Benefits of an Alumni Program | Addiction Treatment Programs Colorado

Benefits of an Alumni Program

terminology for addiction

The benefits of an alumni program at AspenRidge are about more than prestige or accomplishment. Sure it is nice to be able to say that you belong to the “Alumni club,” and it is an accomplishment you should be proud of. Too many don’t make it. The real benefits of an Alumni program, however, are much more practical and more important.

Getting on the other side of recovery and overcoming your addiction isn’t easy. However, to maintain that sobriety and keep the victory, a support network is essential. This is where the benefits of an alumni program really count after addiction treatment programs.

The Real Benefits of an Alumni Program

The benefits of your alumni membership do more than plug you into a social support network of people who care and understand. It does more than instantly create a safety net. The benefits also go beyond the importance of protecting our sobriety. Living a life without dependence on alcohol or drugs means learning how to live life without alcohol or drugs.

One of the practical benefits of being a member of the alumni program is that it will help teach you how to live that life. Through the alumni program, there are events and opportunities to enjoy, and fun ways to meet others for support and camaraderie. Activities such as volunteering, socializing and having fun support maintaining your sobriety through fellowship, networking, and friendships.

Supporting Life After Addiction

Our team at AspenRidge is serious about having fun, but there is more behind their passion than just having fun. Building a foundation for lifelong sobriety begins here. As a member of the AspenRidge alumni program, you can expect to have regular BBQ outings, monthly events like camping and hiking, and weekly events like the alumni AA meeting.

Beginning a life of sobriety can often feel empty and lonely in the earliest stages, as old friends, acquaintances, and hangouts often change. This creates a void and a need for healthy, sober, and positive people to fill those spaces where past faces and habits used to reside. Those healthier, sober, and more positive influences are exactly what alumni members find in the program.

It All Begins with Step One

The benefits of belonging to the alumni program are precisely that, benefits. There is additional support on many levels, including private social media groups, and that is in addition to personal follow-up support. As alumni, you will also be given the privilege of sharing your story with current program clients. There is even a 24-hour support line for alumni – because we are family now.

Before earning and achieving that privilege, however, comes the long road of recovery and overcoming your addiction. The good news and the hope you are looking for can be found in all the current alumni members. They may not be able to help much with your insurance verification upon admission, but they can help you along the road to recovery. There are real and lasting benefits to becoming a member of the AspenRidge Recovery alumni program, but the greatest benefit is the reason we take step one. The greatest benefit of being a member of the alumni program is a life led without drugs or alcohol. The greatest benefit of this club is sobriety.

Are you or someone you know and care about fighting the disease of addiction? Can you imagine being a part of something like the AspenRidge alumni program? You can, but it all begins with step one. Contact AspenRidge Recovery today at (855) 281-5588 and take the first step toward joining the alumni program, and towards ending your addiction.

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