Signs You're Dating a Drug Addict | AspenRidge Recovery

Signs You’re Dating a Drug Addict

dating someone with an addiction

are you dating an addictThe warning signs of drug addiction can be difficult to identify. Being in a close relationship with someone who may be suffering from substance abuse or battling with addiction can be a challenging and confusing ordeal. Addiction is a progressive disease and can be difficult to identify at first. The onset of drug use can begin with innocent, recreational use and evolve into something more complicated and problematic. Users may begin hiding their problem from romantic partners, making it difficult to determine whether or not a person may be abusing substances. However, there are telltale signs you’re dating a drug addict.

Dating someone who may have a problem with substance abuse can be a heavy burden to carry. Emotional issues and domestic problems are commonplace. However, even if these issues are not present, a healthy relationship can still be difficult to sustain.

If you’re close with someone who may be fighting the battle of addiction, reach out to supportive services that can assist. AspenRidge Recovery seeks to eliminate stigmas and guilt associated with drug abuse. As a dual diagnosis center, we help to treat substance misuse, abuse, and addiction, and we aim to incorporate evidence-based modalities for clients and their families to support them during the recovery process.

Give us a call today at 855-281-5588 for more information.

Are You Dating a Drug Addict?

Unless your partner feels open and honest with sharing struggles with substance use, it can feel impossible to know whether or not there may be something more going on. Signs you’re dating an addict are not always clear and identifiable. In fact, the nature of drugs can impact everyone differently and, therefore, warning signs for one person may be entirely different for another. Symptoms of drug addiction vary greatly depending on the substance used and the amount consumed. Pain medication that’s prescribed by a doctor may be used to treat existing ailments. However, if misused or abused, side effects and short-term complications may begin to crop up. But how can you tell?

Warning Signs You’re Dating an Addict

If you have raised suspicion with your romantic partner and they’ve denied any problems, it may be helpful to review some of the behavioral signs to be certain. It’s important to know that addiction is a disease that can cause long-term, catastrophic injury to those using as well as family and friends within close proximity.

Drugs can pose a number of risks for both the user and a romantic partner. In addition to causing mental, behavioral, and health-related effects, drugs also have social consequences. These can include abusing trust within a relationship due to lying and secretive behavior. Signs you’re dating an addict may also include:

Physical Signs

Physical signs tend to be the most evident. Since substance abuse problems often have a greater impact on behavior, demeanor, and outward appearance, close friends and family can usually spot warning signals. The physical signs of drug abuse include:

  • Husky voice
  • Trembling hands
  • Dramatic weight loss or gain
  • Dilated pupils
  • Flushed skin
  • Inability to sleep (insomnia) / too much sleep
  • Track marks from injection
  • Frequent headaches
  • Skin problems

Behavioral Signs

Cognitive function is frequently impaired when prescription medications, illicit drugs, and alcohol is used frequently. These are often the first signs dating partners may notice when questioning whether or not there’s an underlying issue with the misuse of drugs. Some behavioral signs of addiction include:

  • Blackouts or memory loss
  • Motor skill impairment
  • Frequent arguments or fights stemming from erratic behavior and mood swings
  • Lying and acting in a secretive manner
  • Unexplained injuries or accidents
  • Borrowing or stealing money with no explanation
  • Neglecting family and friends, plus other activities that were once an enjoyable past time
  • Drinking alone, in the morning, or in secret
  • Engaging in risky behavior
  • Unexplained absences from home or work
  • Depression and severe mood swings

Changes in Daily Life

Signs You're Dating a Drug AddictLike behavioral issues, changes in common behavior may be indicative of a substance abuse problem. Most drug addiction specialists will tell you that decline in performance at home or at work can be a huge warning sign that you’re dating an addict. Other changes in daily life can include:

  • New friends with no explanation of where they met
  • Less social and more secretive about how they spend their time
  • Avoiding people including those they were once close with
  • Neglecting responsibilities
  • Losing money and being careless with daily commitment and obligations

Colorado Drug Use

Being involved with someone that may be battling with substance addiction can be taxing. You may care for them and hope for their immediate recovery,However, the road to sobriety is a lengthy process. It requires patience, understanding, and supportive services through various treatment programs.

The disease of addiction, impacts a substantial portion of Colorado. Recent findings in a 2019 study showed that Colorado ranked number nine in the nation for drug use and number three in the nation for adults that are in need of addiction rehabilitation but aren’t getting it.

If You Spot Signs You’re Dating an Addict, What Can You Do?

American Addiction Centers offer these suggestions for helping a partner who has a drug addiction.

Establishing trust

Try to establish mutual trust. It’s difficult to establish a two-way trust when you’ve probably been lied to by your partner. However, it is vital to re-establish and maintain a trusting relationship. If this cannot be established, it’s important to seek help. If your partner won’t accompany you, go for yourself.

Determining the right approach

Ideally, all those facing substance misuse and abuse should have access to treatment programs that can help individuals find sobriety and maintain it.

If you’re desperate for assistance, contact us today for 24/7 support at 855-288-5588. Speak with one of our qualified admission staff members about concerns you’re experiencing and we’d be happy to offer some supportive suggestions and give you additional information for the programs we offer.

If you choose to approach your significant other on their possible drug use, here are a few pointers. First, understand that addiction is a disease that can often overtake an individual without warning and can have a tremendous impact on their physical and mental health. Experienced addiction therapists suggest finding a strategy for approaching the situation. Some tips include: avoid nagging, lecturing, begging, or criticizing. Try to find a private moment to discuss your concerns. Omit blame-angry language, and focus, on specific instances that have affected you. Be truthful and honest, and ask questions about what they may be feeling or experiencing.

Above all else, be compassionate and understanding. Substance misuse and addiction can make an individual feel alone and isolated. Finding time to speak with them directly, even if not immediately helpful, can assure them that there’s possibility for recovery and that they are loved and cared for.

Protecting yourself when dating an addict

relationships with an addictAccording to, it’s a natural tendency to want to help your partner avoid the devastating consequence of drug addiction. It is important to recognize and avoid enabling behaviors, and many romantic partners often carry the burden of guilt associated with addiction. Studies have found that verbalizing your feelings can help alleviate feelings of stress, anger, and pain.

Other tips to protect yourself from watching a love one battle addiction:

  • Boost your emotional health by surrounding yourself with things and people you care about.
  • Start learning about the disease of addiction.
  • Let go of regret and find resources that may help you discover self-compassion.
  • Set boundaries for yourself and stick with them.

Last but not least, it’s important to reach out for help. It is always a good idea to see a therapist regularly and/or find a support group in your area that can be your outlet for processing what addiction is and how it can impact your life.

Support Groups

Groups like Al-Anon and Alateen are support groups for friends and families of substance abusers. Support groups for families and friends of substance abusers are a strong lifeline as they help you see what you’re experiencing and offer helpful ways to deal with problems. Also, be sure to check out Nar-anon and recovery support groups. Support groups will help you learn effective ways to communicate with your partner who has substance abuse.

If your partner is struggling with substance abuse, contact a helpline like the If you’re in Colorado, contact AspenRidge Recovery directly anytime 24/7 at 855-281-5588.

How Can AspenRidge Help?

If you think  you’re dating an addict, it’s important to seek help. A 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health noted that substance abuse in American adults has increased from under eight million in 2005 to over 27 million in 2015. By the 2018 survey, over 22 million Americans ages 12 and over were current marijuana users. One and a half million youths and over four million adults used psychotherapeutic drugs from prescription and non-medical sources.

Colorado drug use is certainly no exception. pointed out that a growing number of individuals are turning to drugs to help with issues like anxiety, depression, and even boredom. Colorado has continued to face increasing drug overdose deaths every year. In some counties, drug overdose deaths have tripled between 2005 and 2020. In 2019, methamphetamine caused over 300 drug overdose deaths, according to NPR .

We at AspenRidge are proud to offer substance abuse rehab and recovery programs in Colorado. Our evidence-based addiction programs demonstrate our knowledge and expertise in dual diagnosis treatment. We deploy proven modalities through data-backed evidence and holistic compassionate care. Our qualified and licensed therapists offer a tailored approach to help individuals succeed long-term in recovery.

Contact us today for supportive addiction services at 855-281-5588.

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