Paint Drug | New Street Drugs | Substance Abuse Risks

Paint Drug

Drugs come in all shapes and sizes. With the increasing development of street drugs, it’s easier than ever for our children, particularly teenagers to be put at risk by getting their hands on drugs. A new street drug currently plaguing schools is a psychedelic drug called ‘paint.’ What risks does this ‘paint’ drug carry and what’s the allure that’s caused it to make national news?

Paint is considered to be a highly dangerous substance with strong psychedelic effects and carrying high risks of addiction. With the stresses of adolescence, drugs can often be seen as an easy escape. However, what’s often not talked about is the significant long-term effects these drugs can have on a young persons’ life. Hence, if you’re caring for a vulnerable adult or child, it’s critical to be having effective and open discussions around drugs rather than tip-toeing around the subject.

New Street Drugs

What Is ‘Paint’?

Paint drug is the name of a street drug that is increasingly being sold within schools. Classified as a psychedelic substance, ‘paint’ is considered to have significant psychedelic effects. Anyone using paint is at high risk of addiction as it is considered to be a potent substance. Its effects could have significant long-term effects caused by short-term and long-term use. The drug is often found in capsule form and has been described as containing a red-brown powder content.

The origin of the drug ‘paint’ is unknown, hence, it is considered an even higher risk as its contents are uncertain. Young adults face a multitude of stresses as it is a significant time of change. The result of feeling overwhelmed and stressed can lead to some seeking solutions and ways of making life a little easier. However, many young people are unaware of the vast effects of drugs on their mind and their body and unfortunately many find out when it is too late. One of the best ways to challenge the emergence of these substances and to work to reduce the risk of young people turning to drugs is by having an open conversation about them.

Why Is Drug Education Important?

Many parents consider the question: why is drug education important? Educating youth and kids on the dangers of drugs is meant to just address the fear factor involved in taking an unknown substance. By actively participating in your kids’ lives, you can better assess how they are able to handle peer pressure and address issues of new emerging drugs that may cost lives.

Adolescence is a crucial time. While the brain and body continue to develop, important social influences begin to emerge, including experimentation and peer pressure. As teens continue to explore who they are and where they fit in, they may find themselves facing dangerous situations and making difficult life choices without a parent’s guidance. That sentiment alone can cause unease.

Learn more about how to talk to teenagers about drugs.

Effects of ‘Paint’ Drug

Street drugs such as ‘paint,’ adopt drug street names as a way of flying under the raider. This makes it easier for them to be circulated in environments such as schools. Street drugs such as ‘paint’ are considered to be of significantly high risk, not only because of their psychedelic effects but also due to their uncertain content.

Research shows that psychedelic drugs have a direct effect on neural circuits in the brain which can have adverse cognitive and physical effects. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), psychedelic drugs such as paint can have a critical effect on altering physiological responses which may interfere with the way in which a person thinks, communicates, and recognizes reality.

The direct effect that the drug ‘paint’ has on the central nervous system can cause critical short and long-term damage to the body and the mind. As a potent drug, it is considered to be a high risk of substance abuse which may lead to tolerance, dependence, and addiction.

One of the significant long-term effects of substance misuse is the development of co-occurring disorders. Many of those who suffer from substance use disorder may also experience the development of mental disorders such as anxiety or depression.

Drug Paint

Signs Of Substance Abuse

Parents should be talking to their kids about the dangers of drug abuse from both a health standpoint and a criminal justice perspective. They should also be investigating effective methods that address how to talk to teenagers about drugs. After all, teenagers are not always receptive to “just say no.” Understanding the consequences of experimenting with drugs should motivate more parents to actively participate in their children’s day-to-day lives. Finding signs of substance abuse can help stop addiction before it happens.

Some common signs of psychedelic drug misuse include experiencing :

  • Seizures
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Trouble breathing
  • Numbness
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Hallucinations
  • Psychosis
  • Nausea

If you recognize any of the signs listed, call us on (855) 281-5588 to get the right help today.

Risks of Taking ‘Paint’

The risk of using substances such as ‘paint’ can have a critical impact on all areas of life from a person’s health to their relationships. Substance misuse can lead to a spiral of decline. The risks of regular substance misuse can lead to:

  • The breakdown of relationships
  • Financial instability
  • Job loss
  • The development of mental health disorders
  • Family conflict
  • Overdose

It’s critical that if you recognize any of the above in someone you care about and you’re concerned that they may be suffering from substance use disorder, it’s not too late to seek help. Get support today for substance abuse.

AspenRidge Recovery: Substance Abuse Help

‘Paint’ drug isn’t the only unknown substance on the market and it’s likely that more will crop up. The risks involved with new street drugs can be disastrous given that components within each are largely a mystery. Combining substances or mixing different types of drugs is known to be extremely lethal. Learn more about deadly drug interactions

Many parents and guardians are unsure of how to start a conversation about drugs for fear of a backlash. However, it’s important for parents and carers to ensure that they create a space where kids feel comfortable and safe enough to talk openly without fear of judgment. Establishing a space where topics such as drugs can be openly discussed is beneficial as it also creates a space where young people can also discuss other matters such as struggles that may be taking place in their life that may not have been obvious. Adolescence is a significant time for mental and physical development and in many ways is considered the time when kids need the most guidance. Whilst many parents and guardians assume that the relevant conversations surrounding topics such as substance use are being taught in schools, it’s also important that these conversations happen at home.

If you’re unsure about how to begin a conversation around substance use, find more on: How to talk to teenagers about drugs.

Paint Drug

Finding Effective Addiction Treatment

Facing addiction can be extremely challenging for both the individual suffering from substance use disorder and their family. Addiction is a disease that can tear families apart if you let it. However, with the right support and guidance, individuals can overcome the battle and gain a fresh start. AspenRidge Recovery strives to offer clients and their families the support they need to make the journey to full recovery. Our dedicated team provides the necessary support needed to get back on track. We provide a range of comprehensive evidence-based treatment programs that are designed to guide you or your loved one through the journey to recovery.

Why AspenRidge Recovery

AspenRidge Recovery stands to be a leading Colorado substance abuse treatment facility that is dedicated to providing compassionate long-term support to clients and their families on the journey to recovery. Ready to get help? Whether you’re looking for advice or help for yourself or someone you care about, AspenRidge Recovery is here to help. To make a change today, call us on (855) 281-5588 to talk to a dedicated member of staff.

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