Signs of Childhood Trauma in Adults | AspenRidge Recovery Lakewood | Colorado

Signs of Childhood Trauma in Adults

Trauma during the childhood years happens more frequently than people imagine. It rarely receives the type of treatment it would require to prevent far-reaching adverse results. Case in point is substance abuse, which is a common outcropping. What are the signs of childhood trauma in adults?

Examples of Trauma That Children Experience

If an event created terror in the mind of the child, s/he perceives it as a traumatic situation. It’s different for everyone. Such cases might include neglect by caregivers, sexual assault, the death of a loved one, or hospitalization. Unless the child receives mental health treatment for the event, it can lead to signs of childhood trauma in adults.

Recognizing Signs of Childhood Trauma in Adults

Substance abuse and unresolved traumatic events have a strong connection. Therefore, good-quality rehab facilities offer trauma therapy program options for participants. Therapists understand that these situations create triggers. Someone might respond to the triggers through self-medication with drugs.

Therapists typically look for evidence of childhood trauma. Good examples are depression or anxiety in adulthood. Someone may struggle with panic attacks, anger management, or difficulty controlling emotions. Other signs may include eating disorders, impulsiveness, drug abuse, or recurring nightmares.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Offers Hope

It’s never too late to process the situations that disturbed you as a child. Similarly, there’s no wrong time to seek help for substance abuse. If you relied on drugs or alcohol to get rid of unwelcome memories or intrusive thoughts, rehab offers hope. For example, treatments include:

  • Anxiety or depression treatment program that lets you deal with an underlying mental health condition
  • Dialectical behavior therapy for emotion management overall
  • Family therapy that encourages healing as well as frank communication about potentially volatile issues
  • Psychotherapy as a tool for talking through the ways that you experienced substance use and abuse

Group therapy encourages you to overcome self-isolation. Traumatic events typically cause children – and later adults – to remain alone. You might not seek the company of others. However, this isn’t a healthy behavior and can result in depression and other mental health conditions.

Therefore, it’s vital that you relearn social skills to feel at ease with the presence of others. It removes significant triggers that could otherwise lead to substance abuse after program graduation. Group therapy is an excellent way to start the process. The groups are under the supervision of a therapist.

Seek Help at AspenRidge Lakewood

You feel safe and comfortable with them. Besides that, groups are sufficiently small so that they won’t overwhelm you. Frequently, there are also group outings that support the development of social skills.

Examples might include team-building exercises and game nights. While it may feel a little odd at first, you quickly adjust to working with others and socializing. Frequently, program participants only need to have an opportunity to break out of self-isolation. Groups provide this setting.

Find out more about overcoming signs of childhood trauma in adults. Contact AspenRidge Lakewood for information and to undergo an insurance verification. Dial 855-281-5588 now.

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