How to Treat a Marijuana Addiction | AspenRidge

How to Treat a Marijuana Addiction

How To Treat A Marijuana Addiction | Aspenridge

With recreational marijuana use legal in 18 states (about 36% of the country) and medical marijuana use legal in 36 states (roughly 72% of the country), the drug seems to have gained universal acceptance. Over half of American adults (56%+) say it’s “socially acceptable” to use the substance; 60% of Americans favor fully legalizing Marijuana for all purposes, including recreational use, and 83% think it should be legalized for medical purposes.

When evaluating an individual’s consumption, it’s crucial to have a thorough understanding of the symptoms, effects, and hazards. Having the correct information about the addictive properties of marijuana and how to treat a marijuana addiction can ensure that help gets to people who need it.

The AspenRidge Recovery Center can help. Our well-designed and planned treatment options help people recover quickly via our Marijuana Rehab Center. Contact us 24/7 directly at (855) 281-5588.

How To Treat A Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana Abuse & Addiction

Marijuana, a psychoactive narcotic, alters perception in individuals who engage in its use. The psychoactive “high” from marijuana is caused by a molecule called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Everyone responds differently to marijuana, and the high from smoking the drug wears off far more quickly than from ingesting it, depending on the THC content.

Since laws regarding the legality of marijuana are often changing, the drug stands somewhere between its “level one” substance classification and the fact that it may have beneficial medical applications. In 2020, the highest rate of Marijuana use was found in the 18-25-year-old demographic (34.5%), followed by the 26+ age group (16.3%) and the 10-17 age group (20.1%).

Some of Marijuana’s side effects are:

  • Increased Euphoria
  • Subtle hallucinations
  • Appetite stimulation
  • Decreased anxiety

CBD Marijuana Addiction

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is another active element in marijuana. THC gets all the attention because of the problems it’s known to cause. CBD is related to other aspects of the body that are more in line with overall wellness, in contrast to THC, which latches to brain receptors that regulate and monitor mood, appetite, and pain. Although the FDA has licensed CBD for treating epilepsy, its potential for reducing anxiety, sleeplessness, and chronic pain remains to be explored.

Signs of Marijuana Addiction

When a person consumes marijuana, a neurotransmitter called anandamide binds to cannabinoid receptors in the brain. Because of how closely THC mimics and inhibits the functions of natural neurotransmitters like anandamide, the body eventually stops producing enough of this chemical on its own, especially after heavy use.

Substance dependence develops when the brain becomes used to the drug and the externally produced endocannabinoid neurotransmitters at the expense of its sensitivity to and synthesis of the naturally occurring neurotransmitters.

A few signs of Marijuana dependency are:

  • Excess consumption of a drug or the need for more of it to achieve the same effect.
  • Keeping on with Marijuana use despite adverse health effects or mental health worries.
  • Using Marijuana to excessive levels and abandoning or running late on responsibilities
  • Putting Marijuana use ahead of time with loved ones or hobbies the individual used to enjoy
  • Suffering from unpleasant withdrawal signs and symptoms upon discontinuing or reducing Marijuana use.

Signs Of Marijuana Addiction

Is Marijuana Addiction Physical or Psychological?

A challenging physical detox process typically accompanies substance dependence and addiction. Individuals who are in the process of quitting marijuana use report experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Anxiety, cravings, irritability, insomnia, and loss of appetite are all common withdrawal symptoms.

However, psychological dependence is observed by Marijuana users at much higher rates. Wanting to smoke despite adverse health or social repercussions is a symptom of psychological dependence. Regular and chronic users of marijuana frequently experience cravings for the drug. Events, places, groups of people, and habits that involve smoking can all serve as triggers for cravings.

A relapse to marijuana use is driven more by psychological dependence and desires than by any actual physical withdrawal symptoms. A person’s likelihood of entering therapy increases when they reach a point of psychological reliance.

Available Treatments for Marijuana Use Disorders

Programs for treating people with marijuana dependence are tailored to each patient’s specific needs. The duration of these treatment programs can vary widely. Cannabinoid dependency can be treated in several ways, including:

Outpatient Program

Flexibility is provided to participants in the outpatient program. Patients can get treated while continuing with their regular life. Those who don’t need constant monitoring can benefit from this program. Treatment consists of 90 minutes of therapy once a day for several weeks.

Day Intensive Outpatient Program (5-Day IOP)

Intensive outpatient clinics offer a day 5-Day IOP to effectively treat co-occurring mental health and substance use problems. Typically fifteen hours per week of therapy, the 60-day program medication-assisted treatment consists of five-day-a-week, three-hour-long group therapy sessions.

Evening Intensive Outpatient Program (5-Day IOP)

Medication-assisted treatment is also offered in evening 5-Day IOP, accessed virtually and in person. This is a twice-weekly individual therapy session. The group treatment sessions occur three times each week for three hours.

Partial Hospitalization Program (Day Program)

Day Program refers to a type of intensive outpatient care that often entails 30 or more hours of treatment each week. The program consists of weekly six-hour group therapy sessions spread out across five days. Medication is an integral part of Day Program’s 30-day care plan, which also features one-on-one counseling sessions.

Inpatient Program

Individuals participating in an inpatient program are required to stay at the facility 24/7 for the duration of treatment. During their time in therapy, they will be housed at a supervised facility. The program provides access to a safe and nurturing residential setting. Individuals with mental health disorders benefit from it.

Rehab For Marijuana Dependence Aspenridge Recovery Center

Rehab for Marijuana Dependence: AspenRidge Recovery Center

Individuals who regularly use or abuse marijuana generally struggle with mood disorders like anxiety, paranoia, and sadness.

How to treat a marijuana addiction is vital to help those who are addicted. These individuals are free to select the rehabilitation program they feel will best help them get better. We offer effective outpatient care in Colorado at AspenRidge Recovery Center to enable effective recovery.

You can contact us today via our telephone at (855) 281-5588 to learn more about our treatments and programs.