Fentanyl Drug Abuse and Withdrawal | AspenRidge Recovery | Lakewood

What are the Most Common Fentanyl Side Effects in Women?

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Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid drug that is 100 times more potent than morphine. It is often administered to patients before or after surgery to people in extreme amounts of pain, and those with a high tolerance to other opioids. Fentanyl is highly addictive due to a variety of factors. A fentanyl addiction treatment program is necessary to overcome this deadly addiction.

Fentanyl Use and Abuse

In a hospital setting, fentanyl is commonly given via I.V. In an outpatient setting, it’s commonly administered via a transdermal patch. Lollipops called Actiq or buccal pills can also be given for patients at home.

The Fentanyl patch, also known as Duragesic, is usually applied to the skin and removed in 72 hours. This allows the patient to receive a steady amount of medication at all times. However, the patch will still contain Fentanyl when it’s removed, so all directions for disposal should be followed.

One of the things that make Fentanyl so appealing as a recreational drug is that Duragesic patches have a high abuse potential when misused. They can be cut and chewed to get a larger dose of the drug at one time. They can also be heated up to release more of the drug. It’s important to know that using Fentanyl in ways other than directed can easily result in overdose and death, even in opiate tolerant individuals. The addiction therapy programs at AspenRidge Recovery in Lakewood, CO provide support to help you overcome your fentanyl abuse issue.

Common Fentanyl Side Effects

There are a wide variety of potential side effects of Fentanyl. Some of the most common include:

  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Urinary issues
  • Mood changes
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Malaise

Digestive problems are the most common side effect of opiates. Approximately half of the opiate users experience constipation. Other symptoms include black tarry stools, nausea and vomiting, and abdominal cramps.

Urinary changes can also occur. These include decreased urine output, painful urination.

Others around you may notice mood changes, including:

  • Confusion
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Increased sociability
  • Decreased inhibitions

Breathing difficulties can occur, as well. Respiratory depression is the most common and is the most common cause of death from Fentanyl. Other breathing issues include rapid breathing, labored breathing, tightness in the chest, and difficulty breathing with exertion.

Malaise refers to a feeling of illness or lack of well-being. Malaise symptoms associated with Fentanyl use include fatigue, fever, cough, sore throat, and muscle aches.

A drug detox center provides a safe environment for you to effectively treat fentanyl side effects

Risk of Opiate Addiction For Women

It’s important to know that women are more susceptible to opiate addiction than men. Recent studies have revealed that women feel more pain than men and require higher doses of some opiates to relieve that pain. Women may also become addicted more quickly than men.

Studies have also shown that women escalated their heroin use at a faster rate than men, becoming addicted at a quicker rate.

Fentanyl Side Effects in Women

There is a surprising lack of information regarding the differences in side effects of Fentanyl side effects in women vs. men. However, Fentanyl is believed to harm pregnant women and their unborn babies. Fentanyl side effects in women who are pregnant include seizures, respiratory depression, and behavioral changes in newborn infants.

Fentanyl is classified as Category C, meaning that animal studies indicate adverse effects on the unborn child, but conclusive, human trials have not been conducted.

Considering Recovery?

If you or someone you know is suffering from an addiction to Fentanyl or another opiate, contact us today at (855) 281-5588. We have many levels of fentanyl addiction treatment and are happy to help you discover the level of treatment that is best for you. Find peace and freedom in recovery today.

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