Alcohol Addiction Archives - Page 12 of 19 - AspenRidge

Alcohol Addiction

How To Be Social Without Alcohol

Social Life Without Alcohol

Alcohol is here to stay. Deeply sewn into the fabric of modern society, drinking is as ubiquitous as social media trends. It’s a way that many choose to connect, have fun, live stress free, and socialize. It stands to reason that those battling…
Pins And Needles After Drinking Alcohol

What Does Alcoholic Neuropathy Feel Like?

It’s no secret that once alcohol sinks its claws, it can take an awful lot from us. It strains relationships, sparks little fires that eventually burn bridges, and takes an incredible toll on our mental health, but many don’t realize the…
How Does Alcohol Effect Estrogen Levels

Estrogen And Alcohol Metabolism

The body’s hormones work together to coordinate a complex system, regulating necessary functions to keep us healthy in body and mind. They help to carry out certain functionality like growth, metabolism, and fertility; additionally, they can…
Alcohol & Wet Brain

What Is Wet Brain?

Wet brain, also known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, is a type of brain damage that is caused by alcohol abuse and addiction. Excessive alcohol abuse, even among functional alcoholics, leads to thiamine deficiency, which over time can cause…
addiction treatment for veterans
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Veterans and Substance Abuse

Nationally recognized columnist, Karie Fugett, published a gripping narrative about her late husband, Cleve Fugett, a Marine war hero who, in 2010, tragically lost his life to a prescription opioid overdose. During his second deployment in Iraq,…
Negative Impacts Of Alcohol On The Brain

What Part Of The Brain Is Affected By Alcohol First?

Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a leading illness in the United States. It affects 14.1 million adults — approximately 5.6% of the adult population — increasing their risk of accidents and disease, as well as reducing their quality of life. Despite…
drug incarceration statistics
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Drug Incarceration Statistics

Drug incarceration statistics are revealing prevalent issues that may actually be negatively impacting ongoing drug use and addiction recovery.  In 2021, Oregon became the first state to move toward decriminalization. On November 3, Oregon…
Reasons To Quit Drinking Alcohol

Reasons To Quit Drinking

Alcohol abuse is a prevalent issue that many American families face. Individuals who have fallen victim to alcohol addiction may find it difficult to see the damage alcohol may be creating in their day-to-day lives. It's one of the reasons that…
Alcohol And Rem Sleep Social
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Alcohol and REM Sleep

It’s heartbreaking to witness a loved one fall into the clutches of alcohol use disorder. Day by day, you notice a little piece of the wonderful person they are fading away and the alcohol taking over. Eventually, the alcohol seizes full control,…
Addiction Dependence And Tolerance Terms
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Difference Between Addiction Dependence and Tolerance

It's a common misconception that terms associated with harmful behavior concerning substance abuse are interchangeable. The difference between addiction, dependence, and tolerance reveals the spectrum of addiction. Out of 8.1 million drug users,…