Substance Abuse Archives - Page 10 of 10 - AspenRidge

Substance Abuse

Getting Sober When You're Older

Getting Sober At 40

For those who struggle with an addiction, it may feel like the time has passed to seek help. We want you to know that your life is worth getting sober, no matter what age you are. Many people believe that they are "too old" to try and kick an…
Addiction Dependence And Tolerance Terms
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Difference Between Addiction Dependence and Tolerance

It's a common misconception that terms associated with harmful behavior concerning substance abuse are interchangeable. The difference between addiction, dependence, and tolerance reveals the spectrum of addiction. Out of 8.1 million drug users,…
Is smoking heroin less dangerous?

What Is A Heroin High Like?

Heroin use is one leading cause of overdose deaths in the U.S. each year. The American supply of heroin is manufactured by criminal drug cartels and smuggled into the country primarily through the Southern border with Mexico. It’s rarely pure,…
Lethal Drug Interactions And Combinations

Deadly Drug Interactions

Drugs don’t just impact your physical body and health; they can also affect your mental state, finances, relationships, social life, and even your criminal record. The effects of drugs often vary for each individual and reactions may depend…
street names for drugs
Is My Son Using Drugs
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How Do I Know If My Son Is An Addict?

When a child is born, it can bring happiness and joy to a family. Parents often wonder about the endless possibilities for their child’s future. They imagine what their kids will be when they grow up and how they may help them succeed. One…