental Health Archives - Page 2 of 4 - AspenRidge

Mental Health

Treating Anxiety With Gabapentin

Is Gabapentin Used for Anxiety?

Gabapentin is a psychoactive medication that helps address many different types of psychological and physical disorders. Gabapentin can help address nervous system disorders, cure nerve pain, and can help to reduce seizures in children and adults.…
codependency and addiction

How to Deal with Trauma

When bad things happen, it’s up to us to decide what happens next. Experiencing a traumatic event can drastically affect how a person interacts and views the world around them. What’s more, new studies assert that horrific events can have…
adderall addiction problems

Am I Addicted to Adderall?

Adderall is a stimulant medication that doctors often prescribe to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Stimulants are known to lessen ADHD symptoms in 70% to 80% of people taking them.. However, Adderall is increasingly misused…
depression and substance abuse

Why Am I Depressed for No Reason?

When it comes to mental health, most people tend not to have an established vocabulary, making it more difficult to voice mental health struggles. At times, it can seem impossible to unravel the emotions we’re experiencing, much less explain…
codependency and addiction

Shame Addiction

Shame is an isolating, debilitating emotion that can cause many to suffer from feelings of self-doubt and unworthiness. Routinely experiencing shame can feed the cycle of addiction, especially if substance misuse is prevalent or if alcohol and…
employer drug testing
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Substance Abuse in the Workplace

In 2020, streaming media and production company, Netflix, captured the realities of one person’s struggle with substance abuse in the workplace. Sonja Farak gained nationwide attention for a case that rattled a small, quaint community. The…
what is a relapse dream
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What Are Relapse Dreams?

When facing addiction, fear is often embedded in the essence of everyday life. Before recovery, people often live with many different fears that accompany substance abuse. For example, an individual may be afraid of someone finding out about…
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Charlie Sheen Addiction

Charlie Sheen's long career in Hollywood extends beyond the box office hits that propelled him to stardom. In the spotlight, the actor is well-known for the roles he played in movies like Platoon, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and more recently…
long term effects of ptsd

Acute Stress Disorder vs. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Examining the differences between acute stress disorder vs. post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may seem fairly straightforward. However, as with most mental health disorders, every individual copes with intense stress differently. Acute stress…
codependency and addiction
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Codependency and Addiction

Addiction is a challenging disease. It is multifaceted and can have a severe impact on a person’s mental and physical health as well as relationships both personally and professionally. Through active addiction, individuals are prone to disastrous…