Alcohol Treatment Denver | Alcohol Rehab | AspenRidge Recovery

Alcohol Treatment Denver

Alcohol Treatment Denver | Alcohol Rehab | Aspenridge Recovery

Alcohol abuse is more prevalent than ever. Today, more than 17.6 million Americans are struggling with alcoholism. Since alcohol is legal, some don’t even know they have the disorder until it’s out of control. Several try to quit without professional care. But once substance use has progressed to a certain level, it’s tough for most people to break free from addiction without help.

Alcoholism is a serial destructor of numerous lives and families. And it’s only getting worse. Participating in a structured licensed alcohol rehab center is a necessary first step for you or someone you love suffering from substance abuse.

“You are more than your addiction” is almost becoming an ordinary statement to some of us. But truthfully, you are not alone; we are here to help. Gladly, AspenRidge Recovery is here to help you and your loved ones heal and embark on the road to a healthier and happier life.

In this article, you can learn about Alcohol Treatment Denver and how to start the healing process.

Alcohol Treatment Denver

What is Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol addiction is a pattern of alcohol intake that involves difficulties controlling drinking. It’s a disease of dependency on certain substances that affects people from all walks of life. In the United States today, alcohol is the most used addictive substance. Therefore, it’s not hard to accept the widespread addiction across the country.

Experts idealized alcohol addiction as being influenced by race, genetics, sex, or socioeconomics. Although genetic behavioral, and psychological factors can contribute to being predisposed to this disease – it begins at home for several people. Too many children in Denver have at least one parent who suffers from alcoholism. As children witnesses their trusted guardian suffer from excessive alcohol intake, many of them revert to having alcohol-related issues when they are adults.

Sometimes people develop drinking problems even when they don’t take alcohol every day. But once the alcohol starts to play a role of an essential need in your life, you may be at risk of becoming an alcohol addict.

Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction

Recognizing alcohol addiction is not like cocaine or heroin. Alcohol is available and accepted by several cultures, and drinking can easily become a part of most people’s lives. With the regularities at many celebrations and gathers, it’s often hard to pinpoint those with the real alcohol problem.

Some symptoms of alcohol addiction include:

  • Frequent use or more drinks.
  • Not feeling hungover or having a high tolerance for alcohol.
  • Spending too much time drinking.
  • Desiring alcohol above everything else.
  • Wanting closeness with people who drink heavily.
  • Feeling anxious, depressed, or memory blackout from alcohol intake.
  • Dependency on alcohol to function.
  • Avoiding contact with family and loved ones.
  • Lack of focus or reasoning causing legal or professional issues.

Over time addictions tend to get worse. Noting these early warning signs helps identify and find treatment early before the worst happens. Approach a person struggling with alcohol addiction supportively instead of shaming or making them feel guilty helps to make them less resistant to your help.

Other health complications of alcoholism include:

Someone with alcohol addiction puts themselves, their families, and every other person at dangerous risk. According to Denver Public Health, one out of four Denver adults could be an alcoholic – Colorado holds the record of the 16th biggest drinking state. And the frightening statistic of increasing deaths from drunk-driving accidents is why Alcohol treatment should be compulsory.

Symptoms Of Alcohol Addiction

How Our Treatment Programs Address Alcohol Abuse

Almost every risk involved with alcoholism can be avoidable or treated with successful long-term recovery – especially if you begin now. It involves daily care, and there’s no quick fix. Without force, the person with an alcohol addiction must want to be sober and give to a lifetime commitment. If you are in Colorado and wondering what kind of alcohol treatment Denver facilities you or a loved one can visit, AspenRidge Recovery has you covered.

Enrolling in Colorado Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program begins with an evaluation. Then a counselor discusses your treatment options and guides you to decide on the right type of program you need.

Alcohol Rehab Denver

The outpatient or inpatient rehabilitation alcohol rehab Denver program is most people’s standard initial treatment option for recovery. Those that need a higher level of care can require up to 30 days of residential programs. The treatment process entails a period of detoxification before a rehabilitation program. It’s a recommended step to help in handling symptoms and emotional challenges.

  • In the residential facility, the client receives one-on-one counseling and medication services.
  • The outpatient treatment provides therapy sessions with daily support while the person lives at home.

Alcohol Recovery Denver

Our recovery program entails specific treatment plans to help you meet your goals. The first phase of treatment approaches the intake and customizes a care plan before proceeding to the detox process. We give a supportive approach to therapy that builds self-confidence and enforces self-esteem.

For effective management and treatment of alcohol abuse, therapy lays the foundation. In recovery, there’s usually an individual, group, and family therapy and aftercare process to help you achieve sobriety and avoid relapse.

Dual Diagnosis

Dual diagnosis involves substance abuse problems and mental health disorders co-occurring. Excessive alcohol intake can exacerbate mental illness symptoms, so if the person suffers from both, they need a detailed treatment plan to address the condition. We maintain appropriate collaborations and referrals for further mental health treatment with other professionals.


Alcohol Counseling Denver

Finding alcohol abuse treatment is not complete without a safe and supportive environment. Adequate care and long-term sobriety require counseling services. Counseling helps to give individuals a deeper understanding of their condition and develop a pattern of treatment that provides significant benefits.

Colorado Meth Addiction Treatment Program

AspenRidge Recovery addiction program approaches every client intending to achieve complete recovery from addiction. Meth addiction is a tough battle that can extend its grip on the family and friends close to the patient. Fighting Methamphetamine addiction alone is exhausting and often defeating. Work with us and let us help you recover from the detrimental lifestyle methamphetamine causes.

Alcohol Treatment Denver – AspenRidge Recovery

Alcoholism is a real disease that can show itself in various ways. It can affect the brain and neurochemistry, causing the addict to lose control of their actions. The severity of this disorder, how often they drink, and the type of alcohol they take in varies per person.

Regardless, addiction is a problem that can take a person’s identity captive and keep their joy out of reach. But it isn’t the end. No matter how often you have tried and failed, our expert team is ready and equipped to help individuals and families fight addiction and heal. With our AspenRidge’s alcohol treatment Denver programs, there’s hope to recover long-term and sustain a fulfilling future.