July 2020 - AspenRidge

heroin drug addiction signs

Best Online Substance Abuse Treatment Program

Looking for the best online substance abuse treatment program in Colorado? AspenRidge Recovery recently launched AspenRidge AspenRidge Virtual Care, a 100% online Intensive Outpatient Program (5-Day IOP) for adults. We specialize in mental health,…
Is couples rehab safe
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Is Couples Rehab Safe?

Substance addiction in the United States is widespread, and, in recent years, has become a much discussed public health concern. Substance abuse costs the U.S. an estimated $740 billion each year, and it wreaks havoc on millions of lives. But…
online substance use and mental health assessment

Online Substance Use and Mental Health Assessment

Are you depressed or anxious? Do you have a drinking or drug problem? Take this 3 minute quiz to see which program is right for you.
famous people substances abuse

Celebrity Substance Abuse

Contrary to what many people believe, addiction isn’t just confined to street gangs, deviants, and the homeless. As a leading disease throughout the world, drug addiction does not discriminate against color, race, creed, or gender. It carries…
patient health questionnaire

Patient Health Questionnaire

This Patient Health Questionnaire assesses the degree of depression severity via a 1 minute questionnaire. Please fill out each question as quickly and accurately as possible while trying not to over think any question.
drug abuse screening

The Drug Abuse Screening Test

The Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) is a screening tool for the abuse of drugs other than alcohol. Take the quiz to discover your level of addiction.
dangers of xanax addiction

Snorting Xanax — Side Effects and Dangers

Snorting Xanax: Alprazolam Substance Abuse & Addiction Anxiety is the most common mental illness affecting 40 million adults in the United States or 18.1% of the population. In response to this growing mental health concern, anti-anxiety…
addiction treatment colorado

Drug Use Vs Drug Abuse

It can be hard to tell the difference between drug use and drug abuse. Drug use vs. drug abuse terms is often used interchangeably, although abuse and use carry different meanings. It is helpful to be aware of these differences as this can help…
heroin drug addiction signs

Signs of Heroin Abuse

What are the signs of heroin abuse, and how can learning the symptoms help prevent catastrophic damage to individuals and families?  Heroin use is a leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. In fact, heroin addiction continues to destroy…
heroin drug addiction signs

Better Engagement for Better Outcomes

We could never have foreseen how the world was going to change back in 2019 when we at AspenRidge were first testing and launching online addiction treatment programs. All we knew then was that there was a clear need for such treatment, even…