How To Go To Rehab Without Losing Your Job | Drug Treatment Options

How to Go To Rehab Without Losing Your Job

Receiving help for a substance use disorder and other addictive behaviors can be quite challenging and often disrupts routines and schedules. Many fear the ramifications of seeking treatment, particularly those dealing with outside obligations like family and work. Knowing how to go to rehab without losing your job is an essential first step.

Unfortunately, when an individual is ready to seek alcohol and drug abuse treatment, their world is often turned upside down. Addiction treatment does not come without its challenges. Fear of losing income prevents many American’s from seeking the treatment they require. Most employers have options to support employees on their journey to recovery. Addiction is also protected under the American Disabilities Act. Read on to find out how you can keep your job and get the help you need.

how to go to rehab without losing your job

Does Addiction Interfere with Work?

Each year, drug and alcohol addiction costs American businesses and organizations $81 billion in lost profits. While some may picture an addict as someone without a home, job, or friends, that is a common misconception. In fact, more than 70% of people with substance abuse disorder maintain employment. However, keeping a job does not mean those suffering from addiction perform well at work. A full 42% of people with an addiction report a decrease in productivity at work due to their addiction.

Employers may be unaware of their employee’s addiction, and many addicts cover up their unexplained behavior and absences as medical problems. Additionally, hangovers, withdrawal symptoms, and intoxication at work can severely impact day to day operations for employers and employees. Further, alcohol and drug abuse carries extreme risk and a high potential for accidents occurring on a job site.

Signs of Drug Abuse in the Workplace

Most people living with an addiction hide their drug use from employers and coworkers. Indicators and signs that an alcohol or drug problem may present themselves. Someone abusing drugs at work might behave differently from their colleagues. For example, they may avoid coworkers and friends or irrationally blame others for mistakes. Other indicators someone is abusing drugs in the workplace may include:

  • Openly talking about money problems
  • Decline in personal appearance or hygiene
  • Taking time off for vague illnesses
  • Acting paranoids or irrational

Employed adults might be reluctant to take time off from work to seek outside treatment and support through addiction programs. Knowing how to go to rehab without losing your job is crucial.

AspenRidge Recovery is committed to providing clients with ongoing care. If you’re concerned about losing your job to enroll in an addiction program, we can advise you on how to keep your job and seek the treatment you need.  Give us a call directly at 720-650-8055 to discuss your options.

What Are Some Employment Barriers to Receiving Rehab?

Most organizations and employers have programs that allow an employee to seek out necessary medical services. These programs include:

  1. Family Medical Leave Act
  2. Short-Term and Long-Term Disability
  3. Paid Time Off

However, not all employers offer these programs. This can depend on several factors, and it is highly encouraged for those seeking out rehab services to discuss various programs offered through the company or organization. Similarly, your concerns should be addressed with a manager or human resources department. Employees’ medical records and information about an employee should always be kept confidential by current employers.

Want to know how to go to rehab without losing your job? Consider each of the following programs.

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) entitles eligible employees to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons to continue health insurance coverage under the same terms. Eligible employees can take two weeks off in a one-year period. This includes a serious medical condition, and addiction is considered a medical and emotional condition. Please visit the U.S. Department of Labor website at for further information.

Short-Term and Long-Term Disability

Helpful insurance tools like short-term and long-term disability insurance exist to support individuals through extended periods. The employee must select these services during their employer’s open-enrollment period and cost a monthly fee. Short-term and long-term disability insurance provides the employee with a percentage of their income to maintain their lifestyle while receiving medical care and other approved health services. Currently, addiction rehabilitation may fall into the criteria to meet short-term and long-term disability. For further information on short-term and long-term disability, please contact your employer or explore the Social Security Administration website.

Paid Time Off (PTO)

Paid Time Off is a handy tool that employers offer to staff members. All employers distribute PTO differently, and it may be helpful to contact your manager, supervisor, or human resources staff to explore your PTO accrual and regulations.

These are great tools offered by many employers and may be critical to an individual’s recovery journey. It is essential to know what programs and tools are available as the tools mentioned above may be dependent upon full-time or part-time status, insurance availability, and field of work. Depending on your employment situation, there may be alternative measures to help in the process of rehabilitation without losing your position. For further information, it is important to contact your specific employer for more details.

addiction employee benefits

What is the Americans With Disabilities Act?

Losing employment for receiving medical care and rehabilitative services for drugs and alcohol is a reasonable worry. However, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recognizes substance use disorder as a disability. The three main criteria for qualified disabilities include::

  • A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Someone with bipolar disorder, diabetes, or alcohol addiction.
  • A history of an impairment that substantially limited one or more major life activities. Someone who has a history of cancer; or someone in recovery from illegal use of drugs.
  • Regarded as having such an impairment. Someone who has a family member who has HIV, so is assumed to have HIV as well and face discrimination as a result, or someone who is perceived to have a disability and is treated negatively based on the assumption of disability.

Every person has access to the ADA protections and all employers must make reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. According to the Americans with Disability Act National Network, addiction is considered a disability as it impacts the mental, emotional, and social components to properly engage in employment tasks.

How Can AspenRidge AspenRidge Virtual Care Help?

AspenRidge treatment center and online programs focus on providing supportive services and can help minimize the impact rehabilitation may have on those seeking recovery. 

Through our various treatment options, clients can find evidence-based programs that work to address substance abuse and underlying mental health difficulties.

AspenRidge is Colorado’s leading alcohol and drug addiction recovery center helping thousands to overcome substance dependency. Our various programs aim to treat substance use disorder using multiple approaches and healing techniques, including dual diagnosis therapy, substance misuse help, cognitive therapy, holistic approaches, group therapy, and more.

The Joint Commission also certifies our center, and our licensed counselors are trained, specifically, in substance misuse and addiction. We offer the following programs:

Each of our programs offers supportive services throughout treatment and long-term sobriety. We take a step-down approach as clients move from in-house to outpatient care. Or, if preferred, our staff can help work out arrangements for outside obligations that may prevent you or a loved one from receiving the help they deserve. Also, we’re now offering an online treatment option that is expanding access for many Coloradans.

addiction treatment without losing employment

Online Treatment

Knowing how to go to rehab without losing your job may require a different tactic. Traditional in-person addiction programs are a great way to find sobriety with direct support. Did you know that AspenRidge AspenRidge Virtual Care online treatment offers the same level of support and care? We’ve designed a flexible program to help thousands receive the rehab services they need and deserve while allowing them the opportunity to protect their job and tend to family obligations.

Learn more here

It is encouraged for prospective individuals to contact AspenRidge and their human resources department for further information. If you are uncomfortable speaking with your employer, AspenRidge can provide proper guidance and counseling. AspenRidge is dedicated and follows all Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements. Confidentiality will be maintained at AspenRidge.

Further information for treatment programs can be found here, or you can call us at 720-650-8055.

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