Alcohol Withdrawal Stomach Pain | AspenRidge Recovery

Alcohol Withdrawal Stomach Pain

Alcohol Withdrawal Stomach Pain | Aspenridge Recovery

Alcohol addiction is a common problem in the United States, affecting millions yearly. When individuals who have been consuming large amounts of alcohol for a long time suddenly stop, they can experience a range of withdrawal symptoms. One of the most common and uncomfortable symptoms is alcohol withdrawal and stomach pain.

Stomach pain during alcohol withdrawal can range from mild discomfort to severe pain. It can be a sign of a more serious condition. The pain is caused by the body’s reaction to suddenly stopping the intake of alcohol, which can cause irritation and inflammation in the digestive system.

At AspenRidge, we understand the challenges of alcohol addiction and withdrawal. We provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to detox and begin their journey to recovery.

This article will explore the causes and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and stomach pain, as well as treatment options and tips for managing this uncomfortable symptom.

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction and experiencing withdrawal symptoms, don’t hesitate to ask for help.


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next step toward recovery.

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What Is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is when an individual who takes alcohol cannot control their drinking habits. Also, it is when an individual cannot stop or reduce their intake of alcohol despite causing negative effects on the person.

Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder, is a chronic condition characterized by the compulsive consumption of alcohol despite the negative consequences it causes to a person’s physical health, social relationships, and personal and professional life.

Alcoholism is diagnosed when a person experiences at least two of the following symptoms within 12 months:

  1. Consuming more significant amounts of alcohol or for more extended periods than intended.
  2. Having a persistent desire to cut down or control alcohol use.
  3. Spending a lot of time obtaining, using, or recovering from alcohol use.
  4. Experiencing cravings or a strong desire to drink.
  5. Failing to fulfill primary responsibilities at work, school, or home due to alcohol use.
  6. Continuing to drink despite social or interpersonal problems caused or worsened by alcohol.
  7. Giving up important activities or hobbies because of alcohol use.
  8. Engaging in risky behaviors while under the influence of alcohol.
  9. Continuing to drink despite experiencing physical or mental health problems caused or worsened by alcohol.
  10. Tolerance, needing more alcohol to achieve the desired effect, and withdrawal symptoms when alcohol use is discontinued or reduced.

Alcoholism is a serious medical condition that can lead to many negative health consequences, including liver damage, brain damage, and increased cancer risk. Alcoholism treatment typically involves a combination of medication, therapy, and support groups.

Alcohol Withdrawal Stomach Pain

What Are Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms?

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are mental and physical problems when an individual reduces or stops drinking alcohol. Alcohol has a psychoactive effect on the brain. Frequent substance intake can make an individual dependent on it, making the brain change how it works. Hence, when the individual stops taking it, the brain is forced to work in its absence. Therefore, when an individual dependent on alcohol reduces intake, the body experiences withdrawal symptoms.

The signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal vary from person to person. It can be mild or severe. Below are some of the alcohol withdrawal symptoms:

  • High blood pressure
  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Anxiety
  • Seizures
  • Tremors
  • Stomach pain
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings

Is Stomach Pain a Common Symptom of Alcohol Withdrawal?

Sometimes, an individual who reduces or stops their intake of alcohol may experience stomach pain. Stomach pain is part of the withdrawal symptoms that an individual dependent on alcohol experiences. It is part of the first symptoms that can take some time to leave.

What Is Alcoholism?

What Causes Stomach Pain During Alcohol Withdrawal?

Alcohol stimulates the stomach to produce more enzymes to help digestion. The production of these extra enzymes irritates the stomach lining and leads to stomach cramps.

Also, frequent intake of alcohol reduces the mucous membrane that protects the stomach lining. After some time, the mucous membrane is eroded, and the stomach lining has increased susceptibility to intestinal problems.

How Long Does Stomach Pain Last During Alcohol Withdrawal?

The experiences of stomach pain during alcohol withdrawal differ from one person to another. For most people, the stomach pain can last for many days. However, individuals under supervision can get medical intervention on time and reduce the duration to a few hours.

Can Alcohol Withdrawal Stomach Pain Be Dangerous?

Stomach pain during alcohol withdrawal can be dangerous. Stomach pain can be an indication of an underlying infection. The cramps in the stomach may result from ulcers, acute gastritis, and bleeding, which can be fatal. Also, stomach pain can be a result of alcohol-related diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver. When abdominal  pain lingers for a long time, it can damage the stomach and digestive system.

What Medications Can Help With Alcohol Withdrawal Stomach Pain?

The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can become worse after 2 or 3 days. Hence, the use of medications may be needed. Benzodiazepines are majorly used to manage the withdrawal symptoms that come with alcohol withdrawal. Some over-the-counter drugs (OTCs) can also be used. It is important to talk to a doctor or pharmacist before taking OTC drugs for alcohol withdrawal treatment.

How Can I Prevent Stomach Pain During Alcohol Withdrawal?

Prevention of stomach pain during alcohol withdrawal is often feasible under medical supervision. Addiction rehab centers are equipped with facilities to make quitting alcohol easier for patients. They also give the patient tips and strategies on how to stop drinking.

Medications such as sedatives are used in alcohol rehabs to make the transition easy and comfortable for the patients. While recovering, it is important that the patients do not take a large amount of alcohol at once to prevent alcohol poisoning. Irregular breathing and serious abdominal distress are symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

How Can I Prevent Stomach Pain During Alcohol Withdrawal?

Are There Any Home Remedies for Alcohol Withdrawal Stomach Pain?

Experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms is not fun. However, there are some things you can do to make the experience better. Below are some stomach pain remedies you can try out at home during alcohol withdrawal:

Proper Hydration

Proper Hydration helps to prevent dehydration and also eliminate toxins that result from the breakdown of alcohol from the body. Intake of fluid helps to get rid of toxins through urination and perspiration. As a result, the toxins will stay in the body for a lesser time, making the stomach pain mild. Also, water can help to reduce cravings from alcohol, thereby preventing relapse. In addition, fluids help your body revert to normal functioning processes.

Proper Nutrition

A healthy diet can help to repair the damaged lining of the stomach. Hence, people experiencing stomach pain while staying away from alcohol should have good eating habits. Protein, complex carbohydrates and fibers are helpful during recovery from alcohol addiction. Vitamins and mineral supplements can also be added.


Engaging in physical activities is important when recovering from alcohol addiction. Physical activities boost the immune system and make it easier for the body to fight illnesses. When the immune system is good, there are less chances that the individual will experience stomach pain.

When Should I Seek Medical Attention for Alcohol Withdrawal Stomach Pain?

You should seek medical attention for alcohol withdrawal stomach pain when you start experiencing discomfort. Most withdrawal symptoms occur during alcohol detoxification. A medically supervised detoxification process is the safest way to stop the use of alcohol. When there is a problem, professionals recognize and treat the dangers before it becomes big. Therefore, seeking medical attention immediately you experience discomfort is important  and prevents the patient from having unpleasant experiences.

AspenRidge Recovery – Alcohol Withdrawal Stomach Pain

Withdrawal symptoms can make recovery from substance addiction uncomfortable and difficult. Fortunately, seeking help through addiction recovery centers can make the journey smooth, comfortable and easy.

The benefits of quitting alcohol are many, and they contribute positively to the overall health of an individual. AspenRidge Recovery center offers treatment for people struggling with alcohol addiction. These people can get help at Colorado alcohol addiction treatment programs. In addition, there are different alcohol treatment options for each individual. For questions, clarifications, and to know more about AspenRidge Recovery, contact us today at 855-281-5588.