How To Recover From Drug Addiction | Can Drug Addiction Be Cured

How To Recover From Drug Addiction

Despite surrounding myths, addiction is a treatable disease. However, recovering from substance use disorder (or SUD) is challenging – both for individuals’ suffering, as well as family members within close proximity. Seeking help can feel like a daunting task and many may wonder how to recover from drug addiction. Fortunately, through evidence-based research, addiction treatment specialists are able to effectively address different factors that contribute to substance abuse. Learn more about options that may provide support for you or a loved one.

Although the journey to sobriety is a challenge, there are many resources, pathways, and support systems available to help individuals navigate long-term sobriety. This article will provide you with some information on the process of recovery and ways in which you can recover successfully.

Recovering From Drug Addiction

The Science Of Addiction Recovery

Addiction is classified as a brain disorder. Characterized by compulsive behaviors, addiction makes it difficult, sometimes impossible for a person to control drug use habits. At the onset of substance use disorder, decision-making is no longer based on probable dangers or side effects, but rather impulsion.

When suffering from addiction, the brain is usually altered in several ways. For one, when someone develops an addiction, the brain impulsively craves the reward of the substance. The effects of this can lead to individuals becoming tolerant or physically and psychologically dependent on continued use.

There is a significant difference between addiction, tolerance, and dependence. Becoming tolerant of a substance means that your body has adapted to its presence over time. Dependence is the body’s physical and even psychological need to use drugs.

The science of addiction recovery has classified several research-based methods that are designed to assist the process of recovery. To help people take control of their lives again, treatment is a vital part of long-term recovery. Some recovery options include:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Group Therapy & 12-step programs
  • Mental Health Therapy

How to Recover From Drug Addiction: Treatment Options

Assessing how to recover from drug addiction is not easy. Self-reflection and a natural first step to request help can be essential to help a person shift their mindset toward sobriety. With supportive care, individuals may be more equipped to seek treatment options for addiction. Some options may include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavoiral Therapy (CBT) is an effective method used to treat addictions. It focuses on behavioral changes rather than addressing substance use directly. In many ways, this approach addresses thoughts and beliefs that drive addictive behavior. For example, it may teach people to identify and challenge self-defeating thoughts such as ‘I’m not good enough.’ Cognitive behavioral therapy can be highly effective in treating alcohol use disorder.

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational interviewing is another useful tool that can be used to aid the process of recovery. Motivational interviewing involves asking questions that encourage clients to think about why they need to change, what would make them happy, and what steps they could take to start taking control over their life again.

12 Step Programs

12 Step Programs are also helpful in recovering from addiction because they teach people to recognize the triggers that cause them to relapse into substance use. They teach people to replace these triggers with positive ones like family members, friends, hobbies, and interests.

Mental Health Therapy & Counseling

Mental health therapy and counseling is a crucial part of the recovery process. Counselors work with individuals with an addiction to help them understand substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. They can also provide support during the detoxification stage of treatment. Family therapy can also be an effective method of addressing and recovering family disputes or disrupted relationships.

Recovery is possible for anyone suffering from addiction. If you or a loved one are suffering from addiction and are unsure of the process of tackling a substance use disorder, help is available today at AspenRidge Recovery.

Brain In Substance Abuse Treatment

The presence of potent substances has a critical effect on the brain changing its dynamics, capabilities, and performance. Some substances have the power to cause permanent damage to the brain. So, if substance use has the potential to change the brain, how does the brain recover?

When the body recovers from substance abuse, it goes through a series of processes including:

Detoxification (or Detox)

During the initial stages of detoxification, the body eliminates all traces of the abused substance. It may take weeks to months to completely eliminate the substance from the body. This phase is usually accompanied by intense physical symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, tremors, sweating, and muscle cramps.

Withdrawal Symptoms

After the substance is eliminated from the system, the body starts experiencing withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms vary depending upon the type of substance being withdrawn.

Through substance abuse treatment, the brain recovers by going through similar phases. The following are the phases involved in the brain’s recovery:

  1. Detachment – The brain detaches itself from the effects of the substance. This phase begins when the person stops using a substance. It takes several days to a few weeks for this phase to begin.
  2. Withdrawal – The brain experiences severe physiological changes due to the absence of the substance. These include increased heart rate, irregular breathing, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, restlessness, mood swings, and depression.
  3. Rebound – When the brain returns to normal functioning after the substance is removed, it undergoes a rebound period. This means that the brain reverts back to its previous state. The duration of this phase depends upon the length of time the individual used the substance.
  4. Remission – The brain eventually reaches remission when the effects of the drug have been completely eliminated. This phase begins once the person is no longer abusing the substance.
  5. Relapse Prevention – Once the brain enters the relapse prevention phase, it becomes more resistant to the effects of the substance than before. This is why people who successfully quit using substances often experience relapses.

Overcoming Drug Addiction

What To Expect From Overcoming Addiction

Overcoming substance use disorder requires patience, determination, and persistence. You must be willing to put in the effort necessary to achieve sustained sobriety. There will be times when you feel like giving up but don’t let yourself get discouraged. Keep fighting!

There are many things you can do during your recovery process to help you cope with the challenges associated with overcoming substance use disorder. The most important thing is to be proud of how far you have come. Call us today at 855-281-5588 for additional support.

How To Avoid Relapse

As mentioned, the brain recovers gradually over a period of time. But, how can someone suffering from withdrawal symptoms in recovery avoid relapse? Or, if you’re a family member, how can you support your loved one to avoid relapse? Here are some tips to help overcome addiction:

  • Stay Positive – In order to stay positive during the process of recovering from SUD, it helps to remain optimistic. This will prevent negative thoughts from taking control of your mind. Some ways to maintain optimism are by practicing mindfulness, exercising, and getting plenty of exercise.
  • Get Support – If you feel like giving up, seek out the help of others. Family members or friends can be very helpful in supporting you while overcoming addiction. They can provide encouragement, advice, and moral support. You can also get professional help from a counselor, support group, or sponsor.
  • Keep Yourself Busy – Avoid triggers by staying busy. However, make sure not to become too preoccupied with work or other activities. This could lead to feelings of guilt and despair. Instead, try to find something that makes you happy. For example, go on a date with your partner, take a walk around the block, play sports or read a book.
  • Do Something New – Try new things. This way, you’ll learn about yourself and gain confidence. For instance, visit a museum or attend an event at a local community center.
  • Exercise Regularly – Exercising regularly keeps your body healthy. It also helps reduce stress levels and improves your overall mood.

How To Recover From Drug Addiction

AspenRidge Recovery: Addressing How to Recovery From Drug Addiction

Recovery is a challenging time for everyone involved but recovering from substance use disorder is possible, especially with support from friends and family. The journey of recovery need not be done alone. If you or someone you care about is unsure of how to get through recovery or the processes to take, AspenRidge Recovery can help. Offering leading addiction support from medical professionals, our Colorado-based treatment facility offers a range of treatments to support you and your family by providing the resources needed to achieve long-term recovery.

For more information or to speak to a dedicated member of our team about our treatment options for everything from alcohol addiction to opioid addictions, call us today at 855-281-5588.