Cocaine Addiction Treatment Denver | AspenRidge Recovery

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Denver

Cocaine is one of the most notorious illegal drugs in the nation. In 2018, nearly a million Americans were addicted to it. While other drugs have risen in popularity and frequency of abuse, such as heroin addiction and the ongoing opioid epidemic, cocaine has remained prominent. This is because infrequent or even one-time use can lead to dependence.

Thus, it’s vital individuals know what cocaine does to you physically and mentally and the risks involved. Doing so makes it easier for people to get the treatment they need through AspenRidge Recovery’s Denver, Colorado addiction treatment program.

AspenRidge Recovery has the information and cocaine treatment programs necessary to help.

Call us now at (855) 281-5588

Signs of Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine is a stimulant. Its ‘high’ is a feeling of limitless energy. Like any drug, cocaine changes an individual’s brain chemistry. The longer or more often it is used, the more the body becomes dependent upon the drug. Along with dependency comes a tolerance for the drug. Individuals use more and more of the drug for two reasons:

  • Their brain now relies on the drug to produce dopamine rather than naturally produce it
  • Strong and more frequent doses have to be taken to achieve the same ‘high.’

Thus, when a person wants to stop using cocaine, they experience withdrawal symptoms.

colorado cocaine addiction treatment
signs of cocaine addiction

Signs of Cocaine Use

If you’re wondering what the signs of cocaine addiction are, there are some things to look out for. These include changes in mood and behavior alongside physical symptoms. For example, be mindful of the following:

  • Needless irritability or restlessness
  • Sudden money issues
  • Lying about use and/or hiding use
  • Nosebleeds
  • Dilated pupils
  • Chronic, runny nose
  • Hoarseness

These symptoms arise quickly, and while their intensity will vary from individual to individual, they can be so unbearable that relapse occurs. To break this vicious cycle, it’s important to get help from a trusted Colorado cocaine addiction treatment program.

Other Signs of Cocaine Use

Some other signs of cocaine use can also include:

  • Excited, rambling speech
  • Fever or excessive sweating
  • Restlessness, confusion, an inability to focus attention
  • Twitching of facial muscles as well as an inability to keep one’s hands from trembling
  • Enlarged pupils that don’t shrink naturally when light is shined into them
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Paleness
symptoms of cocaine addiction

Recognizing these signs of cocaine use and addiction is often the first step in helping a friend or loved one get help at a Colorado cocaine addiction treatment center.

AspenRidge Recovery’s Colorado Cocaine Addiction Treatment Program

Recovery from cocaine addiction is possible and you are not alone…

At AspenRidge Recovery’s Colorado cocaine addiction treatment center, our evidence-based drug and alcohol rehab programs can help you get to the bottom of your substance use disorder.

How AspenRidge Recovery Works


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Colorado Cocaine Addiction Treatment Programs

Our Colorado cocaine addiction treatment programs include:

  • Individual, group, and family sessions: Our licensed clinicians are trained to treat substance use disorder, complex trauma, and other underlying mental health issues. We will give you the tools to attain sobriety and thrive in daily life.
  • Motivational Interviewing Therapy: A type of introductory talk therapy where you and a therapist review and interrogate motivations for your actions and strive to change them into healthy coping strategies.
  • Recreational Therapy: Using physical activities like hiking, playing sports, or riding horses to build psychological and physical well-being, recreational therapy allows patients to re-establish control of their lives.
  • Neurofeedback Therapy: This non-invasive process registers and examines your brainwaves. As it does so, you learn how to maximize positivity and reduce negativity.

Also, we provide traditional addiction therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior therapy, and more.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

We design all of our programs and treatment plans to fit the unique needs of each patient.

We believe in you and know you can beat addiction.

AspenRidge Works

Kat, Alumni

Brian, Alumni

Melissa, Alumni

Visit AspenRidge Recovery Centers Today

When your cocaine addiction becomes overwhelming and detrimental to your life, contact AspenRidge Recovery Centers.

You can reach us at (855) 281-5588.

With our cocaine addiction treatment programs in Fort Collins and Lakewood, Colorado, you can start fresh and move forward with confidence.