What Are Life Skills? | Life Skills Training Program | Fort Collins CO

What Are Life Skills and Life Skills Training?

woman with question marks around her head as she ponders what are life skills

woman with question marks around her head as she ponders what are life skills

You don’t know what you don’t know. Yes, that statement sounds silly at the onset, but how many of us are guilty of missing that blatantly obvious fact? The problem is when we have forgotten how it was to learn something that has become second-nature to us, it becomes challenging to relearn. What are life skills and life skills training after addiction?

How old were we when balancing our checkbook became simple, or scheduling our bills, managing our budget, and a thousand other life skills was no longer an effort? How many of us still struggle with even basic time management? Even renewing a driver’s license or paying insurance every month are practices, habits, and life skills that must be learned at some point. These are also skills that addiction can impede, and those with co-occurring issues such as mental illness and addiction can face an uphill battle. Fortunately, there is help through the life skills training program in Fort Collins, Colorado at AspenRidge Recovery Centers.

What are Life Skills in Recovery?

One of the many impacts a mental illness co-occurring with addiction can cause is life skills impairment. What are life skills for someone struggling with addiction and mental illness? It can be anything, from a schedule to keep the house clean to paying bills or caring for themselves. Life skills are the things we take for granted because we don’t think about them, we have forgotten that at one time we had to be taught.

Not unlike any other disease, addiction also causes damage to many areas of our life. One of those areas that can be affected by addiction is the ability to manage life. Part of an excellent and effective recovery plan will include some form of life skills training because things like responsibility are taught.

Recovery After Substance Abuse

The road to recovery doesn’t end after detox or addiction treatment programs in CO. It doesn’t stop after we have quit substance use. In fact, recovery never ends. Recovery after addiction can also benefit for life skills training, as learning how to live without the dependence on a substance or chemical can be a new experience for many people. What are life skills? They are the lessons that addiction, mental illness, and suffering have erased or twisted. They are the tools that help people beat addiction, and that teaches people how to live a happier and healthier life in sobriety.

It can be a humbling, if not an embarrassing experience for people to feel like they have to ask for help doing something they know they should be able to do. That embarrassment is unwarranted, though, because diseases are nothing to be ashamed of, and by reaching out for help, we can beat the disease of addiction. Don’t let shame, fear, doubt, or even addiction itself keep you from the life you want and the help you need.

Learn the Life Skills to Beat Addiction Today

Has your life become unmanageable? Are you no longer controlling your life, but instead, do you see your life controlled by your addiction? Are basic life responsibilities falling through the cracks as you find yourself falling farther and farther behind? You can do something – about all of if. Are you ready to end your addiction, regain control of your life, and put your world back in order?

At AspenRidge Recovery Centers, we define life skills training as a comprehensive approach to providing addiction prevention and mental illness treatment. That means as part of a recovery plan, life skills training will be used along with other programs, services, and therapies to help you beat addiction and stay clean. Contact AspenRidge Recovery Centers today at (855) 281-5588 to find the healing, the recovery, and the life skills you need to beat addiction and live the life you deserve.

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