Depression Rehab Center & Addiction Treatment | AspenRidge

Depression Rehab Center Colorado

Worldwide, individuals struggle with sadness, some on a daily basis. But depression can be something else entirely. In fact, major depressive disorders affect some 17 million adults and near 2 million children, nationwide. Additionally, more than half of those suffering from depressive disorders are also suffering from ongoing and debilitating anxiety. Sadly, Colorado has the sixth-highest rate of suicide in America and those numbers continue to climb each year. What this means for many Coloradans is a need for access to mental health care and depression treatment.

Too often, depression can be closely linked to substance dependency and addictions, or vice versa. The sad reality is that illegal drugs and prescription medication can offer some comfort for those suffering from ongoing mental health issues, even if only temporarily. As a result, many that are battling with trauma-related grief can be more easily taken by substance abuse and addictions with no end in sight.

What is Depression?

The American Psychiatric Association defines depression as a mental illness that negatively affects how you feel about yourself. Depression can cause feelings of melancholy and hopelessness. It can lead to physical and/or emotional conditions. Depressed people often lose interest in work, family, friends, and activities they once loved.

Roughly seven percent of adults in the United States suffer from depression making it one of the most common mental illnesses in the country. In Colorado, nearly 24% of teens and 19% of adults have said they experienced at least one depressive episode in the last year. What makes these statistics more alarming is the studies indicating that, although this is one of the most widely recognized mental health issues, still 34% of Coloradans said they did not have access to the care they needed.

Colorado Depression Treatment

Seeking Help

If you or a loved one is battling with difficult thoughts and trauma, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible. AspenRidge offers compassionate staff and supportive services that address co-occurring mental health disorders. Everyone deserves to live a fulfilling life. Our extensive depression treatment Colorado programs can offer solace to those facing turmoil and trauma.

What is the Definition of a Dual Diagnosis or Co-Occurring Disorder?

“Co-occurring disorders” are diagnosed when a person suffers from a mental illness and a substance abuse problem simultaneously. When someone is clinically depressed and addicted to drugs at the same time, for example, the doctor will diagnose them with co-occurring disorders. This dual diagnosis is important, as the patient may require a special form of treatment. Because they have addictive tendencies, the patient will need to avoid certain antidepressant medications.

Oftentimes, someone with depression and drug addiction disorder will be treated for both conditions at the same time. The root causes of both conditions usually overlap. A person who develops techniques for coping with depression often finds that they are able to manage their addiction as well. Similarly, an individual who overcomes addiction will often find that their depressive tendencies become much more manageable with time. Find out more about our Colorado addiction treatment programs.

Prevalence of Depression in Colorado

If you are experiencing depression in Colorado, you are not alone. The American Psychiatric Association estimates that depression affects nearly 7% of Americans. One in six people will experience depression at some point in their lives. Women are twice as likely to experience depression.

While depression can strike at any time, anywhere, it often appears in the late teens to mid-twenties. Depression treatment Colorado programs can offer solace and recovery from ongoing battles with depression symptoms and resulting issues.

Depression Help in Colorado

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Causes of Depression

While the exact cause of depression and depression disorders remains largely unknown, there are several listed factors that are widely accepted from a scientific perspective. Truth is, depression is an extremely complex disease. That’s why it’s critical that healthcare providers offering depression treatment understand the dynamic nature of mental health. The causes of depression, for instance, are not blanketed and therefore can change how clinical therapists or psychologists approach each client.

That said, let’s discuss some of the factors that can contribute to depression and mental health disorders. These factors include:

  • Abuse and Trauma
  • Conflict
  • Major life events
  • Death or loss
  • Genetics
  • Serious illnesses
  • Substance abuse

With more studies conducted each year, depression is not as ambiguous as it once was. In fact, more recently, studies have shown that there are several different types of depression, including:

  • Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD) – People suffering from PDD often show symptoms of crankiness and pessimism rather than being recognized for having a treatable disorder
  • Bipolar Disorder – Characterized by moods that shift from extreme highs (mania) and extreme lows (depression) with some semblance of normality in between.
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – SAD is usually associated with changes in sunlight and seasonal patterns. It can be accompanied by increased sleep, weight gain, and certain food cravings.
  • Postpartum Depression – diagnosed in mothers who experienced major depression symptoms up to one year after giving birth. Symptoms include sadness and anxiety.
  • Co-occurring Depression – Individuals suffering from both substance misuse or addiction and depression. Dual-diagnosis is extremely important as it will help treat substance addiction and address underlying mental health disorders that contribute.

Signs You May Need Help with Depression

Depression can range from mild to severe. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, it’s time to consider seeking help.

  • Are you feeling sad or hopeless?
  • Have you lost interest in work?
  • Have you stopped doing leisure activities you once loved?
  • Have you experienced marked changes in your appetite?
  • Have you gained or lost a significant amount of weight?
  • Do you have trouble sleeping?
  • Do you sleep more than eight hours a day?
  • Do you lack energy?
  • Do you feel fatigued a lot of the time?
  • Have you begun to do repetitive purposeless physical activities like hair twisting, nail-biting, hand wringing, wandering, or pacing?
  • Do you feel useless or guilt-ridden?
  • Do you have trouble concentrating on conversations?
  • Is problem-solving difficult?
  • Do you have trouble making decisions?
  • Do you have thoughts of suicide?

Depression Treatment in Colorado

The good news is that mental health disorders often respond effectively to depression treatment and dual diagnosis programs. Almost ninety percent of Americans who are treated for depression respond favorably. Almost everyone in Colorado who is treated for depression experiences relief from their symptoms.

Doctors may prescribe antidepressants that are not addictive. They are not stimulants or tranquilizers. If you are prescribed antidepressants, you should experience a mood improvement in a week or two. In three months, you should experience the full benefits of the anti-depressants.

In addition to the symptom relief that medication brings, it’s important to address the underlying causes of depression with a licensed therapist. Psychotherapy has been proven to help regulate depression, as well as to help understand the causes of your depression, help you feel more in control, and teach you ways to handle how the condition makes you feel. The idea is to track your moods and practice new ways to react to people and things that happen.

Depression Rehab Colorado

How it Works


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Services and Treatment Options at AspenRidge

If you have decided that you are experiencing symptoms of depression or your doctor has diagnosed you as depressed, AspenRidge Recovery is here to help you feel better and live your life to the fullest.

Our admissions counselors will support you in your recovery journey and help you find the right treatment option. You will then be paired with a licensed therapist who will review your information and conduct a thorough diagnostic evaluation.  They will review your history and together you will come up with a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

AspenRidge treats co-occurring depression, mental health, and substance abuse holistically with evidence-based treatment modalities. While treating your depression, we seek through such techniques as counseling and therapy to get at the root causes of your depression.

AspenRidge offers day treatment programs with housing. We also offer evening treatment programs for anyone who is depressed but needs to continue to work and live at home. We also offer a 12-week virtual treatment option with individual, group and family therapy, completely online. Your therapist will work with you and your family to choose the best treatment option for your depression.

Colorado Depression Treatment

We provide after-therapy support to help you integrate back into the community and enjoy long-term sobriety. Our alumni community stays connected through regular meetings, intramural sports, BBW’s, and other outings. At AspenRidge, we specialize in treating co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. Many of our clients suffer from both a mental illness like depression and addiction. It is not unusual to be clinically depressed and addicted to drugs or alcohol at the same time.

In cases of co-occurring disorders, your depression therapy program will also include treatment for addictive tendencies. You will work with your therapist to address the underlying mental health issues that contribute to your addiction.

We offer a variety of services to help you attain that objective, including:

Speak with our admissions team to help verify your insurance coverage and see which program is right for you.

AspenRidge Works

Kat, Alumni

Brian, Alumni

Melissa, Alumni