Symptoms of Anxiety - AspenRidge

Symptoms of Anxiety: Recognizing When Simple Worry Becomes Chronic

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Symptoms of anxiety may mimic other disorders. Often, this feature makes it difficult to diagnose. Furthermore, when left untreated, anxiety can quickly make life feel unmanageable. If you frequently feel nervous, anxious, or worried, you may have a treatable condition called anxiety disorder.

Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder

It is normal to feel occasional bouts of worry or stress. However, when those feelings become persistent and begin to interfere with daily life, treatment is recommended. Anxiety can stop you from doing the things you need and want to do, such as leaving your house, driving across town, or spending time with friends in social settings. It can limit your mobility and decrease the size of your world if left untreated. It can even lead to physical problems such as high blood pressure and gastrointestinal distress. Common signs of anxiety include:

  • A sense of impending disaster
  • Restlessness
  • Worry that never goes away
  • Sleep disruption
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Avoidance

If these sound like symptoms you’re currently experiencing, you may be suffering from anxiety that is easily treated. AspenRidge Recovery, in Lakewood, Colorado may be able to help.

Causes of Anxiety

An anxiety disorder may be biological, environmental, physical, or any combination of the three. Thus, risk factors make you more susceptible to developing an anxiety disorder. They include having other family members who suffer from anxiety, exposure to overwhelming stress at an early age, and physical conditions that attack your heart or thyroid. These may all contribute to signs of anxiety as you mature.

What you should remember is that an anxiety disorder is a real medical issue that needs to be treated as quickly as possible. There’s no need to suffer the uncomfortable symptoms of anxiety all alone.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

What causes anxiety can seem unlimited. For instance, social situations, high places, spiders, separation from a loved one, or getting on a plane all induce high levels of anxiety. When these symptoms of anxiety become crippling, they become a disorder. For example, common anxiety disorders include:

  • Agoraphobia: This is a fear that’s related to leaving your home alone, being in an open space, using public transportation, or standing in long lines. Also, people with agoraphobia may avoid leaving the house because they fear suffering an embarrassing bout of anxiety and being unable to find a place to be alone.
  • Acrophobia: Acrophobia is a disabling fear of heights. People who suffer from acrophobia may feel the need to avoid climbing ladders or staircases, standing on balconies, or flying on planes. Further, many people suffering from this disorder report having irrational feelings of being out of control in high places. It’s as though they’ll lose their balance and suddenly fall or even be tempted to jump.
  • Social Anxiety: People with irrational fears of being judged or rejected by others suffer from this. They may fear to appear inferior to others in a social setting and expect that people will know and see and point fingers. Social anxiety prompts victims to avoid parties and social situations. Thus in unavoidable situations, reactions may include profusely sweating, rapid heartbeat, nausea, or panic.

Treatment for Symptoms of Anxiety

Psychotherapy and medication can easily treat symptoms of anxiety. Therefore, if you’re experiencing the signs of anxiety, contact AspenRidge Recovery today to talk about a solution. AspenRidge Recovery is a quality mental health and drug treatment facility in Lakewood, Colorado. We’re situated on a peaceful campus that’s located in the splendor of the Rocky Mountains, and we employ a top-notch clinical staff who can help you defeat anxiety and phobias. Thus, when you’re ready to reach out for help with anxiety or another mental disorder, AspenRidge Recovery is ready to listen. Call us today at (855) 281-5588 for answers to all your questions regarding treatment for anxiety.

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