Psychotherapy Counseling Program | AspenRidge Recovery Lakewood

What is Psychotherapy Counseling?

alcohol withdrawal symptoms

It is human nature to want to let what’s inside of us out. Some let out aggression through violence, and some let being disappointed come out as an abrasive personality. While others reserve the need to express feelings by quashing them with drugs and alcohol. In any case, one of the healthiest expressions of these feelings is to talk about them. If you are asking, “What is Psychotherapy Counseling?”, we have an answer. AspenRidge Recovery, a psychotherapy counseling program in Lakewood, CO, implements it to assist patients with facing their feelings, and what created them, without the need for mind-altering substances. 

What is Psychotherapy Counseling?

Psychology, psychiatry, counseling, therapy…what separates psychotherapy from the rest? What is the psychotherapy counseling definition?

At its simplest, psychotherapy is a form of talk therapy that focuses on cognitive behavior patterns. These cause and effect reactions address a variety of mental health issues without the use of medication. Other therapies may include medication, but those are separate from psychotherapy itself. Mainly when dealing with addiction, the goal is to avoid most types of mood medication that can be habit-forming, such as Xanax.

What is Psychotherapy Counseling Going to Do For Addiction?

Beating addiction is more than just detoxing the chemicals from your body. Psychotherapy is designed to get to the root cause of what drives your brain to seek out chemical relief versus healthy coping mechanisms. Without addressing the underlying focus behind the addiction, the risk of relapse is almost guaranteed.

Psychotherapy helps a patient to understand how social factors and other triggers can set someone up to fail sobriety. Most common of these risks include:

  • Sudden life stress, such as a fight with a loved one.
  • Environmental cues, such as visiting a neighborhood that used to be a stop during the party scene days.
  • Social ties, such as continuing to spend time with people who consume drugs or alcohol (particularly within families).
  • Work ties, such as happy hour with the team on Friday afternoons or jobs where employees are permitted the occasional drink.

After detox, you are still subject to many of these factors before addressing your addiction. Psychotherapy can help coach your mind to address such issues with healthier responses.

Psychotherapy techniques can include:

A group therapy program is a shining example of psychotherapy. In environments like this, a patient gets to share their personal experiences of addiction with others in a safe and judgment-free environment. Programs similar to Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous have had such high success rates. That is because they connect addicts with other people who can sympathize with particular struggles that non-addicts don’t face. The openness and camaraderie of others who have walked a mile in your shoes can make all the difference.

What is Psychotherapy Counseling From AspenRidge Recovery Going to Do For Me?

In addition to psychotherapy, AspenRidge Recovery offers inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment programs, aftercare, partial-hospitalization, and holistic treatment. Unlike hospitals that appeal towards alcohol or generic drug use, AspenRidge has separate programs for addiction to common drugs including, but not limited to:

Furthermore, AspenRidge can address mental health issues and how they connect with addiction, particularly trauma, personality disorders, or depression.

Finding help for yourself or a loved one can be difficult, but it is not hopeless. People beat addiction every day, and you (or your loved one) can, too! Click here or call (855) 281-5588 to learn more about how our proven treatment techniques can help you on your journey to sobriety today!

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