Benzo Rehab Center | Colorado Rehab | AspenRidge Recovery

Benzo Rehab Center

Situated in the heart of Colorado, AspenRidge stands as a leading Benzo Rehab Center.

Navigating the challenges of Benzodiazepine addiction is daunting, but with our compassionate care and expert guidance, a path to recovery awaits. Amidst the tranquil landscapes of Colorado, AspenRidge provides a holistic approach to overcoming Benzo addiction, guiding you to rediscover life’s joys and reclaim your future.

Contact our drug and alcohol rehab center to talk to our admissions team

Call us now at (855) 281-5588

Understanding Benzodiazepines: Risks, Effects, and Recovery

Benzodiazepines, commonly referred to as “Benzos”, are a class of prescription drugs primarily used for treating anxiety, seizures, insomnia, and muscle relaxation. While they offer therapeutic benefits, prolonged or misuse can lead to dependency and addiction.

Common Types of Benzos Include:

  • Alprazolam (Xanax)
  • Diazepam (Valium)
  • Clonazepam (Klonopin)
  • Lorazepam (Ativan)

Effects & Risks: When taken as prescribed, Benzos can provide relief from specific medical conditions. However, misuse can lead to side effects such as drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, and even respiratory depression in severe cases. Over time, an increased dosage might be required to achieve the same effect, leading to a cycle of dependence.

The Impact of Benzo Abuse: In recent years, Benzo addiction has seen a surge, with many unaware of their dependency until they try to stop and experience withdrawal symptoms. These can range from insomnia and anxiety to more severe symptoms like seizures. AspenRidge recognizes the complexities of Benzo addiction and is dedicated to providing comprehensive care tailored to each individual’s needs.

How AspenRidge Recovery Works


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Colorado Substance Abuse Treatment Center

Drug and alcohol use continues to be a fight that many Americans face. Death rates from drugs and alcohol in Colorado exclusively totaled over 1,500 in 2015 and those numbers continue to climb annually. More people die from drug overdoses in Colorado than the national average. Still, even these painful statistics do not fully encapsulate how difficult it is to seek treatment and remain substance-free–with issues like inaccessibility and mental health becoming more prevalent.

AspenRidge Recovery has taken a stance against these growing numbers. Our aim is to create a safe, but effective environment that allows clients to find the support they need to serve them long-term. Our dual-diagnosis treatment works to identify underlying causes of substance and alcohol abuse, and our Colorado substance abuse treatment center programs are hyper-focused on the substance that has taken hold of your life.

When you are ready to get treatment for a drug or alcohol addiction, you want to select a caring facility that offers the best clinical care at the right level. There’s no one-size-fits-all for those struggling with alcohol or drug addiction. We are confident we have that with 89% of our alumni completing both PHP and IOP at AspenRidge. These individuals have self-reported not using up to 2 years after graduation.

Addiction Rehab and Treatment

Reality can hit hard and substance use can cause physical, emotional, financial, and social impacts on individuals. For this reason, our Colorado addiction treatment center and programs focus on the whole person. You are not alone in your fight against addiction.

You may feel like getting out from under the spell of substance abuse and dependency is a constant uphill battle. We understand this struggle and work to help you find your inner strength through individual, group, and family therapy. Our addiction treatment programs use evidence-based approaches, one of which includes our dual-diagnosis program.

Benzo Rehab Center

Continuing Care

Once you graduate from our Colorado substance abuse treatment program, you won’t be alone. AspenRidge Recovery understands that the first year in recovery can be incredibly difficult and is vital to ongoing success and a positive outlook. Our AspenRidge Alumni Program allows you to remain confident in the transition back to your friends, family, and community. Our alumni community is strong and we plan fun events to keep you engaged with the sober community in Colorado.

Our Alumni Program offers support in a variety of ways including:

  • Monthly Alumni Group: peer accountability, interpersonal relationship strengthening, and fellowship
  • Weekly Alumni Speak Meetings: alumni share their experience, strength, and hope with current clients of AspenRidge Recovery
  • Monthly Networking Events: dinners, barbeques, workshops
  • Monthly Physical Activity: hiking trips and campouts

Our alumni program allows you to stay connected to our therapists, fellow clients, and supportive staff members. Participate in annual sobriety group fun activities, and rest assured that you can always reach one of our staff members 24/7 for immediate support.

For more information and to arrange a tour at one of our addiction treatment in Colorado at our two locations in Lakewood (near Denver) or Fort Collins, CO call us at (855) 281-5588.

AspenRidge Works


