Am I Addicted to Porn? | Do I Have a Porn Addiction?

Am I Addicted to Porn?

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Many people joke about having a porn addiction. What they may not realize is that porn addiction is a severe problem that can cause a person difficulties in various areas of their life. This addiction can take you away from more important things like work, home, and family obligations. It can also cause difficulties in relationships. If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Am I addicted to porn?”, keep reading below to learn more about the issue and signs that you may have a problem. 

About Porn Addiction

Wondering, “Do I have a porn addiction?” isn’t something to take lightly. The difference between enjoying pornography and an addiction lies in the negative ramifications that come from true porn addiction. Someone with an addiction to porn will spend time doing that over things they would have chosen to do in the past. One of the keys to identifying an addiction is when watching porn causes you to suffer in other parts of your life such as work and relationships. 

Some professionals may not consider watching too much porn to be a true addiction, but it truly does resemble many of the symptoms seen in drug and alcohol addiction. The American Psychiatric Association does classify porn addiction under the category of hypersexual disorder in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V)

Am I Addicted to Porn? 

Porn addiction does have signs and symptoms that make it easier to identify. If you’re wondering, “Am I addicted to porn?”, chances are good you will likely recognize some of these symptoms in yourself. Even if experts don’t agree that pornography is an addiction, the fact remains that it can cause a great deal of harm in a person’s life. 

There are some signs to be aware of when deciding whether you have a problem. If you constantly think about porn, this could be an indicator of addiction. This includes looking at it during inappropriate times. Another sign might be if you feel embarrassment or depression about how often you watch pornography. 

Having problems experiencing sexual arousal without the presence of porn is also an indicator that may lead you to wonder, “Do I have a porn addiction?” If you hide your porn watching or do not like it when someone asks you about it, then that may be a problem. Finally, losing track of time when watching porn and being unable to quit are both serious symptoms related to porn addiction. 

How AspenRidge Recovery Lakewood Can Help

A Colorado process addiction treatment center like AspenRidge Recovery Lakewood can help you to overcome this problematic behavior. We have both the expertise and the tools to assist you in taking your life back. 

Features of AspenRidge Recovery Lakewood include: 

Our center offers a homelike atmosphere among a serene, natural setting. If you’re still asking yourself, “Am I addicted to porn?”, then don’t hesitate to reach out. You don’t have to face this problem on your own. Call us today at (855) 281-5588 to learn more about the ways we can help you move forward.

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