Rehab Program & Addiction Recovery Windsor | Resources

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Windsor rehab resources are creating accessibility for individuals and families to find help for substance abuse. Rural and urban areas in Colorado are expanding treatment care for alcohol and drug addiction to help with a mounting substance abuse problem. More Windsor residents can build the tools needed for long-term recovery.

In 2017, 2.5 million adults met the criteria for opioid addiction, but only 1 million received treatment. Similarly, the state of Colorado has faced a decade-long substance abuse problem with prescription drugs, heroin, and marijuana. The following Windsor rehab resources may offer guidance to individuals who are battling the disease of addiction.

Windsor, Colorado

Founded in 1882, the Town of Windsor is a rapidly-developing community located in the heart of Northern Colorado between the mountains and the plains. It’s top rated as a small town, boasting hospitality, safety, and service. As a town of just over 30,000, residents experience community-oriented programs, while still having access to more urban areas like Fort Collins, Greeley, and metro-capitol Denver. However, drugs both illicit and prescription medications are threatening public safety. The need for assistance that address substance addiction is paramount to keeping this small community safe.

Windsor Rehab Resources

Windsor Rehab Resources & Addiction Programs

In 2015, Colorado ranked 32nd in the nation for drug overdose rates in the U.S. Though males consume the majority of drugs like opioids, 7% of women in Colorado with substance abuse disorders were pregnant.

If you have health insurance, your insurance includes benefits for substance abuse treatment. Get your insurance verified to clarify your costs. You may be surprised to find that recovery is completely covered by your insurance provider. AspenRidge Recovery can offer support and help you work with your insurance company to find the coverage you need to enroll in an addiction treatment program.

If you don’t have health insurance, you can shop for a policy at Additionally, there may be Wheat Ridge rehab resources that are free or low-cost. Find out more below.

Rehab Resources Windsor Colorado

Support Groups and Recovery Meetings in Windsor

There are many questions that come up when browsing through the lists of Windsor rehab resources. The majority of people suffering from addiction shy away from drug and alcohol rehab because they believe they can’t afford it, or they believe recovery to be impossible. However, with new evidence-based methods, recovery is possible and it can be provided at a low cost. Learn more about effective treatment programs, plus free or low-cost initiatives that are helping more community members of Windsor find sobriety sooner.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an organization that offers assistance to individuals suffering from alcohol addiction or alcohol use disorder. Windsor rehab resources often include AA support groups held in the area. Weekly meetings are free of charge and can offer a range of benefits for those struggling with alcohol abuse.

Sober groups offer a support system that allows individuals to establish clean-living habits. Through routine meetings, those suffering from alcohol addiction can find recovery much sooner and return to daily life with a renewed sense of hope.

Windsor AA Meetings

There are many AA meetings in Windsor, Colorado for you to choose from. This list is only a partial one. There are many more if these do not fit your schedule.

Rude Awakening
Longmont Triangle Club
Open, Wheelchair Access
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Happy Hour Group
Longmont Triangle Club
Big Book, Open, Wheelchair Access
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Sunday Evening 12 Steps | 12 Traditions Womens Group Women
Longmont Triangle Club
Closed, Women
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO


AA – Unspecified Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
18.03 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Platteville Sippers
316 Elizabeth Ave, Platteville, CO 80651
18.03 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Happy Hour Group
Longmont Triangle Club
Big Book, Open, Wheelchair Access
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Rude Awakening
Longmont Triangle Club
Open, Wheelchair Access
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Between The Tracks
Longmont Triangle Club
Open, Wheelchair Access
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Steps and Traditions
Longmont Triangle Club
Open, Step Meeting
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Wednesday Night Group
Guardian Angel Church
Open, Wheelchair Access
16.89 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Rude Awakening
Longmont Triangle Club
Open, Wheelchair Access
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Weekday Sobriety
Longmont Triangle Club
Open, Wheelchair Access
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Mead Open AA
Guardian Angel Church
16.89 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Mead Group

AA – Unspecified Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
16.92 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Rude Awakening
Longmont Triangle Club
Open, Wheelchair Access
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Keep Coming Back
1st United Methodist Church
Open, Wheelchair Access
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Weekday Sobriety

AA – Unspecified Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Happy Hour Group

AA – Unspecified Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Rude Awakening
Longmont Triangle Club
Open, Wheelchair Access
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Between The Tracks
Longmont Triangle Club
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

Happy Hour Group
Longmont Triangle Club
Big Book, Open, Wheelchair Access
22.12 miles from the center of Windsor, CO

SMART Meetings

The best Wheat Ridge rehab resources include self-management and training meetings. Learn practical skills, like the ABCs of REBT for emotional upsets and urge coping. Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) meetings also provide a continuum of care. Confidence building comes with the structure for this alcohol and drug addiction program. These meetings are science-based and follow a 4-point program. They’re different from standard 12-step programs. These meetings help members learn how to manage addictive any type of addictive behavior.

Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) Meetings in Windsor

There aren’t any SMART meetings in Windsor, CO. Fortunately, those who are interested in attending these meetings can find a few options closer to the city of metro Denver, about 60 miles away.

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Al-Anon Meetings for Families Facing Addiction

Al-Anon is a support group for people who have been directly affected by family member’s alcohol use. Al-Anon was established as a group for those seeking a safe place to share their personal experiences. The organization states, “Newcomers to Al-Anon are often interested in learning from members whose personal situations most closely resemble theirs. After attending Al-Anon meetings, they begin to understand how much they have in common with everyone affected by someone else’s drinking, regardless of the specific details of their personal situation.”

Alateen in Windsor

Windsor rehab resources also include programs designed for family members and friends. Battling addiction often encompasses more than just the individual facing substance abuse problems. Drug dependency and alcohol use disorder can affect those surrounding the issue and it can be difficult to navigate the road of support vs enabling problematic behavior. It’s okay to love someone with an addiction, but it’s not okay for their addiction to rule your life.

Windsor Addiction Help

Dealing with substance abuse but not sure where to find help? Our 24/7 helpline can assist in pointing you in the right direction. We’d be happy to find resources that make sense for your situation and our addiction specialists can clarify concerns or questions you may have about recovery.

Rehab Resources In Windsor Colorado

Windsor Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

Taking advantage of Windsor rehab resources also includes programs suited for those suffering from substance abuse, like NA. Narcotics Anonymous, or NA, is a nonprofit fellowship of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem. The only requirement is that attendees must have a desire to stop using whatever drug they are abusing.

Narcotics Anonymous is similar to Alcoholics Anonymous in that it is a 12-step program making use of sponsors and group accountability. Even the 12-steps themselves are the same, save that any drug name can be substituted in place of alcohol.

Windsor Rehab Resources for LBGTQ+

Rates of substance abuse and addiction are higher among people in the LGBTQ+ community than in other segments of society. Having access to LGBTQ Drug and Alcohol rehab programs catering to specific LGBTQ-issues is imperative to help individuals overcome the disease of addiction.

AspenRidge provides a continuum of care of individuals facing substance abuse issues and co-occurring mental health disorders. We offer inclusive support for LGBTQ community and residents throughout the state of Colorado. Our programs include:

  • Partial Hospitalization Day Program (PHP)
  • Day Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
  • Outpatient Program

Get Support Online for Your Addiction

AA or NA and other mutual support groups may not be enough. Many recovering addicts may find that they still need additional support. Some recovering addicts may not always be able to make it to in-person meetings. In these situations, these individuals should consider looking online for more support.

AspenRidge REACH

AspenRidge Recover just unveiled Colorado’s first fully integrated online addiction treatment through REACH Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). Telehealth has greatly expanded reach for health care systems and programs, but AspenRidge’s REACH is designed with our local communities in mind. The mental health and addiction needs of Coloradans statewide indicate large gaps in accessibility and affordability for effective treatment programs. We’re working to change these numbers.

There are many online support groups available that can help recovering addicts get one step closer to addiction recovery. These and other groups are wonderful resources. Take a look at some of the options available below:

  • Therapy Tribe – Therapy Tribe offers many different ways for recovering addicts to connect with other people in recovery. They have a social media platform that makes it easier for recovering addicts to meet people that they can identify with.
  • Daily Strength – Daily Strength offers recovering addicts an easy way to find people with similar addictions. They offer support groups and opportunities to meet with others in their online groups.

AspenRidge Works

Kat, Alumni

Brian, Alumni

Melissa, Alumni