How Addiction and Family Affects Your Life | Colorado Addiction Treatment

How Addiction and Family Can Affect Your Life

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Drug addiction and substance abuse problems impact countless families. When looking for solutions, you must know that addiction and family are related. Even though it may seem like the only person impacted by addiction is the user, the truth is that it impacts everybody in the user’s network, including family members.

When you abuse drugs or alcohol, the impact of addiction causes ripples and effects your family and friends. Addiction causes you to change your behavior and priorities, which often creates conflict with your loved ones. The things you do in order to support your addiction can hurt your family emotionally and financially.

Addiction can cause you to neglect your parents, spouse, and children. If you experience financial problems because of your substance abuse issues, it may result in your family having to bear the costs of unpaid bills and mounting debt. Addiction is a family disease because watching a loved one suffer can be hurtful, confusing, and emotionally trying. You may feel helpless watching a loved one struggle with a drug or alcohol problem. A family therapy program helps all who participate in dealing with the stress, shame, anger, and other emotions that stem from being on both sides of addiction.

How Are Addiction and Family Linked?

Addiction can not only hurt those struggling to quit, but also their loved ones. If you have problems controlling your drinking or drug use, the consequences have likely impacted your family. Some of the ways that addiction can impact your family include:

  • Making your loved ones feel neglected
  • Damaging your relationship with your children, parents and/or spouse
  • Creating financial problems
  • Increasing the chances of your marriage ending in divorce
  • Causing custody problems
  • Forcing your family to worry about your safety and wellbeing

As seen above, struggling with a substance abuse problem can put significant strains on family relationships, especially among partners and spouses. Addiction and substance abuse is a common reason couples divorce or break up. Couples that deal with addiction issues are more likely to argue, experience domestic violence, and divorce. Having children while struggling with addiction can create additional problems with child care, as your partner or spouse may be uncomfortable with you interacting with your kids while intoxicated.

How Treatment Can Help Families Recover

While treatment centers all offer unique programs, many treatment centers provide you with the ability to include your family and loved ones in your treatment. Family therapy and marriage counseling can help you work with your loved ones to set up healthy boundaries, establish mutual understanding, and work as a team during your recovery. Family therapy accompanies other addiction therapy programs so you receive comprehensive treatment.

Also, family therapy sessions can help your loved ones express how your addiction has impacted them and their expectations of you following discharge. Learning to set and maintain healthy boundaries will help, especially when used alongside an addiction aftercare program. When choosing which program is best for you, make sure you receive insurance verification before arriving to prevent unexpected bills.

Finding Help Today

Addiction and family are linked. If you or a loved one is trapped in the pits of addiction, treatment can be your lifeline. Contact AspenRidge Recovery today at (855) 281-5588 to learn more about how we can help you and your family recover from addiction.

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