Signs of Marijuana Addiction | AspenRidge Recovery

Signs of Marijuana Addiction

Signs Of Marijuana Addiction | Aspenridge Recovery

Reports from the National Institute on Drug Abuse show that close to 9 percent of those who take marijuana develop an addiction. For this reason, an addiction to this substance is more common than it seems. Most individuals are unable to discontinue their intake of marijuana due to dependence and later experience its negative effects.

Some of these negative effects may include health conditions, financial challenges, and problems with relationships or careers. Preventing these negative effects may seem difficult, especially once addiction sets in. However, there are signs to look out for to determine the presence of marijuana addiction in an individual or loved one.

The AspenRidge Recovery Center can help. Our well-designed and planned treatment options help people recover quickly. Contact us 24/7 directly at (855) 281-5588.


Signs Of Marijuana Addiction

10 Signs of Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana and alcohol addiction are two of the most common substance use disorders with visible signs in Colorado. Marijuana addiction may cause visible symptoms. These signs also range from mild to severe. Here are some of the significant signs of marijuana addiction to note:

  1. Intake of an unintended quantity of marijuana.
  2. Spending lots of time using marijuana.
  3. Craving marijuana.
  4. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms from marijuana intake.
  5. Giving up family activities for marijuana.
  6. Intake of marijuana, regardless of its effects at home, school, or work.
  7. Intake of marijuana in inappropriate or high-risk situations, e.g., driving.
  8. Refusing to discontinue marijuana intake, even during psychological and physical conditions.
  9. Requiring more marijuana to experience the same “high.”
  10. Trying to quit consistent intake of marijuana but failing.

Other Major Marijuana Symptoms and Warning Signs

Marijuana intake can cause a wide range of symptoms and warning signs to note. Some of these are:

Bloodshot Eyes

Cannabinoids bind to the cannabinoid receptors to cause the widening and dilation of blood vessels. For this reason, there’s an increase in blood flow to certain areas like the eye that causes a decrease in blood pressure. When there’s an increased blood flow to the eyeball, it becomes red in appearance, and the decreased blood pressure leads to dizziness.

Many regard the bloodshot eye as a symptom that occurs only due to smoking marijuana. However, it also occurs due to ingesting the edibles. Note that bloodshot eyes from directly consuming marijuana also depend on the quantity of THC ingested.

Increased Appetite

According to a 2014 article in Clinical Neuroscience, ingesting cannabis and smoking the substance can increase a person’s appetite. This increase in appetite occurs when cannabinoid (CB1) receptors in the brain get stimulated. The receptors release a hormone that helps increase food consumption.

Other research in animals also shows that cannabis may cause a release of ghrelin, which is a hormone responsible for stimulating appetite.

Weight Gain

Due to an increase in appetite due to marijuana intake, there’s also a high tendency for snacking. A study in the Journal Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience reviewed the effects of marijuana on human weight. According to the research, individuals with regular intake of larger marijuana quantities consumed more calories than those who smoked less.

Aside from weight gain, marijuana can also cause certain dietary risks. Some of these include an increase in blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglycerides.

Lack of Motivation

Long-term intake of marijuana may cause the production of less dopamine, which is a chemical linked to motivation. Research shows that the dopamine levels in a certain region of the brain responsible for movement and reward were lower in those who smoke more cannabis [3].

Impaired Coordination

THC in marijuana may have significant effects on the normal functioning of the cerebellum in the brain responsible for balance and coordination. The substance can also interfere with the basal ganglia responsible for controlling movement. Hence, it’s advisable that individuals who consume the substance don’t perform high-risk activities like driving.

10 Signs Of Marijuana Addiction

What to Do When Addicted to Marijuana

When you recognize you are addicted to marijuana, you are one step ahead to experiencing recovery. When you observe that you may have this challenge, try reaching out to a loved one for help or consulting a mental health professional for support.

In licensed addiction treatment facilities, there are various methods experts employ to treat marijuana addiction. Some of these include:


Detox is a process that involves getting rid of marijuana from the body system. It’s imperative to carry out this process in a licensed recovery clinic in Colorado to manage withdrawal symptoms.

Talk therapy

Talk therapy involves Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for individuals facing marijuana use disorder.

CBT helps individuals experiencing this condition highlight their unhelpful ways of thinking and learn better ways to think. Through this process, individuals are able to cope better with stressors or situations that cause addiction.

Motivational Incentives

Another name for motivational incentives is contingency management. This process involves giving oneself a reward for staying drug-free for a certain period. During contingency management, the individual works with a mental health therapist or addiction treatment specialist to set achievable milestones or goals and get the best rewards.


There are no FDA-approved medications for directly treating marijuana abuse. However, certain studies show that medications for sleep, anxiety, and other conditions may help. Hence, individuals with conditions like anxiety and depression may get help stopping marijuana abuse after treating those conditions.

What To Do When Addicted To Marijuana

FAQ – Marijuana Addiction Symptoms

Which are the Signs of Marijuana Use?

Signs of marijuana use vary from mild to severe. Some of the significant ones to note are:

  • Memory Impairment
  • Nervousness or Paranoia
  • Distorted Perception
  • High or Euphoric Feeling
  • Constant Feelings of Anxiety

What are the 5 Warning Signs of Drug Use?

Regardless of the substance, there are specific warning signs to look out for, especially with constant intake. Five of the major warning signs of drug use include:

  • Development of Noticeable Physical Symptoms
  • Change in Appearance
  • Loss of Interest
  • Mood Swings
  • Reclusive Behavior

AspenRidge Recovery – Colorado Marijuana Addiction Treatments

Have you observed any of the signs of marijuana addiction? It’s never too late to reach out and get help today. Speak to licensed mental health professionals and get effective and tailored support for you in Colorado.

AspenRidge in Colorado provides a suitable Marijuana Addiction Treatment Program that proves you are not alone. We also provide an Alcohol and Marijuana Treatment Program.

Not sure whether you have the program right for you? Reach out to us at (855) 281-5588. Let’s help you today. Recovery is posible and a fulfilling life starts here.