Alcohol-Induced Sleepwalking | Alcohol Induced Sleep Disorder

Alcohol-Induced Sleepwalking

Sleep is an essential function that allows your body and mind to recharge, leaving you refreshed and alert when you wake up. Healthy sleep also helps the body remain healthy and stave off diseases. Without enough sleep, the brain cannot function properly. Alcohol-induced sleepwalking is a very serious condition that can affect many people, but a lot of people are unsure how to manage it. Drinking a high amount of alcohol can cause disrupted sleep and can even lead to the person experiencing sleep disorders.

Below, you will be able to find information to help you better understand alcohol-induced sleepwalking and what you can do to help anyone who might be suffering from it. You can also discover more about the link between alcohol and sleep disorders.

Find support for alcohol abuse and addiction through AspenRidge Recovery. We offer tailored programs that address alcohol concerns and underlying mental health conditions. Contact us at 855-281-5588

Alcohol And Rem Sleep

What Are Sleep Disorders?

Sleep disorders refer to any changes that you are experiencing in your sleep cycle. This can range from difficulty falling asleep to irregular daytime sleepiness. They can become very dangerous as they can impact your daily life, health, and safety.

Many common sleep disorders are categorized based on how they affect you and the behaviors that sleep disorders can cause. Abnormal breathing patterns and uncomfortable positions when sleeping can be signs of sleep disorders. They are common and can be treated to help you sleep better.

Types Of Sleep Disorders

There are many different types of sleep disorders that people are suffering from as they are very common. It is important to remember that you are not alone in experiencing these symptoms of a sleep disorder. Find out more below.


Narcolepsy is a very common sleep disorder that causes a person to be very sleepy during the day. It is mainly identified by people falling asleep at inappropriate times during the day and is difficult to control, especially if you are unsure how to treat it.

As alcohol can disturb sleep during the night, it can cause excessive tiredness throughout the day after poor sleep. This may result in accidental falling asleep that could be caused by alcohol disrupting sleep during the night.


Insomnia is also an extremely common sleep disorder that lots of people experience all around the world. Insomnia prevents people from falling asleep at night and people can often find themselves constantly waking up during the night. This is another form of insomnia.

Alcohol can have an increasing effect on insomnia as regular alcohol use can prevent sleep. It can also cause sleep disruption, leading to fatigue and wakefulness throughout the night.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is very common and affects your breathing when you sleep. When you suffer from sleep apnea, you may stop breathing during your sleep, which causes the oxygen levels in your blood to drop. Once your body realizes this, it wakes you up, causing a disturbed night’s sleep.

As alcohol relaxes your airways, this may increase your risk of alcohol-induced sleep apnea. Your body will experience the reaction to wake you up, but it will result in disturbed sleep and increased tiredness.


Parasomnias can refer to abnormal behaviors during sleep, such as sleep terrors or sleepwalking. Parasomnias can be very scary for the person who is experiencing them as they are unable to control their movements.

It is very common for people to experience abnormal sleep behaviors and have them treated, but they can be brought on by alcohol use disorders.

Sleep Disorders And Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol And Sleep Disorders: Is There A Connection?

Although lots of people think that alcohol can help sleep, this isn’t the case. You may find that having a drink before bed may help you fall asleep quicker than usual, and this is true. However, alcohol can also have drastic consequences on sleep patterns, particularly when alcohol use becomes problematic.

While it may aid in falling asleep quicker, you may also find yourself waking up from vivid dreams or nightmares and then struggling to fall back asleep. After consuming alcohol, you will find yourself prone to constant wakefulness during the night. There are many negative connections between alcohol and REM sleep, including the emergence of sleep disorders.

Alcohol-Induced Sleepwalking

There is no research to determine whether sleepwalking is directly caused by alcohol consumption. We are aware that alcohol can disrupt sleep, but it is not yet shown to be a direct cause of sleepwalking.

Untreated sleep apnea may lead to an increased risk of sleepwalking that can be enhanced with alcohol use. When alcohol is consumed, your upper airways become very relaxed, which can have similar effects to sleep apnea where you stop breathing when sleeping.

Your body will wake you up from sleep once this happens, but there may be confusion in your consciousness levels that could increase the risk of alcohol-induced sleepwalking.

Despite alcohol causing sleep disturbances, there is no evidence that it is a direct cause of sleepwalking. Withdrawal from alcohol may cause abnormal sleep behaviors, including sleepwalking, but there have been no tests to determine this. Learn more about the alcohol rebound effect here.

How To Help Sleepwalking

If sleepwalking becomes an issue for yourself or someone else, there are many ways that you can help to prevent sleepwalking and stay safe. Medication is rarely prescribed to help prevent sleepwalking, but there are non-medication options that you can try.

Avoiding alcohol can help to reduce the risk of sleepwalking as it can play a role in confusing your consciousness levels during sleep. It is also important to try to eliminate any anxiety or stress in your daily life as this could encourage sleepwalking.

Making sure that you have plenty of rest can help to reduce the risk of sleepwalking. Suffering from sleep deprivation can increase the risk of sleepwalking, so making sure that you are well rested will help to relax your mind and your body.

The Dangers Of Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol use disorder refers to one’s dependency on the consumption of alcohol. There are lots of factors that can contribute to someone developing an alcohol use disorder, such as genetics and family history.

Regular alcohol consumption can alter behavior, mental health, and physical health. If you are struggling to spot the signs of alcoholism, here are some of the most common symptoms to look out for:

  • A lot of time is spent drinking
  • Drinking at inappropriate times of the day or events
  • Continuing to drink despite being aware of the negative impacts it is having on daily life
  • Needing more alcohol to reach the desired state
  • Struggling to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed

All of these signs are common symptoms of alcohol use disorder. Seeing someone live with these symptoms can be tough, but there are ways of getting help.

Where To Find Help

AspenRidge offers an extensive alcohol use disorder treatment program that provides support and care to its clients. There is a range of programs for you to choose from so that AspenRidge can offer as much support as necessary.

Partial Hospitalization Programs

With the partial hospitalization programs, clients are offered the same high level of support as other clients but do not stay in the facility. Once the client has received their treatment, they will return home in the evenings, providing structure and support to their lives.

This program works very well in introducing clients to recovery and transition into everyday life.

Intensive Outpatient Programs

With the intensive outpatient programs, clients will still be able to carry on their daily lives when attending school or work, and will still be offered extensive support from AspenRidge around the client’s schedule.

This program offers the same support to its clients, but it is in a different form. It allows the client to continue with their responsibilities while receiving the correct support.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program

The dual diagnosis treatment program offers clients the opportunity to address underlying issues which may have contributed to their alcohol use disorder. Working with AspenRidge, the client can begin the process of dealing with their underlying issues and alcohol use disorder.

By taking part in the dual diagnosis program, clients have a much better chance of long-term recovery.

Alcohol And Sleep Disorders

Colorado Alcohol Treatment Program

To conclude, alcohol hasn’t been proved to be a direct cause of sleepwalking, but it can lead to triggering other sleep disorders that could increase the risk of sleepwalking.

Undiagnosed sleep apnea could lead to alcohol-induced sleepwalking due to confused consciousness levels, and alcohol withdrawal can also induce insomnia, which can increase the risk of sleepwalking.

It is important to remember that nobody is alone in tackling alcohol use disorders. AspenRidge offers extensive support to help clients overcome their issues with alcohol so that long-term recovery is possible. The first step is always the hardest, but AspenRidge is here to help. Contact us directly at 855-281-5588.

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