How Long Does Withdrawal From Klonopin Last? | Dangers of Klonopin

How Long Does Withdrawal From Klonopin Last?

Anxiety and insomnia are two of the most common mental disorders in America. Although relatively common, their effects can be extremely debilitating on an individual’s physical and mental health. Klonopin is a prescription medication that is used to treat both anxiety and insomnia. However, this medication is for short-term use only. This is because there is a risk of people becoming dependent on Klonopin which can lead to an array of further When coming off, many question how long does withdrawal from Klonopin last?

Although a highly helpful short-term medication in the treatment of anxiety and insomnia, the danger of becoming addicted to Klonopin is unfortunately high. Withdrawing from Klonopin can be difficult. Here’s what you can expect with the withdrawal symptoms, and the recovery programs here at AspenRidge that can help you or someone you love kick the disease of addiction.

Here at AspenRidge, we are Colorado’s leading provider of dual diagnosis treatment for mental health issues and substance abuse. We provide outpatient programs for individuals and their families who are dealing with addiction. Contact us today to learn more about prescription abuse and effective treatment options at 855-281-5588. Find out more about dual diagnosis treatment.

Symptoms Of Klonopin Withdrawal

What is Klonopin

Klonopin is a member of the family of drugs known as benzos (benzodiazepines). This family includes other commonly prescribed medications such as Xanax (alprazolam) and Valium (diazepam). In fact, a 2015 survey found that almost 30 million Americans were using this medication, or similar, at the time.

Benzos are regularly prescribed by licensed physicians but, unfortunately, they’re not always used as directed. In some cases, many anti-anxiety prescription medications are acquired illegally. Prescription medication abuse is a common issue impacting millions of families with disastrous consequences. Abusing medications can lead to an increased risk of addiction and health impairments.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, misuse of prescription opioids, CNS depressants, and stimulants is a serious public health problem in the United States. Although most people take prescription medications responsibly, in 2017, an estimated 18 million people (more than 6 percent of those aged 12 and older) have misused such medications at least once in the past year.

No matter what type of Klonopin you are taking, it can bring on withdrawal symptoms after just three to four weeks of use. Studies have found that 40% of individuals who take benzos for six months or more will experience some form of withdrawal symptoms. Some of these are moderate whereas others can experience severe symptoms. The remaining 60% will still experience some form of withdrawal but not as harsh.

Symptoms of Klonopin withdrawal

Klonopin withdrawal symptoms are similar to that of alcohol withdrawal. Many patients begin to feel irritated and edgy with some experiencing flu-type symptoms. It can be tricky to understand the symptoms in various cases as some withdrawal effects can be the very reason why someone took the medication in the first place. Anxiety and insomnia can be withdrawal symptoms that can be hard to cope with, especially so for someone who has had these experiences in the past.

In general, the severity of someone’s symptoms depends on the amount of Klonopin they currently take. Another determining factor is if the medication has been mixed with any other drugs or alcohol.

Mixing Klonopin or any anti-anxiety medication with alcohol can cause impaired motor control, memory loss, slow breathing, and/or uncharacteristic behavior. This is why it is important that you avoid alcohol when taking Klonopin medication. The same applies to Valium, Xanax, Dilantin, and Ativan.

Some of the most common physical symptoms of benzo withdrawal include:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Nightmares, sleepwalking
  • Hyperventilation
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headaches
  • Sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Tremors
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Severe sensitivity to light
  • Visual disturbances such as blurred vision
  • Tinnitus

Common mental health symptoms of benzo withdrawal include:

  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Panic attacks
  • Agitation/irritability
  • Confusion
  • Restlessness
  • Depression
  • Delusions
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Perceptual changes with taste and touch or feeling different
  • Visual or auditory hallucinations
  • Unreality sensations
  • Delirium
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Problems with a distorted body image

Find out more about the dangers of anti-anxiety medications and essential need-to-knows.

Klonopin Withdrawal

Timeline of Klonopin withdrawal symptoms

Because Klonopin is a long-acting benzo, it has a half-life of approximately 30 to 40 hours. Therefore, it can take some time for the signs and symptoms of withdrawal to surface.

Most typically, Klonopin withdrawal symptoms can begin from two to seven days after your last dose of medication. Studies undertaken by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that acute symptoms can continue for two to eight weeks but these can be on and off over this period.

Knowing how severe the symptoms will be is impossible to predict. It often depends on how much Klonopin an individual has been taking and, as we mentioned, whether the medication was being mixed with other drugs and alcohol. Even if someone has gone through Klonopin withdrawal before, it could be completely different the next time around.

Whatever the symptoms or severity of withdrawal, AspenBridge is here to help in the journey of tackling possible addiction and the effects of withdrawal. We will be beside those who suffer from addiction and their family members every step of the way in a course of treatment to reach an end goal that all parties involved strive for.

Whether it’s adults or children affected, we have treatment plans to help everyone. We understand how addiction can affect family members, especially children of parents who are addicted to certain drugs. Whoever needs our help, we are here.

Dangers Of Klonopin Abuse

AspenRidge Recovery programs

Here at AspenRidge, we understand that mental health and addiction treatment isn’t one-size-fits-all. We provide various programs that focus on helping each individual move through different levels of care as they progress through their treatment plans. Our goal is to help people along the path of their long-term recovery with up to a year of continuous treatment for substance abuse, addiction, mental health, complex trauma, and a lifetime of recovery support.

Our current programs are:

Each program and course of treatment is tailored to the unique aspects of each individual and their family. Our addiction and mental health specialists are here to help 24/7. Contact us on (855) 281-5588 to find the right treatment and program for you or a loved one. Find out more about each program here so you can start fresh and move forward with confidence. AspenRidge is here to help.

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