What is Neurofeedback Therapy? | AspenRidge

What is Neurofeedback Therapy?

Neurofeedback is a concept that has been around for decades. Over time, though, the improvement of technology has made this an innovative option for mental illness and addiction therapy. It is most effective in combination with other treatment programs like talk therapy.  What is neurofeedback therapy?

What is Neurofeedback Therapy?

People think of addiction as a psychological condition. In other words, you have a hard time controlling yourself enough to stay sober.

Addiction, however, is a brain disease, so it’s not just a matter of deciding not to use drugs or drink alcohol. An estimated 10 percent of the adult population in the U.S. has an addiction disorder — that’s millions of people.

With that many people affected by addiction, common sense tells you there is a biological element involved. Neurofeedback therapy allows you to use information about your brain activity, the biological factor, to help manage the condition.

How Does the Therapy Work?

If you are asking, “What is neurofeedback therapy?”, what you need to know is how does it work. During neurofeedback therapy, electroencephalography (EEG) allows you to see your brain activity in real-time. This will enable you to experiment to see if what you do can change that activity — in a sense, retraining your brain.

What are the Benefits?

The goal is to find ways to calm brain activity, especially during times of stress like when you have an urge to use drugs or drink alcohol. There is a lot more to learning to ride a bike than just figuring out how to pedal. When you learn to bike ride, you must figure out how to regulate your balance. You do that by taking signals from your body. If you tilt one way, you feel yourself fall, for example.

Neurofeedback therapy applies that same concept to learning to remain calm and free from anxiety. In a sense, you are finding a way to balance your brain. The therapy teaches you coping skills in a way that lets you see the benefit as it happens by viewing the changes in your brain activity. Since no two people are alike, this therapy lets you figure out what works for you.

Is Neurofeedback Therapy the Same Thing as Biofeedback?

You’ve probably heard the term biofeedback. When you are asking, “What is neurofeedback therapy?” it’s natural to wonder if it is the same thing. The answer is yes, and no.

Biofeedback is an umbrella term for using physiological information to control body functions like your heart rate or brain activity. Neurofeedback therapy is a form of biofeedback, but it only involves your brain activity.

How do You Get Neurofeedback Therapy?

Once you get past the question “What is neurofeedback therapy?”, you might wonder where to find it. You need to reach out to a treatment center that offers it. At Lakewood AspenRidge Recovery in Lakewood, CO, we provide this specialized service.

We are a treatment center that offers a variety of services, including:

  • Intensive outpatient treatment
  • Outpatient services
  • Aftercare program
  • Drug detox
  • Partial hospitalization program
  • 90-day drug rehab
  • Holistic treatment
  • Mental health therapy

We also provide neurofeedback therapy to our clients. We will work with you to develop a program that best suits your needs.

While with us, you’ll enjoy our home-like atmosphere and views of the breathtaking, serene Rocky Mountains. Along with treatment, you can take part in our weekly activities and outdoor fun such as hiking, group sports, and game night.

If you are wondering what neurofeedback therapy is, give us a call today at (855) 281-5588. We’ll walk you through the treatment process and make an appointment for you to experience it.

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