How to Find the Right Rehab Center | Finding Drug Addiction Help

How To Find the Right Rehab Center

Drug and alcohol abuse and addiction are among the most prevalent problems in today’s modern society. Not only can the disease of addiction wreak havoc on an individual’s wellbeing, but it can also drastically impact families who are involved in the daily life of a user. Some of the most common signs of addiction include secretive behavior, the development of severe financial difficulties, and strained relationships in both personal and professional spheres. As new information becomes available about addiction and its possible treatment options, families are faced with yet another obstacle: how to find the right rehab center.

One of the most important decisions for individuals battling with substance use disorder is to finally seek help. It can often take years of coaxing, sobriety attempts, and even relapse before a person is willing and able to complete treatment for long-term recovery. Finding the right type of treatment center is paramount to successfully overcoming alcohol and drug abuse.

finding a rehab center


Rates of Substance Abuse

According to American Addiction Centers, 74% of adults suffering from substance use disorder (SUD) in 2017 struggled specifically with alcohol use disorder. About 38% of adults with a SUD faced an illicit drug use disorder. More alarmingly, in the same year, more than 8.5 million American adults suffered from both a mental health and substance use disorder.

In 2007, the direct and indirect costs of illicit drug use (excluding alcohol) totaled almost $200 billion. These numbers include costs associated with crime, healthcare, and loss in productivity due to drug use.

For specific drug use, it’s important to understand the harm and impact they carry. For one, alcohol is considered by experts to be the most harmful drug to other people (e.g., through assaults, domestic violence, etc.), followed by heroin and crack cocaine. Additionally, alcohol has been rated by experts as producing the greatest economic cost, injury, and family adversity, while heroin was associated with the most crime.

This information is incredibly important as families look for ways out of the endless cycle of drug abuse. It begs the question, what types of treatment options are the right fit? How does an individual consider how to find the right rehab center?

Finding the Right Rehab Center

Learning how to find the right rehab center may feel like a monumental task. As communities and addiction experts work to make treatment more accessible, the myriad of options can feel overwhelming. Some questions many families consider in the beginning include:

  • Is it possible to get sober without professional help?
  • Should detox happen under medical supervision?
  • What are the risks of relapse and how do you prevent them?
  • Where do I find the right resources for getting help?

These questions can often leave a person or family feeling disoriented in what direction they should turn to first. Learning how to find the right rehab center begins with understanding, first and foremost, your treatment needs and goals.

Figuring Out Needs and Goals for Substance Abuse Treatment

Usually, the first step in finding the right drug and alcohol treatment center or programs begins with thinking about specific goals. Most rehabilitation centers have different areas of specialty. For instance, some treatment facilities focus on detoxification and immediate withdrawal symptom help. Others are focused on integrative care that offers dual diagnosis support.

The same treatment center is not going to be right for everyone. It’s critical to set yourself up to be successful in the recovery process. Defining individual goals is a major first step toward long-term sobriety. For example, think about the various substances that you are trying to recover from. Examine whether your patterns of drug abuse are constant and all-consuming, or if you’re concerned with how quickly these drugs are taking over your personal or professional life. Given that drug abuse occurs on a spectrum, finding treatment sooner can eliminate the need for 24-hour care and, in some cases, detox.

Also, consider the behaviors and issues that are leading to substance abuse. Would therapy offer the benefits of support in helping to address past trauma? Learning how to find the right rehab center may mean taking a careful look at all of the possibilities that led to substance abuse in the first place.

Discuss the Issues with a Treatment Professional

At times, searching for the “right” type of treatment center may be too much to handle. After all, the constant battle of dependency leaves little time for careful consideration. Rather than use your own time for research, consider relying on an experienced drug addiction specialist. For many, finding a rehab center is a new process. It can be overwhelming to try and sift through various treatment options and eliminate the potential “poor fits.”

Treatment professionals are intimately familiar with the various options for alcohol and drug rehab. They are trained to understand the levels of care needed and can help point you in the right direction. They may even suggest options that you might not have known about. Connecting with an addiction specialist can save time and headaches. For immediate assistance, contact our helpline directly 24/7 at 720-650-8055.

Lifestyle Considerations

These days, alcohol and drug treatment options are becoming more accessible and, consequently, more flexible. Gone is the one-size-fits-all approach. Today, families and individuals should consider their daily life obligations. If personal and professional matters are hindering a person’s ability to find and attend treatment, there are options.

Online addiction help is becoming more mainstream. Still extremely effective with evidence-based curriculum, online drug and alcohol help can assist those who are apprehensive about risking home life or losing a job. With flexibility and direct support, online treatment options can prove to successfully help someone overcome alcohol or drugs.

Online therapy statistics suggest that virtual recovery is just as effective as in-person, but still may not be right for everyone. 

how to find the right rehab center

Investigating Various Suggestions

If you’ve met with a treatment professional in person or over the phone, you’ve likely discussed possible options for rehab. The next step to consider is to evaluate those in terms of the best fit. Use a search engine to read on information as it pertains to that specific treatment style or options. Find site-specific information that provides testimonials from prior clients. Typical drug addiction websites should also share information on their areas of focus and treatment approaches. They should also be receptive to people who choose to contact them directly and inquire for more information.

Inpatient vs Outpatient Drug Treatment

Narrowing down selections in how to find the right rehab center often means weighing inpatient and outpatient care. What is the difference between the two? Inpatient treatment centers require individuals to stay at their facility. The goal is to provide an intimate treatment setting with maximum supervision, particularly for those who are unable to handle possible relapse triggers and are not yet ready to expose themselves to temptations.

On the other hand, outpatient treatment centers allow people to go home during the day and continue with daily routines, offering minimal disruption to their schedules. Finally, there’s also a middle ground option called intensive outpatient programs, or partial hospitalization.

It’s important that both the addicted person and their loved ones understand the differences before selecting a treatment program. Finding the right treatment program can put you or a loved one on the road to sobriety. Learn more here

Addiction Treatment Methodology

It’s true that not everyone will benefit from the same type of treatment. While there are different options in terms of meeting schedules and physical demands, there’s also the underlying methodology to consider when learning how to find the right rehab center. There are numerous drug treatment approaches, including:

Behavioral therapy is perhaps the most commonly utilized type of treatment for addiction that is frequently used during substance rehabilitation. Addiction treatment commonly consists of a combination of group and individual therapy sessions that focus on teaching those in recovery the skills needed to get and stay sober as well as how to navigate various situations without turning to drugs or alcohol.

finding the right rehab center

AspenRidge Virtual Care Online Care

Those who need therapy often worry about the stigma involved when family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers discover they are seeing a counselor or therapist. Online counseling eliminates public attention to recovery and rehab. Online counseling occurs in the privacy of clients’ homes or workspaces.

Online counseling lets individuals get help in a secure environment. There is no anxiety over locating the counseling center, dealing with traffic, finding the right building, and meeting strangers.

Face-to-face conversations can be intimidating and overwhelming. This can be a major roadblock to seeking help. Online counseling facilitates creating a safe, comfortable environment for counseling and recovery. The AspenRidge Virtual Care online program has demonstrated a high degree of popularity with both patients and AspenRidge online therapists.

Because every client has unique needs, AspenRidge Virtual Care offers several delivery options. This includes both individual and group counseling sessions. Through video conferencing, clients meet with counselors three times a week.