Signs Of Adderall Abuse | How Not To Abuse Adderall

Signs Of Adderall Abuse

Adderall is the brand name for a prescription drug that consists of a combination of amphetamines and dextroamphetamine. As a prescription drug, Adderall can only be accessed on prescription. It’s a drug that is most commonly prescribed to treat symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy as it is designed to interact with the central nervous system to improve a person’s ability to maintain focus and concentration to control hyperactive and impulsive behavior. Signs of Adderall abuse are often difficult to distinguish.

Whilst effective as a prescription drug for treating symptoms of ADHD, it has long been used as a substance that is frequently abused by young adults across the US. As a result of its cognitive-enhancing effects, Adderall has become one of the most misused substances amongst young people and those in demanding jobs, being used as a ‘study drug.’

With it being frequently used among young people, the negative effects of Adderall are vastly overlooked. The nature of the drug’s interaction with the central nervous system can have critical effects when misused as the chemical makeup of the synthetic drug contains a high risk of being physiologically and psychologically addictive.

If you or someone you love is struggling with Adderall dependency, finding help sooner is important. Contact us directly at 855-281-5588.

Abusing Adderall

Signs of Adderall Abuse

Adderall is classified as a highly potent stimulant. Often prescribed to treat symptoms of ADHD, the drug is designed to interact with the central nervous system to promote cognitive-enhancing effects. However, due to its chemical makeup, Adderall is a federally controlled substance that is classified as a prescription drug that should be taken under medical supervision as a result of the risk of addiction.

Adderall for recreational use can be dangerous as misusing it may lead to dependence, mental and physical damage, or even fatal side effects. The long-term misuse of Adderall can lead to unfortunate consequences that may negatively impact not only the life of the individual suffering from substance use disorder but also those they are close to. Some common signs of Adderall abuse include;

  • Insomnia and sleeping problems
  • Stomach ache or constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nervousness
  • Weight Loss
  • Hives
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased negative thoughts
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability

Signs of Adderall abuse are not always obvious. The misuse of Adderall includes using the substance more frequently or in other ways that are originally prescribed. Taking someone else’s medication that hasn’t been prescribed. Taking the medication to achieve the desired effect.

The long-term health impact of Adderall misuse can be significant leading to devastating consequences of experiencing severe:

  • Breathing difficulty
  • Convulsions
  • Mood changes
  • Developing mental disorders, physiological and behavioral disorders
  • Seizures
  • Cardiac arrhythmias

Suffering from Adderall addiction can be difficult for both the person suffering from Adderall abuse as well as close family and friends. If you recognize any of the above symptoms in yourself or someone you care for, now may be the time to consider seeking help for Adderall addiction.

Signs Of Adderall Abuse

How Not To Abuse Adderall

Signs of Adderall abuse are not always clear. But if you’re using the drug as a study aid, there are some important facts to keep in mind when addressing how not to abuse Adderall. If you are tempted to use Adderall as a ‘study drug,’ there are a couple of effective and safer strategies for avoiding misusing Adderall.

  1. If you frequently struggle to concentrate or stay focused there may be an underlying medical condition at play affecting your performance such as depression or a thyroid disorder. The most significant strategy is to consult with our doctor to delve deep into why you’re feeling a certain way.
  2. If you’re struggling to stay on track with your study or work schedule, before turning to medication, take a look at your lifestyle and your daily habits. Significant parts of our day such as the time we go to sleep, wake and our eating and exercise habits have a great impact on our ability to concentrate and focus. If you find that there are habits that could be changed to improve your performance, making certain lifestyle changes can be highly effective in improving your cognitive functioning.
  3. Another alternative strategy to misusing Adderall is to use herbal supplements/ nootropics that provide natural stimulating effects that work to support and improve cognitive functioning. Nootropics such as caffeine or functional mushrooms such as ashwagandha provide natural energy-boosting effects. Herbal supplements stand to be a safer alternative to Adderall as it doesn’t present the risk of addiction and it doesn’t present the euphoric effects of Adderall. However, before starting any new course of treatment whether it be herbal or synthetic, it’s essential to consult with a physician or medical professional for safety.
  4. Another effective strategy to improve focus is to manage your stress. If you’re worried about an excessive workload, stress can sometimes cause people to get into a spin that leads them to lose focus. Be sure to implement mindfulness practices into your daily life, such as doing breathing exercises, exercising regularly, reading, or meditating to reduce stress levels.

Signs Of Adderall Withdrawal

After stopping the use of Adderall from frequent or long-term misuse, an individual may experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Some common symptoms associated with withdrawal from Adderall include:

  • Insomnia and difficulty sleeping
  • Anxiety and irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Panic attacks

Commonly prescribed for treating narcolepsy, when prescribed, Adderall is often recommended to be taken in the morning as a result of its effectiveness in stimulating the central nervous system which can significantly interfere with sleep. The result of long-term Adderall use may result in a disruption of the wake-sleep cycle. On stopping Adderall use, common withdrawal symptoms that may be experienced include fatigue and lethargy. These symptoms of withdrawal may trigger existing mental disorders such as anxiety and depression disorders.

The US Food and Drug Administration states that there is a significant correlation between Adderall misuse and experiencing severe depression which can become worse after stopping abruptly. Experiencing these symptoms may consequently trigger impulses that may lead to relapse which can be characterized by the rebound effect.

AspenRidge Recovery offers dual diagnosis treatments which are designed to support those suffering from substance use disorder from Adderall.

How Not To Abuse Adderall

Treating Adderall Abuse

Taking Adderall under prescription requires close medical supervision and is generally considered safe. However, using Adderall for recreational purposes can be dangerous as it not only exposes a risk of addiction but it may lead to other critical effects of developing psychosis, the development of mood and behavior disorders. Clients suffering from substance use disorder benefit from having a support system alongside following a comprehensive addiction treatment program that provides support and assistance toward recovery.

AspenRidge Recovery Can Help: Adderall Addiction Treatment

AspenRidge Recovery offers support for stimulant addiction to help you or someone you care for receives the help they need to get life back on track and work toward sobriety. AspenRidge Recovery provides programs that are designed to support both yourself and your family. We provide a comprehensive process that involves working with a licensed drug abuse specialist to support you in recovery. With Adderall addiction commonly associated with suffering from mental disorders, at AspenRidge Recovery we recognize the importance of mental health and we offer dual diagnosis and long-term support to address underlying factors contributing to a substance use disorder.

AspenRidge Recovery’s Colorado meth addiction treatment offers three effective recovery programs for clients which include:

  • A Partial Hospitalization Program
  • An Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program
  • An Outpatient Addiction Program

For more information on the best course of treatment program for you or a loved one, speak to a dedicated addiction specialist today here by contacting us at 855-281-5588.

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