How Do Drugs Affect Your Life? | Effects of Drugs and Alcohol

How Do Drugs Affect Your Life?

Substance use disorder is characterized as a progressive disease that can cause a person to lose control of their lives in ways they never thought possible. The effects of substance misuse and abuse can have a critical impact on several aspects of a person’s life. As a complex disorder, it can cause more than health issues. But just how do drugs affect your life?

For anyone dealing with substance use disorder or caring for someone who suffers from it, you’ll know how invasive the effects can be on everyday life. The impact of substance use can lead to dependence, tolerance, and addiction which can become a catalyst for a host of negative effects that hold the potential to affect all areas of life from relationships to financial stability. This article will explore the changes which can happen in relation to substance misuse, how it impacts life, and how to get the right help to help you focus on getting life back on track.

Affects Of Drugs On Life

How Drug Affect Your Life & Relationships

Battling with substance abuse is a daily struggle and sometimes without realizing it, the effects of the way the substance interacts with the body can begin to impact multiple areas of life.

The National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics states that out of 8.1 million people using drugs, 25.4% of them suffer from a substance use disorder.

Substances are used in various ways. Sometimes used as prescribed, sometimes for self-medicating, and other times for recreational purposes. Whatever the reason, there is a risk of substance misuse regardless of whether the use of the substance was initially a form of healing a physical wound or used as a way to relax. The misuse of substances is unfortunately common.

The disease of addiction isn’t a simple one. In fact, it’s incredibly complex and can effectively impact all areas of life. However, many of the effects of substance abuse are not always explicit, hence it can be difficult for family and friends to recognize that someone they love may be suffering from a substance use disorder.

For some who are suffering from substance abuse, they experience a state of denial in which they too are unaware of the effects the substance use is causing in their life. It is at this point that loved ones need to step in to recognize the symptoms and ultimately get the required help for recovery. Some of the most common symptoms and signs of a person suffering from substance use disorder include:

  • Having a lack of motivation
  • Changes in appetite
  • Frequently disrupted sleep
  • Feelings of paranoia
  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Experiencing tremors
  • Increased irritability
  • A decline in performance or attendance

There are often noticeable signs of addiction, however, understanding how to help a loved one suffering from substance use disorder can be extremely challenging. AspenRidge Recovery can help in offering the right support for you and your loved one.

Physical Impacts Of Substance Abuse

Left untreated, continued substance misuse can have a critical impact on physical health-damaging both the mind and the body. The negative effects of substance misuse can include:

  • Experiencing circulation problems
  • Organ failure
  • Digestive problems
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disruptions

Not only do drugs work to interact directly with the body causing such effects as the above, but many also directly interact with the central nervous system which has critical psychological effects that negatively impact mental health. Some symptoms of mental impacts include:

  • Reduction of cognitive abilities
  • Memory loss
  • Increased cravings
  • Lack of concentration and focus
  • Poor decision making

Some of the effects listed can become long-term effects as well as catalysts of having negative effects on other areas of life. Many who suffer from substance use disorder experience entering a cycle of negativity. From physical symptoms of lack of sleep and increased fatigue, they may become irritable, this can become a catalyst for performing poorly at work as a result of a lack of concentration. Not only is their performance at work affected, but also their relationships with their colleagues. Hence, each symptom has the potential to become a catalyst in another area of life from financial stability to how one interacts with their relationships.

How Drugs Affect Your Life

Significant Impacts of Substance Abuse

Substance use disorders are associated with a wide range of short- and long-term health effects. They can vary depending on the type of drug, how much and how often it’s taken and the person’s general health. Overall, the effects of drug abuse and dependence can be far-reaching. They can impact almost every organ in the human body.

Emotional and Psychological Effects:

Effects On Financial Stability:

  • Increase in poor decision-making
  • Gambling

Social Impact:

  • Breakdown in intimate relationships
  • Lack of respect and trust
  • Lack of commitment in other relationships
  • Legal implications after an outburst of negative behavior
  • Lack of interest in previous hobbies

Taking Back Control With Addiction Treatment

Substance use disorder is a disease and should be treated as such. Though its effects can have a significantly negative impact, it’s important to understand that the behaviors exhibited by those suffering from substance misuse do so because of the substances’ chemical reactions.

The journey to recovery is a tough one and requires support from loved ones. Hence, though the effects can be damaging, it’s never too late to turn over a new leaf and rebuild bridges. The first step to recovery is recognizing the signs of substance abuse and getting the relevant help, whether this is for yourself or someone you care for.

Affects Of Drugs On Your Life

How AspenRidge Recovery Can Help in Recovery

AspenRidge Recovery is a leading addiction treatment facility that is dedicated to offering clients and their families the support they need to reach recovery. AspenRidge Recovery consists of a dual diagnosis approach that works to tackle both the physical and psychological effects of substance misuse. The addiction center provides evidence-based treatment programs that include counseling for clients and their families, partial hospitalization, or intensive in-patient hospitalization. For more information on the treatments available and when you can get started, call us today at (855) 281-5588 to get started on making a change.

Learn more about the effects of alcohol use disorder at Reasons to quit drinking.

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