Why Choose an Alumni Program? | AspenRidge Recovery Centers

Why Choose an Alumni Program?

group bowling activity as a reason why choose an alumni program Colorado

group bowling activity as a reason why choose an alumni program Colorado

Many different rehab centers have alumni programs for people who have just completed a treatment program. But why choose a rehab alumni program?

Alumni programs are a form of aftercare in Lakewood, CO for those who want and need ongoing support from others who went to the same rehab facility. You are also able to provide support for others in the program, which can help reinforce sobriety and community. Since recovery is a lifelong process, and you don’t get cured after you complete a treatment program, there is immense importance in offering alumni program options.

Choosing an Alumni Program Keeps You Sober

In the early stages of recovery, you learn addiction is a chronic illness. During your time in addiction treatment in Colorado, you get to the bottom of your addiction and learn coping and life skills needed to manage the disease. There will be times during recovery where there will be doubt and uncertainty. With an alumni program, you learn to implement what you learned in treatment. You get to connect with others who share your situation, and you further learn from their collective experiences. It also helps to stay in touch with the connections you made during your time in treatment.

How Alumni Programs Help in Early Stages of Recovery

Once your stay in rehab comes to an end, some limitless opportunities and possibilities await you. This is where choosing an alumni program option comes in. While this can be exciting, there is also anxiety about trying to work the program while managing urges and triggers in the home environment. Alumni programs help provide a safe buffer once treatment ends. Staff members may also regularly contact you to see how you are doing. If you are experiencing rough patches, then having alumni members to contact you to provide support can be helpful. By staying in contact, alumni members can help you identify trouble spots in your recovery and help you overcome them before you relapse.

Help Prevent Relapse

Addiction can be a relapsing condition. Different factors can increase the risk of relapse, and being aware of those factors can help you avoid them. Some of the common relapse risk factors include:

  • Family and relationship problems
  • Environmental cues
  • Social cues, such as meeting people you previously used drugs with
  • Exposure to drugs
  • Cravings
  • Psychiatric problems
  • Psychological stress from work

Having the right support network is necessary to prevent relapse, and research shows why you should choose an alumni program in Colorado. An alumni program can help give you that strong network to better manage and cope with triggers and stressors.

Why Choose an Alumni Program?

While telephone support is vital, the main reason to choose an alumni program in Colorado is to provide meaningful social interactions for those in recovery. These social opportunities allow members to interact and mingle in surroundings that don’t involve alcohol or drugs. Some of the social activities available include bowling or cookouts. Other community-based activities, such as volunteering, can instill a sense of mindfulness and gratitude in individuals.

Alumni Support Is the Foundation of the 12-Step Program

It may not be for everyone, but the 12-step program is the most used abstinence-based program and has helped many families and addicts overcome struggles with addiction. The regularity and structure of these meetings are why choosing an alumni program is so beneficial to alcohol and drug recovery. These meetings provide people in recovery time to get back in touch with recovery, get help with any lingering issues, and receive the support needed to maintain their sobriety.

Recovery may be a lifelong process, but with the right support, you can increase your chances of success. The primary reason to choose an alumni program is to have the support you need. Contact AspenRidge Recovery Centers by calling (855) 281-5588 for help with any stage of your recovery.

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