Does Alcohol Rehab Work? | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Online

Does Alcohol Rehab Work?

Does alcohol rehab work? What entails effective and evidence-based treatment modalities proven to help individuals and families fight against alcohol addiction?

Americans often reach for a cold beer, a cocktail, or a glass of champagne to celebrate holidays, promotions, and birthdays. However, casual views of alcohol use may be exacerbating the problem of alcohol use disorder (AUD). More Americans die due to alcohol-related causes every year, and the American Psychiatric Association states that frequent drinking can lead to mild, moderate, and extreme dependency issues. Mild and moderate issues affect millions in the country, with concealment behind a high-functioning persona. Addiction specialists continue to assess the effectiveness of evidence-based treatment programs. 

It can be challenging to recognize when casual drinking has morphed into abuse, dependency, or addiction. Even more difficult is the decision to seek treatment. The early warning signs of alcohol abuse may prevent health risks and substance addiction if caught early enough.

Online alcohol treatment is offered by many healthcare professionals and programs specializing in addiction. AspenRidge AspenRidge Virtual Care can help you or a loved one find quality care through virtual treatment by certified healthcare professionals. Contact us today at 720-650-8055.

treatment for alcohol addiction

Alcohol Use Disorder: What Does it Look Like

More than 85% of people in the US drink alcohol at least once during their lifetime, according to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). About 14 million adults ages 18 and older live with alcohol use disorder (AUD). 

By the numbers, alcohol related events account for the third leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States. An estimated 95,000 people die annually, a number that grows every year. Moreover, more than 10% of U.S. children live with a parent suffering from alcohol use issues. 

Those battling with AUD experience a pattern of use that involves problems controlling drinking, being preoccupied with alcohol, continuing to use alcohol despite consequences, drinking more to achieve the same results, or having withdrawal symptoms when stopping consumption. Over time, drinking too much alcohol can change normal brain functions that experience pleasure, judgment, and the ability to exercise control over your behavior. 

How Are Individuals Solving Alcohol-Related Health Issues?

Given the prevalence of alcohol consumption, many studies have considered effective tactics and strategies for treating alcohol use disorder. Does alcohol rehab work? The short answer is, it can. 

Overcoming an alcohol addiction is often a complicated process for many with AUD. For one, most people suffering from alcohol abuse do not decide to make drastic changes out of the blue or transform their drinking habits overnight. Instead, they may not even recognize alcohol use as an issue until they’re completely dependent on it. In some instances, individuals experiencing alcohol-related issues can and will find sobriety without outside help. However, these individuals are shown to be more susceptible to relapse due to self-medicating triggers. In order to consider the best possible program for every situation, examine the amount of alcohol consumed daily, how long it’s been an issue, stability of a living situation, and potential underlying mental health concerns.  

alcohol treatment

Health Risks of Alcohol Use

Alcohol can negatively impact a person’s mental and physical health and personal life. Alcohol plays a role in at least half of all serious trauma injuries and deaths caused by burns, domestic abuse, drownings, and homicides. It’s also involved in four out of ten fatal falls and traffic crashes, as well as suicide. Alcohol is also linked to over 60 different diseases, including certain cancers, heart disease, fatty liver disease, and cirrhosis.  

Alcohol depresses the central nervous system. In the short-term, consuming beer, spirits, or wine can impact speech, muscle coordination, and the brain’s vital centers. Continued use or heavy binge drinking can cause life-threatening events like coma or death. This is a particular concern when consuming other substances such as prescription medications. 

Like other substance addictions, alcohol use disorder can appear with mild, moderate, or severe symptoms. According to the Mayo Clinic, signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse include:

  • Being unable to limit the amount of alcohol you drink
  • Wanting to cut down on how much you drink
  • Spending a lot of time drinking, getting alcohol, or recovering from alcohol use
  • Feeling an intense craving or urge to drink alcohol
  • Failing to fulfill major obligations at work, school, or home due to repeated alcohol use
  • Continuing to drink alcohol despite consequences
  • Giving up or reducing social and work activities or obligations
  • Using alcohol in situations that are risky or unsafe
  • Developing a higher tolerance 
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms

Does alcohol rehab work for these types of symptoms? Health care professionals and addiction specialists are considering short- and long-term care. Well established treatment centers and organizations are continuing to review viable medications and therapy options that suit various needs, tailored to each individual and family. 

Is Alcohol Rehab Effective?

Does alcohol rehab work? Yes, alcohol rehab has been proven to help thousands of Americans find sobriety long-term. 

According to the American Addiction Centers, those who choose professional treatment for help with alcohol use disorder have a higher rehab success rate, with at least 40% remaining sober for at least 12 months after rehab, compared to 23% of those who try to get sober on their own.  At AspenRidge Recovery, 80% of our clients are sober a year after treatment.

Early intervention is usually the best preventive medicine used to treat alcohol-related problems, especially in teens. Searching through warning signs may help to pinpoint when alcohol consumption morphs from casual use to full-blown addiction. Remember, alcohol use disorder is not always black and white. Individuals may experience some symptoms or may just be high-functioning alcohol users that are able to hide the signs of abuse. 

In either case, all alcohol use disorders vary from person to person, ranging from moderate to severe. Because of the spectrum within AUD, assessments should be handled diligently, and thorough evaluations should be considered upon intake into any treatment facility or programs. 

Online Alcohol Treatment Programs

Finding treatment for alcohol abuse can seem like an intimidating process. With the help of technology, online alcohol recovery programs remove barriers that prevent tens of thousands of Americans from seeking adequate help. While online treatment is certainly not for everyone, many find the same effectiveness from this type of intensive outpatient program as through usual in-personal outpatient rehabs. 

Virtual telehealth services can help clients discover a tailored program that incorporates flexible aspects of managing recovery and balancing outside obligations of work and family life. Receiving help for alcohol use disorder can genuinely transform how individuals interact with alcohol and provide the tools needed to maintain sobriety long-term. 

does alcohol treatment work

AspenRidge AspenRidge Virtual Care Online Alcohol Treatment

Understanding alcohol and other drug use can be complicated. Several aspects of drug use need to be considered when seeking alcohol and drug abuse treatment. For example, it’s essential to evaluate the severity of alcohol and drug use for providers and clinicians to engage in the most efficient and accurate treatment methods. Our assessment tool found below is thorough and extensive. This tool can provide clarity into personal alcohol use. 

Through our online treatment options, alcohol rehab can increase the probability of a person overcoming alcohol abuse. We offer several different approaches and programs, each considering the level of alcohol use and clients’ flexible needs. 

AspenRidge Virtual Care Online Rehab Intensive Outpatient Program

This 12-week counseling program is ideal for patients who need more intensive intervention. Sessions with experienced, board-certified therapists counsel clients online via private, HIPAA compliant video occur three times per week. 

The AspenRidge Virtual Care Intensive Outpatient Program aims to aid participants in their efforts to get drug-free and resume their former sober lifestyle.

Program changes are made based on evidence-based treatment indicators. AspenRidge Virtual Care techniques include one-on-one therapy sessions, group therapy, and family counseling. 

AspenRidge Virtual Care Online Rehab Reset

This is a six-week virtual recovery to help those with substance abuse issues. Sessions occur three times a week for six weeks. Counseling assists participants avoid addiction triggers and urges. Mental health, making healthy choices, and emotional wellness are part of this option. 

AspenRidge Virtual Care Online Rehab Reset educates and empowers participants. AspenRidge Virtual Care Online Rehab Reboot does not deal with detox. It is also not a support group package like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. Many who enroll in this program also use the resources of a support group’s frequent meetings. 

AspenRidge Virtual Care Online Rehab Outpatient Program

This outpatient substance abuse treatment program offers extended care treatment—often to those with mild clinical care needs. The sessions are ninety minutes long. Groups meet virtually once a week,

Patients who have completed AspenRidge Virtual Care Online Rehab’s twelve-week intensive counseling sessions often use the outpatient program as a support follow-up.

Contact Us

Find out more about our online alcohol use disorder counseling programs offered to those facing alcohol dependency. AspenRidge AspenRidge Virtual Care is also expanding its client base to geographic areas outside of Colorado. To stay updated with our upcoming program launches.

Our intake counselors are available 24/7 to take your call at 720-650-8055. You will be assigned a therapist who is familiar with all of AspenRidge’s alcohol abuse treatment programs. Together, you will discuss the best program option.

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