Depression Symptoms and the Need for Addiction Treatment | AspenRidge

Depression Symptoms and the Need for Addiction Treatment

Symptoms of depression can lead to an addiction to substances as a way to cope with feelings that are hard to identify. Also, an addiction to drugs or alcohol can lead to depression when you feel like you have no way out. Whether your depression started first, or the addiction is causing your depression, help is available to get you back on track. At AspenRidge Recovery, we provide care for your mental health needs in a comfortable environment surrounded by nature. We know that you can heal, and we are ready to develop a treatment plan that is right for you. When addiction is in control, it’s time to take your life back.

Symptoms of Depression and Your Overall Well-Being

Symptoms of depression can manifest in several ways. You may be struggling with a health condition, or feel like you have no hope left because you are addicted to substances. When you are depressed, working through an addiction can feel impossible. Symptoms of depression can include:

  • An overall sense of doom, feeling like it’s not worth the effort to heal
  • Feeling tired all the time with no clear reason why
  • No longer enjoying activities you once found happiness in
  • Ignoring an addiction and falling deeper into drug or alcohol abuse because you don’t care

When you are depressed, your symptoms can spiral downward without help. While you can recover from depression, it’s hard to get motivated to make a change. It is when you feel the most hopeless that you have to find the strength to reach out for the help you need. Depression is real, and it is not something you can just snap out of by choice. Professional help makes recovering from addiction and depression possible.

Ways to Manage Your Symptoms of Depression

Depression may or may not be accompanied by an addiction to substances. While depression isn’t always cured, there are ways you can learn to manage your depression and reduce the severity of your symptoms. It is important to recognize your signs of depression so that you can work to develop strategies that help you maintain your overall health. Coping skills to help manage your depression can include:

  • Establishing an exercise routine that helps you maintain your energy levels and improves fitness
  • Working with a therapist to establish your signs of depression and to talk through problems
  • Finding ways to manage your response to stressful situations
  • Learning to take a break when you need to restore yourself to wellness

Managing your depression can mean talking to others about your symptoms of depression and getting support when you start to feel down.

Holistic Treatment for Depression

Holistic treatment can help you feel better overall, decreasing your symptoms of depression. Acupuncture is an effective way to relieve anxiety and depression, as is meditation. Yoga classes can help you improve your mind and body connection, making it easier to regulate your emotions. When you try holistic treatments, you are only going to find healing. Mindfulness can help you change your thoughts and have a more positive outlook. Try new techniques to reduce your stress levels, and you may discover some new strategies that work for you. We use holistic treatment in combination with medication or other therapies.

Find the Help You Need For Recovery Now

If an addiction has you struggling with depression, get the help you deserve today. Contact AspenRidge Recovery at (855) 281-5588 for insurance verification and see how we can help you on your journey. Your sobriety and relief from depression is only a phone call away.

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