Benefits of Yoga Therapy | Yoga Therapy Program CO | Addiction Therapy

Benefits of Yoga Therapy

avoiding a drug relapse

Yoga therapy has long been used in addiction treatment. This practice uses physical movements and postures to connect your mind, body, and soul. Yoga helps with addiction in many ways when combined with other therapies. Specifically, a yoga therapy program in Colorado soothes your spirit, calms stress and builds confidence. Understanding the benefits of yoga therapy will help you on your recovery journey.

Benefits of Yoga Therapy During Treatment

Yoga complements other therapies in addiction treatment. The physical practice does not cure addiction on its own. But it provides benefits toward healing in ways other therapies do not, giving greater depth to a complete program of addiction treatment.

According to the Yoga Journal, yoga uses physical postures for connection of mind, body, and breath. It also improves self-awareness and focuses your attention inward. About 21 million people in the U.S. practice yoga today.

Benefits of yoga therapy include:

  • Relieves stress
  • Increases physical strength and stamina
  • Builds self-awareness
  • Improves diet and wellness
  • Boosts self-confidence and self-image
  • Relieves pain, improves sleep and increases energy
  • Heals emotions

Adding yoga to your addiction therapy program options can help prevent relapse. Specifically, it reduces drug cravings, improves symptoms of withdrawal and helps you cope with triggers and stressors in daily life.

Why Yoga Works for Many People

Yoga uses exercise, meditation and breathing for a closer connection between body and mind. It requires no special equipment or location. You also can practice yoga anywhere, anytime you need to feel calm, relaxed and peaceful.

Yoga poses move your body in specific ways, opening your spine and aligning your body. This also opens your mind and helps you gain a balance between your mind and body. Yoga also has spiritual elements for many people.

Once you learn yoga in rehab, you can apply the techniques, poses and breathing anywhere. Use it when you need it, such as for daily wellness and relapse prevention.

Yoga Therapy for Addiction Recovery

Regular abuse of alcohol or drugs alters your brain. It specifically alters your pathways to pleasure, emotion regulation, decision-making and impulse control. Yoga therapy helps rebuild healthy pathways and heal your brain.

Studies prove the link between yoga therapy and stress reduction, according to Harvard Health. That is, yoga therapy teaches you to use yoga for regulation and balancing your stress responses. Scientific American reports that grey matter and stress-controlling regions of the brain also enlarge with regular yoga practice.

Yoga therapy helps balance your body and brain naturally, healing areas impacted by substance abuse. It also helps heal your emotions by keeping you in tune with your body and breathing. This self-awareness occurs without judgment.

People practicing yoga therapy learn to take ownership of their feelings, thus gaining greater self-control. They also learn to rely more on themselves and less on others. They also become more self-confident in sobriety and able to cope with stress, not giving in to cravings or relapse triggers.

AspenRidge Recovery Lakewood with Yoga and Other Treatment Programs

AspenRidge Recovery Lakewood provides the therapies and programs you need for a healthy recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. We help our clients understand the benefits of yoga therapy as well as the benefits of our additional services. Programs and services of AspenRidge Recovery Lakewood include:

If you or someone you love suffer addiction to drugs or alcohol, the right treatment provides hope for a better future in recovery. At AspenRidge Recovery Lakewood you reset, restore and recover using proven methods for lasting sobriety. Contact AspenRidge Recovery Lakewood now at (855) 281-5588 for more information about available programs.

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