How Does Teletherapy Work | AspenRidge Recovery Lakewood

How Does Teletherapy Work in Recovery?

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The road to recovery can be a long one. The truth is, it isn’t an easy one either. Thus, when battling addiction, any help along the way is appreciated. Even if that help is miles and miles away. Technology has enabled and improved the tools of teletherapy to make it a viable and important technique in recovery today. So what is it and how does teletherapy work?

If you ask how does teletherapy work then you are likely going to get two sets of answers. One answer to the question, how does teletherapy work, can be defined in the physical and technical components of teletherapy. Those components being such items as computers, headsets, and so on. The technical aspect of components would be the internet connection, video resolution, mobile capabilities, and other technical considerations.

The more important answer to the question of how does teletherapy work has nothing to do with hardware, software, or computers.

How Does Teletherapy Work in Recovery?

The road of recovery will require many tools and resources, and each person’s road to recovery will look a little different. Some of the tools along the way may look like detox services or medication-assisted treatments. More commonly, most recovery programs include some form or multiple forms of psychotherapy, sometimes referred to as talk therapy.

The more important answer to the question of how does teletherapy work is that it acts as a medium to conduct those psychotherapy services and programs. Much of the 12-step program is rooted in psychotherapy. With the use of teletherapy, people can connect and join meetings or groups where circumstances might otherwise prevent it. Teletherapy allows and enables counselors and therapists to connect and communicate with those they help. It is a bridge when a bridge is needed because of time, schedules, space, or distance.

The Tools of Recovery

There are many different approaches to recovery, along with many different programs, therapies, services, and tools designed to help people overcome addiction. Yoga, meditation, 12-step programs, deep-breathing practices, and other tools help along the road to recovery. Teletherapy is simply a way to help other access and benefit from these tools.

While teletherapy can be a useful tool and technique, it is only part of a recovery program. Teletherapy can only facilitate so much of a person’s recovery plan. Deciding if teletherapy is a tool or resource that could help is a decision that would be made between the counselors or therapists, and the people in recovery. Technology has left its mark everywhere and has opened up doors that have previously been closed. Some of those doors lead to the road to recovery.

Getting Onto the Road to Recovery

When people are serious about recovery it shows. Although those first steps are the most difficult, something changes inside us once we make a decision. People who aren’t serious about recovery find reasons why they can’t make a meeting. They find excuses to miss appointments with therapists or trouble getting to where they need to be for their recovery program.

People who are serious about recovery, who have taken those hard first steps and who have made the decision to beat addiction, find ways to make it to meetings. They overcome hurdles and obstacles to get to their appointments on time. In some cases, they may even take advantage of a tool like teletherapy, because recovery works and tools like teletherapy can help.

Teletherapy may not be much help with an issue like insurance verification but it can support your recovery program. If you are ready to end your addiction and ready to get onto the road to a healthier and happier life, then contact AspenRidge Recovery at (855) 281-5588, and start your journey today.

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