Best Books on Addiction Recovery | Resources for Substance Abuse

Best Books on Addiction Recovery

Struggling with alcohol addiction, drug addiction or other addictive behaviors can be life-altering. Seeking resources to begin the process toward recovery is not always an easy first step, but it can aid in defining support systems sooner. There are many reasons that individuals may seek help for substance abuse. It’s possible that you’re coming to grips with the fact that understanding addiction and overcoming it are two different actions. However, they both require mind, body, and spirit to work together as reframe outlooks and ultimately change unhealthy, life-threatening habits. As you begin that work toward addiction recovery and renewed mental health, here is a list of the best books on addiction recovery.

Finding support groups outside of books or authored publications can also help to provide perspective. There are various resources available to family members and individuals who are battling substance abuse issues. Further, AspenRidge AspenRidge Virtual Care offers an online recovery program that addresses alcohol and drug addiction. Contact us directly (720) 650-8055 to learn more about our program offerings.

addiction recovery books

Online Addiction Help

Our online addiction recovery programs are committed to providing you with compassionate support and accessibility to therapy, plus other resources that focus on long-term care. Through our proven, evidence-based systems, we help individuals to identify and build on the skill sets required to overcome substance dependency and mental health challenges.

As technology changes the way Americans receive critical care, online addiction support can provide additional resources as you move forward in your recovery journey. Understanding your history, relationships, and thought processes will help you break free from the old patterns that impact your health, wellbeing, and relationships. Online therapy statistics reaffirm the effectiveness of technology used to treat the disease of addiction.

You’ll make more informed and empowered choices that put you and your well-being first.

Is Online Addiction Right for Me?

Though addiction can leave you feeling isolated and confused, you can break free of these chains. Through online addiction treatment in Colorado, you can learn the skills you need to overcome your addiction, even if you can’t get to a physical treatment facility. At AspenRidge, we are as committed to your successful treatment as you are. Therefore, we want to help you in every possible way. Our Online Intensive Outpatient in Colorado is proven to help treat:

  • Alcohol addiction
  • Meth addiction
  • Cocaine addiction
  • Heroin addiction
  • Opiate addiction
  • Marijuana addiction
  • Prescription addiction

You can choose to get treatment with our online addiction treatment program, AspenRidge AspenRidge Virtual Care.

best books on addiction recovery

Best Books on Addiction Recovery & Other Resources

Addiction recovery is a personal path that entails a deeper understanding of how this disease can take hold of life. While substance abuse is scary and oftentimes overwhelming, there remains one simple fact to consider: you are not alone. While each path and experience is different, there are striking similarities among individuals that help to build strength in numbers. It can be a powerful example that although our circumstances and history remain unique to us, there are others out there that may be able to empathize and relate. It can provide hope.

Here are some of the best books on addiction recovery:

1. Good Morning Monster

We’re adding this one to our list of the best books on addiction recovery because, while it’s written by an addiction specialist and psychologist, it covers stories from five different individuals who’ve lived through alcohol and drug abuse. The five accounts that offer different backgrounds and challenges as it pertains to this particular disease helps to shape the story into something authentic and relatable.

The book was listed on Good Morning America’s SEPTEMBER 2020 READING LIST and FAVORITE BOOKS OF 2020!

2. Rewired: A Bold New Approach to Addiction and Recovery

Rewired is a book that reviews a new, breakthrough approach to fighting addiction and self-damaging behavior. The premise lies within acknowledging our personal power to bring ourselves back from the brink. The entirety of the book is centered on the concept of self-actualization and works to provide guidance not only in physical sobriety, but mental, emotions, and spiritual sobriety. Within the book, a reader can expect to learn how to identify key principles including:

  • Authenticity
  • Honesty
  • Gratitude
  • Understanding the need for Solitude

Each section in Rewired includes:

  • Personal anecdotes from the author’s own struggles with alcoholism and addiction
  • Inspiring true success stories of patients overcoming their addictions
  • Questions to engage you into finding what is missing from your recovery
  • Positive affirmations and intentions to guide and motivate

3. Unbroken Brain

Addiction is ubiquitous. Sure, not everyone suffers from alcohol and drug dependency, but in examining society and the role it plays in our everyday life, most of us are struggling with mounting addictions to technology, the internet, porn, sex, gambling, sugar or food, and much more. Addiction specialists are challenging the notion that addiction is relevant to crime or brokenness.

Unbroken Brain offers a radical and groundbreaking new perspective, arguing that addictions are learning disorders and shows how seeing the condition this way can untangle our current debates over treatment, prevention, and policy. Like autistic traits, addictive behaviors fall on a spectrum — and they can be a normal response to an extreme situation. By illustrating what addiction is, and is not, the book illustrates how timing, history, family, peers, culture, and chemicals come together to create both illness and recovery- and why there is no “addictive personality” or single treatment that works for all.

recovering from drug addiction

4. Recovery: Freedom from our Addictions

Russell Brand is a celebrity and actor that has made a name for himself due to his past and his outspoken personality as it centers around the disease of addiction.

Brand has been forthcoming about his own struggles with heroin, alcohol, sex, fame, food, and more. With a rare mix of honesty, humor, and compassion, Brand details his own journey and shares the advice and wisdom he has gained through his fourteen years of recovery.

Brand speaks to those suffering along the full spectrum of addiction–from drugs, alcohol, caffeine, and sugar addictions to addictions to work, stress, bad relationships, digital media, and fame. Brand understands that addiction can take many shapes and sizes and how the process of staying clean, sane, and unhooked is a daily activity. He believes that the question is not “Why are you addicted?” but “What pain is your addiction masking? Why are you running–into the wrong job, the wrong life, the wrong person’s arms?”

As with most things, addiction is often not a standalone condition. Co-occurring disorders are becoming more common and prevalent among today’s youth. It’s critical to start the conversation not only around addiction and overall recovery, but how mental health plays a larger role in the choices we make for ourselves.

5. The Naked Mind Control Alcohol

Alcohol is so deeply embedded into our everyday lives that it’s difficult to discern when causal drinking becomes problematic. We are taught early on that celebrating major life events and victories begins with a toast and a round of drinks with friends. This book challenges the status quo.

This Naked Mind offers a new, positive solution. Here, Annie Grace clearly presents the psychological and neurological components of alcohol use based on the latest science, and reveals the cultural, social, and industry factors that support alcohol dependence in all of us.  Packed with surprising insight into the reasons we drink, this book will open your eyes to the startling role of alcohol in our culture, and how the stigma of alcoholism and recovery keeps people from getting the help they need. With Annie’s own extraordinary and candid personal story at its heart, this book is a must-read for anyone who drinks or is in need of recovery from alcohol dependency.

AspenRidge AspenRidge Virtual Care: Online Substance Abuse Help

To learn more about our online addiction treatment program, or to enroll in one of our programs, call AspenRidge AspenRidge Virtual Care at 720-650-8055. Together, we can help you do what, up until now, you’ve only dreamed about: breaking free from your addiction.

An estimated 10 million adults live with co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders. AspenRidge AspenRidge Virtual Care helps clients get to the root of their addiction, treating more than just substance use disorder.  We offer dual diagnosis treatment programs through secure, HIPPA compliant video therapy. Contact us today to speak with an addiction specialist.

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