Mindfulness Training | Drug Addiction Treatment Center | Lakewood CO

Mindfulness Training

One of the reasons why addiction is so powerful is because it keeps your mind from staying focused on the present moment. Triggers pull your mind away from the moment and back into your addiction. Guilt or anger concerning the past and anxiety for the future also keep your mind spinning. This can take a huge toll on your sense of being. It can also cause you to turn toward alcohol to self-medicate. For this reason, mindfulness training has become an important part of treatment for substance abuse.

Mindfulness based cognitive therapy helps you identify the negativity in your mind and then redirect yourself toward the present moment and fill your mind with positive thoughts and beliefs.

How to Practice Mindfulness Training

While training your mind can be challenging, the concept is simpler than you think. It also requires little time, money, or effort. More than anything, it just requires practice. Because, regardless of what we believe, we have power over our minds – not the other way around.

Find Somewhere to Practice Mindfulness

If you are going to practice mindfulness training for addiction, you need to start by creating or finding a suitable environment. Find a place in your home or yard that is clean and free of clutter. The point is to find a place that is not filled with distraction or stress.

Start Small and Develop Your Skills

If you are not the type of person to slow down mentally or physically, the idea of sitting in one spot for any length of time can seem impossible. So, do not overthink it or overdo it. Try to start out by choosing a short session that lasts for only five minutes. Then slowly build up to 15 minutes, then 30 minutes, then an hour, or whatever works best for you. Imagine you are attending our Lakewood, CO meditation therapy program.

Establish Proper Posture

Find a stable and solid surface (floor or seat) that provides strong support. Position yourself so that both feet are on the floor. Straighten your torso and upper body, but do not be stiff. Drop your hands and arms so that they are parallel with your upper body. Drop your chin slightly and lower your eyes.

Relax, But Do Not Slouch

Stay in a relaxed state. Try to notice if there is any tightness anywhere in your muscles. If so, relax them by easing the tension. However, do not slouch. Maintain a healthy posture, as we teach in our Lakewood, CO yoga therapy program.

Focus on Deep Breaths

If you already feel your mind spinning or if you feel anxious about what you are doing, then focus on deep breaths. You do not have to fight thinking – just focus on your breath every time you feel your mind wandering.

Allow for Pauses in Movement or Action

Before you move or reposition yourself, try to pause first and experience your current position. Move slowly, but deliberately and enjoy the movement. Continue to breathe and focus on breathing.

It is Okay if Your Mind Wanders

Do not struggle with your mind too much at first. Do not expect any revelations or huge impact. The more you struggle with getting it right, the more you defeat the purpose of mindfulness. Just allow things to be inside you and around you. You will get the hang of this eventually.

Mindfulness Training at AspenRidge Lakewood

At AspenRidge Lakewood, we offer mindfulness training for addiction as a part of our cognitive therapy. We believe that mindfulness is a key to helping you find peace as you continue your individual or group therapy during recovery. We also offer many other addiction and mental health therapies, including:

To find out more about mindfulness training, call us today at (855) 281-5588.

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