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Why Does AA Not Work For Everyone

Alcoholics Anonymous is a nonprofessional, community, and peer support organization dedicated to helping people solve their common problems of alcoholism. Or so the famed AA Big Book says. But AA does not work for everyone. Why does AA not work for some people? There’s a long answer to that question. I hope to answer your […]

What Does Fentanyl Look Like?

WHAT IS FENTANYL? Fentanyl is a man-made, synthetic opioid (as opposed to heroin and morphine which come from the poppy plant) that’s about 100 times more powerful than morphine. Because it’s made in a lab, fentanyl was designed to be far stronger than other pain-killing alternatives, which makes it an attractive way for drug dealers to extend […]


Side Effects of Heroin

All opiates or opioids are made from substances derived from the poppy plant. This includes heroin, opium, morphine, OxyContin and all the others. Heroin comes in many forms and is one of the world’s most deadliest drugs. In 2019, there were a total of 70,630 deaths from drug overdose in the United States; of the […]


What Is A Heroin High Like?

Heroin use is one leading cause of overdose deaths in the U.S. each year. The American supply of heroin is manufactured by criminal drug cartels and smuggled into the country primarily through the Southern border with Mexico. It’s rarely pure, and It’s often cut (other substances added) with synthetic opioids, making it even more dangerous. […]

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How Long Does Antabuse work?

Antabuse is an oral medication taken to discourage people from consuming alcohol. When taken correctly, users will become violently ill shortly after drinking alcohol. It is used in the treatment of alcohol use disorder.      How Was Antabuse discovered? Antabuse is the brand name of a medication called disulfiram, and its first known mention was […]


Are Dab Pens Safe?

With marijuana legal in 18 states and D.C., dispensaries are popping up all over the country. Along with bud and edibles, there’s also a new trend that’s taking the cannabis world by storm: dabbing. But the uptick in new forms of marijuana consumption is leaving many to ask, “are dab pens safe?” Let’s take a […]

Am I Addicted to Weed if I Smoke Every Day?

With recreational marijuana legalized in 18 states and Washington D.C., and medical marijuana legal in another 37, millions of Americans are picking up the pipe daily. For most people, pot isn’t a problem, and they can use it and not develop a dependency. That’s not the case for everyone. Contrary to popular opinion, marijuana is […]


Is My Dad an Alcoholic?

Almost seven million children in the U.S. have at least one alcoholic parent, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). If you have an alcoholic father, it can be easy to feel alone and worried about your health and safety as well as your alcoholic dad’s. Evidence shows children of alcoholic […]


How Long Do Opioids Stay in Your System?

How long do opioids stay in your system? If you’re asking this question, you may already be addicted. Oxy, Percocet, heroin and fentanyl are potent substances, and it’s easy to become dependent inadvertently. It’s vital to catch addiction early because the consequences are eventually fatal. Call 855-678-3144 and speak with one of our client advocates. […]


Fentanyl Overdose Symptoms

It’s hard to scroll through your newsfeed and not see a few articles about the fentanyl epidemic. The once-obscure drug has invaded the United States and the heroin supply. The highly potent opioid has been plucked from insignificance (except to hospital pharmacists and pain specialists), and the painkiller is now part of our national conversation […]